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<freemangordon> Wizzup: no, will do today
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<buZz> uvos__: could you add those two middle tabs on maseratiBatteryAdapter.tar.xz ? then we could maybe turn it into a product, so people could add a thermistor thats the right value, maybe some BMS for safety , and easily adopt new cells
<buZz> when i say product, i just mean some howto send to to pcbway/something to order flex pcbs yourself :)
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<uvos__> buZz: not so easy
<uvos__> from memory: the tabs have to be raised relative to the screw holes
<uvos__> you cant really do that with a pcb, you would need to add pads to the pcb and then solder some copper blocks to those or something like that
<uvos__> also the way the current design works
<uvos__> you have to have the copper layer up towards the battery door
<uvos__> so you can solder the batery wires to the pcb
<uvos__> if you flipp it over it would short against the rf shield
<freemangordon> uvos__: re ofono logs - did you set both variables I told you?
<uvos__> so you would have to do a 2 layer design
<uvos__> freemangordon: yes i added -d /etc/default/ofono*
<uvos__> and the envvar to /etc/init.d/ofono
<uvos__> did it not work?
<freemangordon> as I see only qmy logs, but not at ones
<uvos__> ok
<uvos__> hmm
<uvos__> maybe i did something wrong
<uvos__> i dident know what your soupposed to see in the log
<freemangordon> when you have both set, one can see both qmi and at traces in ofono.log
<freemangordon> now it is very hard (if possible at all) to match ofono vs n_gsm logs
<uvos__> cat /etc/default/ofono
<uvos__> DAEMON_OPTS=-d
<uvos__> cat /etc/init.d/ofono
<uvos__> ...
<uvos__> export OFONO_QMI_DEBUG=1
<uvos__> something missing?
<freemangordon> yes, I said two vars :)
<uvos__> oh ok
<uvos__> whats the other one?
<freemangordon> sec
<buZz> uvos__: maybe one of those pcb houses that also does manufacturing can add something liek that?
<uvos__> sure most can
<uvos__> its called pcb assembly
<buZz> right
<uvos__> and is quite expensive
<buZz> heh yes, 250 usd for 10x 40x10mm flexpcb with stiffener and 2 SMD parts (thermistor and whatever lump of copper?)
<buZz> oh wait, without pcb assembly the 10x 40x10mm flexpcb are 210 usd
<buZz> maybe i have expensive options selected :P
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<buZz> ~135 usd for 100x 40x10mm flexpcb, 2 layers, 0.23mm with a 0.1mm stiffener
<buZz> and assembled with 2 unique parts -> 540 usd for 100 pieces
<buZz> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<buZz> uvos__: what about just 'solder something of copper here' as instruction? :P
<uvos__> sure
<uvos__> very small though
<uvos__> for agv people
<uvos__> freemangordon: ok ill regrab the logs in ~2h
<freemangordon> ok
<uvos__> freemangordon: i gues for the sms log its not relevant
<uvos__> as dmseg dosent show any at commands during this time?
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<buZz> uvos__: i'm not against distributing such pcbs, and also feel able to solder blobs and thermistors to it
<buZz> but not sure if thats the best goal to target, but 100 pcbs are the same price as 10
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<freemangordon> uvos__: if possible, clean the old logs before capturing new ones
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<uvos__> freemangordon: i got the logs
<uvos__> i deleted the ofono log right before
<uvos__> they are in te same place on my host
<uvos__> the *2.log ones
<uvos__> the logs are from boot
<freemangordon> thanks
<uvos__> through sim unlock (yes i misstyped the pin once - this is not important)
<uvos__> then it connects
<uvos__> and then it looses signal
<uvos__> (not pictured) restarting ofono at that point gets the signal back
<uvos__> i presume i dont need to recapture the sms problem (incomeing sms are allawys stuck in pending)
<uvos__> since this dosent seam to touch the at interface at all
<uvos__> OUTGOING not incomeing sry
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<freemangordon> uvos__: so, it does not understand when the signal is recovered?
<freemangordon> is this the major issue?
<uvos__> it never reconnects unless a restart is issued
<uvos__> so either 1. its not instructing the modem to try and search for a netwok again (but why dose qmictl show one?), 2. it dosent realise the modem has reconnected
<uvos__> 3. the modem never looses signal at all
<uvos__> if its 1 or 2, why dose the modem allways loose network registration right after ofono starts?
<uvos__> (the first time)
<freemangordon> do you have some timestamp of the lost signal?
<uvos__> hmm not sure how to do that
<uvos__> maybe tirgger on some dbus singal?
<freemangordon> ok, no issue
<uvos__> ok so looks like the network is indeed lost right after ofono starts
<uvos__> if you watch qmicli
<uvos__> it goes to state
<freemangordon> what state?
<uvos__> not-registerd-seaarching for a while
<freemangordon> ok
<uvos__> and then it reconnects (as shown by qmicli)
<freemangordon> I guess it is this "Oct 4 12:20:51 localhost ofonod[3308]: drivers/qmimodem/network-registration.c:event_notify() signal with -1%(-125 dBm) on 4"
<uvos__> (possible also messing with qmicli here changes the result)
<uvos__> since it wakes the modem
<freemangordon> and then "drivers/qmimodem/network-registration.c:extract_ss_info() roaming 2 lac -1 cellid -1 tech -1"
<freemangordon> src/gprs.c:netreg_status_changed() 2 (searching)
<freemangordon> ok, will have a look
<uvos__> the same thing also happens later
<uvos__> if i really do loose connection by leaving the range of a tower
<uvos__> it dosent seam to ever find a new one after that
<freemangordon> ok
<uvos__> i again have to restart ofono for it to get it back
<freemangordon> I will try to re-create by putting it in the fridge
<freemangordon> or wrapping with a foil
<uvos__> microwave works well
<uvos__> (just dont turn it on :D)
<freemangordon> uvos__: oh, btw, is there aby way to have a stable usb connection?
<freemangordon> *a way
<uvos__> usb otg?
<freemangordon> no
<uvos__> or slave
<freemangordon> slave
<freemangordon> with networking
<freemangordon> it disconnects here every now and then
<uvos__> there is some issue with it dissconnecting when cpcap-charger changes charge state
<freemangordon> making it a nightmare to debug radio issues
<uvos__> maybe interferance
<freemangordon> maye rmmod cpcap-charger?
<uvos__> just dont use cpcap-charger and power the device some other way
<uvos__> freemangordon: just disable charge current in sysfs
<freemangordon> ok
<freemangordon> thanks
<uvos__> is sufficant
<uvos__> as a workaround
<freemangordon> this is /usb node, right
<freemangordon> the limit
<uvos__> right
<freemangordon> charge_current_limit?
<freemangordon> ok
<freemangordon> ttyl
<uvos__> pretty sure yes
<uvos__> ttyl
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<freemangordon> hmm, cannot make it lose signal :(
<freemangordon> wripping it in foild does not help
<freemangordon> *wrapping
<freemangordon> fridge does not help either
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<freemangordon> uvos: please unlock the device, stop mce and try to repro
<freemangordon> though I don't see SCRN command
<freemangordon> hmm
<freemangordon> still, make sure mce has send SCRN at least once
<freemangordon> and then unlock, stop mce ane see if it still the same
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<freemangordon> uvos: what "and then it looses signal" is supposed to mean? there are no bars in hildon-status menu? or the place there of gsm is empty?
<freemangordon> *fir gsm
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<freemangordon> uvos: oh, ok, I can reproduce it by doing AT+SCRN=0 and then switching the technology
<freemangordon> /usr/share/ofono/scripts/set-tech-preference gsm
<freemangordon> for example
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<freemangordon> uvos: mce *must not* touch modem ttys
<freemangordon> it might happen that it will receive CREG or other stuff when issuing SCRN
<freemangordon> so ofono will miss events
<freemangordon> also, if we fall of the network, we must issue SCRN=1, otherwise CREG never comes
<freemangordon> I need to think a while how to integrate ofono with screen lock
<freemangordon> do you know what does android do?
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: well, what should set scrn=0 then?
<freemangordon> "(19,16,41) freemangordon: I need to think a while how to integrate ofono with screen lock"
<freemangordon> :)
<freemangordon> IOW- no idea
<freemangordon> but kernel does not seem to copy the data to all the clients
<freemangordon> hmm, wait
<freemangordon> mce does not red
<freemangordon> *read
<freemangordon> so, scratch that
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<uvos> freemangordon: "uvos: what "and then it looses signal" is supposed to mean? there are no bars in hildon-status menu? or the place there of gsm is empty?"
<uvos> bars go away so dose 2g so dose the operator name
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<uvos> ofono ./list-modems lists no connection
<uvos> someone sets SCRN=0 on android
<uvos> idk who presumeably its moto_ril
<uvos> since it contains the string
<uvos> freemangordon: it happens even when i never allow mce to turn off the display
<uvos> so mce never sets scrn at all
<uvos> i can also try with mce totaly disabled in a sec
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<freemangordon> uvos: make sure SCRN=1 when you disable mce
<freemangordon> as I said earlier - unlock, stop mce and retry
<Wizzup> uvos: btw, did you see spinals typo fixes pr?
<buZz> hehe
<buZz> on what now? :P
<Wizzup> from a few days ago I think
<buZz> gee, not a single page on the wiki mentions sfone
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<Wizzup> buZz: mhm, well, it's lacking quite some things (libnotify is one)
<Wizzup> (as does conversations)
<Wizzup> I think we usually don't mention things too explicitly unless we agree they work well enough
<Wizzup> but maybe that's not the right approach
<buZz> i'm planning to at least go through the extras and make pages for it
<buZz> i think we should document what we have, as people want to use it
<Wizzup> agreed @ extras
<Wizzup> once sphone hits non-devel I think we ought to document it
<Wizzup> (well)
<buZz> we could already document it though
<Wizzup> mhm
<Wizzup> sure
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<buZz> is there a easy way to query the current CellId ?
<buZz> i'm grepping it out of iad_conndlg.log now, but feels a bit dirty :P
<Wizzup> yeah, I will disable that soon (the debug logs)
<Wizzup> mdbus2 will tell you
<Wizzup> mdbus2 -s org.ofono /motmdm_0 org.ofono.NetworkRegistration.GetProperties
<buZz> ah yezz
<Wizzup> I am not sure if it updates with SCRN=0, but I think it does
<buZz> thats backlight disabled mode?
<Wizzup> screen off yes
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<buZz> ah 'jq' , i keep forgetting about that tool :) (cmdline json parser)
<Wizzup> not sure if you can use it to parse mdbus2 output
<Wizzup> it's not json
<buZz> smells alike :P
<Wizzup> won't work, pretty sure
<buZz> hmmz, opening the internet connections in statusbar still disconnects gprs , but not wifi
<buZz> not sure if thats a bug or not :P
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<buZz> hmm, org.ofono.NetworkMonitor.GetServingCellInformation actually gets less information?
<buZz> and .GetNeighbouringCellInformation isnt implemented :( aww
<freemangordon> I know you said this is a hack
<freemangordon> but, I think we have another issue
<buZz> but we dont :( (on d4)
<freemangordon> what I see returned is 2 some times
<buZz> 2 registrations?
<buZz> oh, 2 radio_if_count ?
<buZz> Modem.GetProperties does -claim- the modem supports 'rat' :P (whatever that may be)
<freemangordon> Radio Access Technology
<freemangordon> so the correct patch would be to add those, no?
<buZz> ah yeah, i see what you mean, seems logical to add the others
<buZz> freemangordon: where are you receiving CDMA_1XEVDO ?
<freemangordon> here
<freemangordon> well, on ofono logs
<buZz> hehe, what nation? :)
<freemangordon> BG
<buZz> oh, cool :)
<freemangordon> this is just for a moment when I switch from umts to gsm
<Wizzup> freemangordon: sorry, what do you want to add?
<buZz> The CDMA Development Group states that, as of April 2014, there are 314 operators in 118 countries offering CDMA2000 1X and/or 1xEV-DO service.[7][needs update]
<buZz> my god
<buZz> :D
<buZz> Wizzup: extra types of QMI_NAS_NETWORK_RAT_*
<buZz> missing ones
<freemangordon> the missing values
<buZz> (which is now hardcoded to -1 always? or something, i didnt understand that)
<freemangordon> I think those missing is the reason you get -1
<Wizzup> freemangordon: it will still override the value from radio0 with the value from radio1 ,no?
<freemangordon> yes, but IIUC radio1 is with priority to radio0
<Wizzup> if you say cdma is
<freemangordon> cdma is before gsm/umts
<freemangordon> so gsm/umts will override
<Wizzup> then my patch is not necessary
<Wizzup> but it is
<Wizzup> iiuc
<freemangordon> I don't see why it is needed
<Wizzup> ok, maybe this without and see
<buZz> at the very least, ofono will improve from knowing the missing libqmi network types
<freemangordon> mhm
<freemangordon> but I will have to map
<buZz> which -might- remove the -1 output
<buZz> yeah, in that function?
<freemangordon> what is CDMA? GSM?
<buZz> UMTS
<Wizzup> CDMA is not umts
<Wizzup> this is the us radio tech
<freemangordon> it is not umts
<buZz> CDMA2000 compares to UMTS, a competing set of 3G standards, which is developed by 3GPP and used in Europe, Japan, China, and Singapore.
<buZz> right
<buZz> this amazed me > The CDMA Development Group states that, as of April 2014, there are 314 operators in 118 countries offering CDMA2000 1X and/or 1xEV-DO service.[7][needs update]
<buZz> -118- countries, is almost all the countries that exist?
<buZz> > The intended 4G successor to CDMA2000 was UMB (Ultra Mobile Broadband); however, in November 2008, Qualcomm announced it was ending development of the technology, favoring LTE instead.[8]
<freemangordon> Wizzup: do you remember *why* that patch was needed?
<Wizzup> yes, otherwise we get no technology reported, since cdma is second in the loop
<Wizzup> without it you get no 2g/3g indicator
<freemangordon> hmm, not here
<freemangordon> here it is first
<freemangordon> so, reverting the patch and adding missing defines should be the right fix, no?
<freemangordon> ok, but how do we know which one to show?
<freemangordon> like, why is cdma even reported here?
<Wizzup> well, we want to show the one that is active/online
<freemangordon> oh, ok, I see what you mean now:
<freemangordon> Oct 4 19:22:06 localhost ofonod[5563]: drivers/qmimodem/gprs.c:extract_ss_info() radio in use 5
<freemangordon> Oct 4 19:22:06 localhost ofonod[5563]: drivers/qmimodem/gprs.c:extract_ss_info() radio in use 2
<freemangordon> so, how do select to show 5 and not 2?
<Wizzup> don't know
<freemangordon> umts vs cdma?
<freemangordon> ugh
<buZz> oooo, does that mean we could have more than just '2G' or '3G' displayed
<buZz> but also EVDO etc
<buZz> so fancy!
<freemangordon> sure, but do we want to?
<freemangordon> I don;t think so
<buZz> i'd love it :)
<buZz> not that i'll see anything beside GPRS here, i think
<freemangordon> ok, I need some rest
<freemangordon> will continue tomorrow
<freemangordon> night!
<Wizzup> ttyl :)
<freemangordon> oh, a mail from andrew
<freemangordon> obviously I won;t reply today
<freemangordon> bye
<buZz> sleep tight
<buZz> Wizzup: so, what iap_conndlg.log is outputting as 'cellid' , is actually the LocationAreaCode
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<buZz> lol, friended ham nerd thinks he can spoof a 700mhz lte network for the droid4 :P
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<Wizzup> buZz: yes, I also have hw to do this
<buZz> cool :)
<Wizzup> but never didi t
<Wizzup> I forget what it was called
<buZz> hackRF i guess?
<buZz> or rad1o
<Wizzup> bladerf
<Wizzup> was like 800 usd or so
<buZz> ah, nice
<Wizzup> it's just eating dust at my house for years
<Wizzup> :(
<Wizzup> (2 years)
<buZz> rad1o was the badge of a cccamp, hackrf 'compatible'
<buZz> but its very narrow, maybe 2mhz?
<buZz> zarya is using some VoLTE hardware for it
<buZz> i think ..
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