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<freemangordon> Wizzup: ok, i give up, going for input-ctrl mce module
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: cool
<buZz> huh, apt upgrade pulls xorg-legacy back in?
<Wizzup> buZz: only for -devel
<buZz> ah ok
<Wizzup> I did this to see if it would solve the ts problems
<Wizzup> and it did
<Wizzup> but now we're going another route with 'inhibited'
<buZz> ah! i had that ts issue, i think?
<buZz> i started chromium, zoomed in on a .jpg , and touch stopped working for everything else
<Wizzup> no, that is completely unrelated
<Wizzup> this is about the issue we're been talking about for the last ~3 days here non stop
<Wizzup> ;)
<buZz> :) ok
<buZz> i try to follow it all but it often goes over my head ;)
<Wizzup> np np
<Wizzup> brb
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<dsc_> ^-- anyone know whats going on here?
<freemangordon> dsc_: put source file first
<freemangordon> linker is picky on the arguments order
<dsc_> lel
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: do we have a way to have some files in mafw db for open media player testing?
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: no idea
<Wizzup> freemangordon: ok, dsc_ is looking at OMP now
<freemangordon> cool
<dsc_> yeah erm
<dsc_> Wizzup: I think you can use this to 1) create a playlist 2) add an item to the 'mafw db'
<dsc_> what this 'mafw db' actually is, not sure yet
<dsc_> also, mafw seems to come with its own renderer
<dsc_> which is a bit sus because Qt has their own multimedia stuff (gstreamer based or otherwise)
<dsc_> Wizzup: the white screen is not related to QML
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<freemangordon> we shall use mafw renderers
<freemangordon> also, iirc playlists come from tracker
<freemangordon> so, we have to install some tracker, maemo5 or upstream
<dsc_> yields no renderers, which explains the white screen
<freemangordon> you want mawf-gst-renderer
<freemangordon> which iirc has to be ported to gst 1.0
<freemangordon> I can do that, if you wait me to finish with the other things
<dsc_> ah
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