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<Wizzup> uvos: does charge mode still exit for you on the power button on the d4?
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<uvos__> Wizzup: yes
<uvos__> Wizzup: but not if it hanged in drmioctl (wich is the same bug as xorgs black screen)
<uvos__> this happens occasionally
<uvos__> sometimes the kernel get wedged at the same time, (try removing the usb cord, the green light wont turn off, this light is controled by the cpcap charging reg, those in turn are changed in an irq handler in cpcap-charger.ko)
<uvos__> yes the kernel gets so wedged it cant service an irq, but somehow watchdog dosent rigger
<uvos__> *trigger
<uvos__> i really have no idea how to debug this, theres absouly nothing you can do to get output from this state
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<buZz> does anyone know where trojita saves its config?
<buZz> ah, i guess google knows *searches*
<buZz> oh, .config? huh
<uvos__> i mean thats the standard place for user config
<buZz> right, just cant figure why i didnt copy it :P
<uvos__> buZz: wrt "ok" no idea about the reboot, do bad you apt upgraded at the same time
<uvos__> possibly something dident reprobe after trigger
<uvos__> so idk what to do on this front
<buZz> maybe, but it wasnt the first boot
<buZz> i can test it again later, next week or something
<buZz> just plonk the latest droid4 tarball on a SD card and boot it
<buZz> (imho something we should try anyway every now and then)
<uvos__> btw debian/devuan upgraded firefox
<uvos__> and now its unusable on d4
<uvos__> scrolling fps whent from 20fps to several spf
<uvos__> ram consuption is up 2x and even just the ui, never mind webpages, is extreamly laggy
<uvos__> (upgrae was from ff 74 to 106
<uvos__> )
<uvos__> compleatly unusable now :(
<uvos__> buZz: yea agree @ booting images
<uvos__> we really should have some automated testing wrt that
<buZz> uvos__: aw @ firefox
<buZz> i dont try it often, chromium is so nice on touchscreen
<uvos__> ff had config options to make its ui just like the android version
<uvos__> in chrome i cant seam to find a way to hide the tabbar
<uvos__> *chromeium
<uvos__> with the huge tabbar in place imo theres not enough room in landscape to use it really
<uvos__> buZz: do you have chromeium configured to be able to work this well: ?
<uvos__> if so id like to know how to set it up
<buZz> yeah, defaults are like that
<uvos__> well the touch gestures yeah
<uvos__> but not the rest of the ui
<buZz> uvos__: there's a fullscreen button in top right menu
<uvos__> (here at least)
<buZz> but yeah there needs to be some DPI setting to get UI to be smaller
<buZz> i think there is
* buZz afk now, bbl
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<freemangordon> uvos__: use "fullscreen" option in chromium and set zoom level to your liking
<freemangordon> to unfullscreeen just press-and-hold
<freemangordon> chromium is way smoother than FF
<uvos__> interestingly not here
<freemangordon> that's really weird
<uvos__> old ff (74) is quite a bit smoother in scrolling than chromium
<uvos__> im ussing bbc news as refferance
<freemangordon> lemme open it, I'll capture a vide
<freemangordon> *vide
<freemangordon> aah
<freemangordon> VIDEO
<uvos__> not that this was ddk1,9
<uvos__> its slightly smoother yet now
<freemangordon> hmm, yeah, looks fast
<freemangordon> never seens such smoothness here
<freemangordon> maybe some special settings?
<uvos__> hmm
<uvos__> wierd
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<freemangordon> not that I ever opened bbc news :)
<uvos__> not really i just enabled the gesures and sutch
<uvos__> nothing perf wise
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<uvos__> bbc news is fairly hevy really
<freemangordon> MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1, right?
<uvos__> yeah also a about:config option to add android style zoom
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<uvos__> apz.allow_zooming
<uvos__> other than that its just a changed ui scale
<freemangordon> yes, you are right FF is faster on bbc
<uvos__> and i added a custom ui style sheet that removes the tab bar and some other element
<uvos__> s
<uvos__> ok
<uvos__> its just content dependant then
<uvos__> sorta looks like chomeium is faster on very light pages while ff is faster every where else on a quick glance
<freemangordon> not really, chromium is very fast on BG news site which is very heavy
<freemangordon> lemme check FF on it
<uvos__> anyhow it dosent really matter now since ff 109 is so slow its absurd
<freemangordon> hmm
<uvos__> like seconds to render a frame on bbc
<freemangordon> FF is faster there too
<freemangordon> yeah
<freemangordon> they tried to push 10x on my ubuntu, it was so broken it was crashing every now and then
<freemangordon> 100% of the times it was segfaultin on clode
<freemangordon> *close
<freemangordon> dunno, maybe raise a bug?
<uvos__> or just go forget it and improve qtwebbrowser as a permanent solution
<uvos__> dunno
<freemangordon> I don;t think we can support that
<freemangordon> is it the same engine as chrome?
<uvos__> effort wise?
<freemangordon> yes
<uvos__> idk its pretty small
<freemangordon> maybe brave will finally become ARM
* freemangordon checks
<uvos__> a modern browser isent alot if you just use a qt web view
<freemangordon> well...
<freemangordon> paswords, per-sit settings, UI changes, plugins, etc
<uvos__> the other options that becomes available is to use plamos browser once we upgrade to chimera
<uvos__> that one is quite nice imo
<uvos__> freemangordon: sure depends on you expectations of a browser
<freemangordon> well, I expect full browser :)
<uvos__> freemangordon: id be mostly ok with qtwebbrowser + adblock i think
<freemangordon> but, to have adblock one shall support plugins
<uvos__> the underlieing webview dose
<freemangordon> hmm
<uvos__> so just needs some ui code
<freemangordon> FF/chromium ones?
<uvos__> the qt one
<uvos__> used in qtwebbrowser
<uvos__> (in turn based on chromiums blink)
<freemangordon> ok, but is it possible to install uBlock as is, for example?
<freemangordon> I guess no
<uvos__> no
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<freemangordon> yeah, that's my point, we have too many pieces missin
<uvos__> i think plugins for falkon should work (but needs investigation)
<uvos__> it uses same webview
<uvos__> well its not using webrender at all here
<freemangordon> right
<freemangordon> but maybe it is related
<freemangordon> or at least this profiler site can give a clue what happens
<uvos__> yeah
<freemangordon> not that I understand how to use it :)
<freemangordon> ugh, new libc6?
<freemangordon> yeah, 102 is useless
<freemangordon> but I think someone shall raise a bug
<uvos__> xD
<uvos__> jesus
<freemangordon> oh, in v102 they don;t even try gles2
<freemangordon> hmm, wait, maybe they do
<freemangordon> code is like spaghetti
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<freemangordon> IIUC it shall bind to EGL_OPENGL_ES_API instead
<freemangordon> I may try to binary patch to see if it will make any diff
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<freemangordon> ok, this is really unacceptable:
<freemangordon> firefox-esr-dbgsym : Depends: firefox-esr (= 78.15.0esr-1~deb10u1) but 102.4.0esr-1~deb10u1 is to be installed
<freemangordon> debian guys seem to no longer care
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<freemangordon> oh, it is nother repo
<freemangordon> *another
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<freemangordon> not, it is not there
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<uvos> freemangordon: whats not there?
<freemangordon> dbgsym for firefox-esr
<uvos> uff
<freemangordon> also, GPU detection code in bout v102 and mozilla-central looks like broken to me
<freemangordon> if-deffing gles2 for aarch64 only is... I am speechless
<uvos> not a suprise
<freemangordon> so, maybe we can fork and fix
<freemangordon> but I wonder if there will be any improvement
<uvos> idk even startup is hella slow on 102
<freemangordon> mhm
<uvos> never mind rendering anything
<freemangordon> no idea what did they do to break it that badly
<uvos> its rust ;D
<freemangordon> hehe
<uvos> (joking)
<uvos> ill tryi new ff on android on d4 would give us a feal if it can be usable with hw accell
<freemangordon> I doubt you will be able to install it on such an old android
<freemangordon> but...
<uvos> its not so old
<freemangordon> back then I had an account on mozilla bugtracker, maybe I shall check if it is still there
<uvos> ff needs api level 22
<uvos> d4 easly clears this with api level 25 (android 7)
<freemangordon> so, I cannot install without google account?!?
<freemangordon> come on
<uvos> its in fdroid as "fennec"
<uvos> (just a rebrand
<uvos> )
<uvos> dont use the playstore its crap
<freemangordon> I am going to use mozilla github releases
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<freemangordon> uvos: well, it is better
<Wizzup> uvos: ok @ drmioctl
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<Wizzup> uvos: ok, got the droid2's too
<Wizzup> now I have to figure out how to carry 40-50 phones through the TSA
<freemangordon> ff 102, is almost that slow on android as on leste
<freemangordon> well, not *that* slow, as on leste it is useless, but still
<freemangordon> also, it seems to misrender
<freemangordon> In some level of zoom people are like Na'vi :D
<Wizzup> na'vi?
<uvos> Wizzup: i presume they are blue
<uvos> freemangordon: :(
<Wizzup> black and white
<Wizzup> the d2
<uvos> the pople in freemangordon's ff as rendered on android
<uvos> 50 phones?
<uvos> whats the breakdown here device wise?
<freemangordon> Wizzup: yeah, they are blue
<Wizzup> ooh
<Wizzup> lol
<freemangordon> avatar planet natives
<Wizzup> never saw the movie
<uvos> no loss
<freemangordon> :nod:
<Wizzup> uvos: I thought you were asking if the phones were blue :)
<uvos> :P
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<sicelo> xkeyboard-config 2.37 somehow broke N900's Fn key, i.e. all the blue characters don't work
<sicelo> great. i just found a fix
<uvos> and that was...?
<buZz> might be related to my issues earlier?
<uvos> maybe yeah
<buZz> i just didnt do anything to fix it :P
<sicelo> i don't think it was related
<sicelo> just needed to add a specific line for Mod5. no idea how it was working in the past while that wasn't there
<sicelo> the rx-44 and su-w8 keymaps had it
<buZz> Wizzup: honestly. imho that ebay vendor is crap
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<buZz> Wizzup: not only are the 'holsters' he listed somehow 'missing' , also the HDMI docks are missing now
<buZz> Wizzup: do you honestly want to go through effort of importing just those vehicledocks?
<buZz> i kinda expect them to be general non-motorola vehicledocks
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<Wizzup> buZz: ah, too bad
<buZz> you think the vehicledocks are worth it?
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<Wizzup> not sure, I liked the desktop docks
<buZz> yeah, thats what i was hunting for
<Wizzup> in any case we can take some time to think about since I can't take it from the US anymore anyway
<buZz> right
<sicelo> if only fixing the usb phy was this easy ):
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<norayr> folks do u think pinetab will hae same power management issues as pinephone?
<buZz> norayr: is it a allwinner A40?
<buZz> A64*
<buZz> ah, yes, then yes
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<dotexe1337> just got my new n900! came with the original box & all accessories, all sealed
<dotexe1337> even the earbuds
<sicelo> wowza!
<Wizzup> the chinese ones?
<dotexe1337> ye the refurbished one from china
<dotexe1337> only issue is the keyboard light is uneven (have basically no light in the center)
<dotexe1337> but other than that it works just fine
<dotexe1337> i am gonna mess with fremantle for a bit and then try leste
<Wizzup> cool
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<Wizzup> sicelo: looks kinda cute
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<buZz> that atom is hate though :P almost 15 years old
<buZz> ah, device is same age :)
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<dotexe1337> hi, so i installed u-boot on my n900 but i cant get into the boot menu, even if the keyboard slide is open. just takes me straight into fremantle
<dotexe1337> well, i reinstalled it and it works now. nvm lol, sorry
<dotexe1337> not sure why it didnt work the first time
<Wizzup> glad to hear it
<buZz> congratz :)
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