<buZz> :)
<buZz> i dont think it'll be a /dev/input/js0 directly?
<buZz> are the xoom/xyboards interesting? i see they have omap4430 aswell
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<nedko> 'lo
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<uvos__> buZz: if you run iio-uinput there will be a js0
<uvos__> btw this is a depricated interface that no modern game uses
<uvos__> or modern middleware like sdl
<uvos__> buZz: also yes the mz6xx have a totaly different modem that can do lots of lte bands
<uvos__> they are the only mapphone to be able to do so
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<norayr> buZz: those look very cool.
<norayr> i need a tablet, that would be great to have leste on such a thing.
<buZz> norayr: yeah , i wonder if modem inside is similar
<buZz> yeah!
<buZz> i dont really 'need' a tablet, but still :D
<norayr> modems i don't use anyway. (:
<buZz> 8" is such a nice formfactor for a tablet
<buZz> i did find some people on xda that claim running linux on it
<buZz> just > Please follow LIV2's original tutorial and note my changes below:
<buZz> -what- tutorial :D
<buZz> 2.6.x , lol
<norayr> i actually need a tablet i think. (: we have a very small flat, and i never had a tv, and i don't want to have one. so tablet would fit well in a small env to watch a movie or something together.
<buZz> norayr: did you see the 'nreal air glasses' ?
<norayr> laptop would fit as well, but laptop has a keyboard part, which takes too much space on the table, if the table is small and you also want to have teapot and cups on it. (:
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<norayr> never heard of those.
<norayr> let me search.
<buZz> kinda like a modern Sony Glasstron that doesnt look like a cyborg
<norayr> omg is this something new?
<buZz> yes
<norayr> cool. except that i don't want to have android/ios smartphone.
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<norayr> interesting if it has some api to work.
<norayr> what is the resolution?
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* norayr has no idea which resolution is good for such things
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* norayr helped to configure in early 2000s a helpet from 90ies which worked under dos, and had pretty low res for that time too. and no colours.
<norayr> s/helpet/helmet
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<norayr> vm thing.
<norayr> that is my only experience with vr.
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<buZz> this isnt vr
<buZz> its a monitor
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<norayr> what is a charger of motorola xyboard? usb?
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<buZz> dev: everything ok? :)
<buZz> norayr: manual of xyboard 8.2 says it charges over microUSB yeah
<buZz> 'first steps'
<buZz> :)
<norayr> is there a manual to install debian on that thing?
<norayr> i don't understand those xda instructions yet.
<buZz> supposedly, yeah , something written by 'liv2' who made that 2.6.x kernel repo
<norayr> those seem to be necessary after one installed debian...
<norayr> okay, let me see.
<norayr> interesting.
<buZz> the xoom and xyboard seem to be the same product? somewhat
<buZz> i found 4 models with that name, they all had OMAP4430 and 1GB ram
<buZz> oh huh, this thread suggests its a Tegra :O
<Wizzup> I think there are many xoom tabblets
<Wizzup> mz609 and mz617 are the omap ones
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<buZz> are they very droid4 alike?
<buZz> in modem etc
<buZz> ah meh, there's only a keyboard case for the 10" one :P
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<uvos> xoom 1 is a tegra 2 device
<uvos> xoom 2 and xyboard are the same
<uvos> europe/us
<uvos> and are mapphones
<uvos> there are not other xoom tablets
<uvos> the me edditions are the same as the base versions
<uvos> just with no modem
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<norayr> folks i have added an example
<norayr> on how to port an old fremantle package to leste
<norayr> oh there are a couple of problems yet.
<norayr> let me fix.
<Wizzup> looking like a good start
<Wizzup> some of the formatting can be fixed I think
<norayr> yeah, initially i wrote it in markdown, now converting somehow to mediawiki syntax. and sorry, i used lowercase letters, as always.
<norayr> i fixed two images, those are now shown, and one link to the script.
<norayr> no... to the file, which is hosted on my server.
<uvos> btw
<uvos> when saveing the base64 png image
<uvos> its mutch better to remove all the metadata/ tumbnail and other crap usualy saved with a png
<uvos> in a small icon sized image that can be 80% of the size
<norayr> no idea how. it would be amazing if you add that info.
<norayr> also... does anyone know how to replace markdown's `something` quotes in wiki syntax?
<Wizzup> probably optipng can do it
<Wizzup> optipng -strip all
<norayr> is that done between 'prepare 48x48 file' and 'base64 encode it' ?
<norayr> i put it there anyway.
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