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uvos: mpv somehow succeeds to break gpu playback
after several attempts, fullscreen xv renders with 2 fps, but that happens only after mpv was used
also, sometimes when mpv is switched to fullscreen, with gpu vo, the video is misrendered (it looks like wrong pitch is assumed)
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ok, no idea what mpv is doing, but it uses 30-40% more CPU than mplayer, no matter xv or gpu vo
mplayer with xv is capable of playing even with just a few frames dropped
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freemangordon: iths was -vo vs -vo gpu
so xv is accellerated via gles in your ddx?
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ofc -vo x11 is mutch slower
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uvos: well, it is not gles, but through gpu
basically bot end up in shaders
I guess IMG/TI shaders are better optimized than generic ones in mpv
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uvos: as I said, compare xv vs gpu on
with gpu it drops frames like crazy
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i dont really see why -vo gpu must be slower, but no matter
anyhow did you see the ofono logs?
no, will look at them later
speaking of gpu acceleration, a gpu accelerated browser would be pretty rad, qwebengine gets petty close it seams, it just renders black with gles enabled (try qtwebbrowser -platform xcb)
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uvos: most-probably -vo gpu uses shader that is not optimized, while -vo xv uses either very optimized shader or specialized video processing HW/instructions in the GPU
uvos: chromium seems hw accelerated
or its just magically very fast
it is not
the latter then :D
yes, it is fast, but not HW accelerated
it does not support gles2 AFAIK
i think it was dropped
but in deb 10 it probubly still dose
probably does upstream but devuan/debian prefers to not compile it? :)
anyhow its not hw accelerated
but yeah both ff and chomeium do fairly well with sw rendering
to my suprise
I hope this will get better when I accelerate compositing
what changes about battery calibration btw? i cant seem to get it back
this will release more CPU for them to render
freemangordon: well without hildon it is faster still yes
everything is
not debugging maemo or hildon issues, uvos :)
yeah, but once we have aHW compositing, the difference should become minimal
that was my point hw composting should help
since no compositing dose
XV was a general rehearsal for that
because it uses SGXQueryTransfer function, that is not part of the public API
and I had to RE a pile of structures
good news is that some of TI SGX SDKs come with debug symbols
weird, my /var/lib/droid4-battery-calibration/charge_full is just empty :(
so it is not *that* hard
thats what qwebengine fails at btw
probubly assumes an extension we dont have
uvos: btw mpv crashes GPU with 720p bunny
buZz: we delete it if the battery goes below -20% full
and I am sure the issue is with mpv
or above 120% full
that can happen for various reasons
one being that your spike triggers low prematurely
and then you discharge further untill the battery is way below "low"
the logic is there because we have no idea when the user inserts a new battery, so the values are sanity checked
uvos: this changed recently?
weird, never seen before
i added this to the kernel >1 year ago
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feels pretty unfriendly
no, why should the kernel keep callibration thats for sure totaly wrong?
seems the only user that ever swaps batteries around is you :P
lol, i put "1000000" into 'charge_full' with a 40% full battery, poweroff through hildon, poweron, boom, uncalibrated , var/lib/droid4-bat-cal/charge_full -again- empty :D
where are you putting the value?
lol where do you think :P
changeing var/lib/droid4-bat-cal/charge_full has no effect
there is a file in /usr/share
does it not?
if you stop the service?
then sure
but the right way is tell the kenrel
by putting the value into the file in sys
the value from the kernel then gets saved as normal
uvos: i changed /sys/class/power_supply/battery/charge_full obviously
on shutdown
the shtudown also needs to be clean ofc
and the init script didnt save it
thats wierd
it was a clean shutdown, battery is ~40%
the script is failing on your system then
for some reason
try running it by hand
check serial output on shutdown
hence me asking what changed
all of this is very old
ah, it didnt get started
'cat write error invalid argument' on starting, great
thats normal
if you have no var/lib/droid4-bat-cal/charge_full
its preventing the init script to execute
right there should be a ignored return value there
thus not able to -stop- the init script later
the install sctipt touches var/lib/droid4-bat-cal/charge_full
so its not really a problem
thats wrong then
as the emptystring inside prevents the init script from working
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alright, putting "1000000" into /var/lib/droid4-bat-cal/cha-fu and starting/stopping the script works
buZz: if its missing could you add || true
buZz: please make a PR for that too
the return value of the cat line on startup should be ignored
if its not
the file was there, it was empty , leading to the 'cat' failing and the whole init script stopping