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going to fix that
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freemangordon: is shal not care about what mce dose
mce dosent provide battery on an external interface
i'd love if 'fully charged' would make a more noticeable sound :)
is there even a sound on it?
and indeed mce dosent even use the battery information at all internally
except for the battery-guard module i added
uvos: it is not about mce this time ;)
"uvos: it is about battery applet, I think it does not care about what mce do"
was just respnding to that
but about battery status applet, ignoring 'low' state provided by kernel
just making it sure we're on the same table
yes i was just agreeing
it dosent care
so, maybe I was not warned because battery applet does not warb
maybe but i have seen the warning before
yes, but see how it decides to warn
probubly because batt_calibrated == true
going to add support for 'low' and 'critical'
it would be good to make the percentage confiurable too
how mutch time 5% is varies by device
maybe, but not now
uvos: i think i figured out why my prev install didnt calibrate anymore
because i overwrote the calibration with '1000000' by hand
it never changed it anymore afterwards, maybe file permissions
my new install from maemo-leste-1.0-armhf-droid4-20221023.img.xz does recalibrate 'all the time'
no idea wht that would happen buZz
:) alright, doesnt matter much
i'd love some example python app to 'start a program with a file as parameter' so i can maybe finally package that pcsx-rearmed with some minimal frontend
i mean, we do have some 'maemo filepicker' stuff we can use from python, right?
hopefully its registerd as the xdg filepicker
probubly not tho knowing nokia
hm i gues this interface dident exist back then, so not nokias fault for once (looking at you hildon-mime)
i did get the errors again about 'missing font/bla' on apt installing stuff
guess i need some package installed to define those types , which i havent yet
buZz: I think I merged your commit, but didn;t release new version
will do soon (tm) :)
ah, that could be it :D
<3 thanks
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nothing wrong to start alerting the user
better early than late/never
the low signal from kernel should trigger on a certain state of charge idealy
we dont have soc directly
so we should try and get close
how do you define 'low'?
triggering on spikes is not that
<15% soc is typical
but in the applet it is 10%
smoothing the voltage gets you closest do this
maybe I shall increase that?
sure 15% is typical, the point is its some soc
not someting else dependant on load
because it uses <10 as low and < 5 as critical
sure the exact soc values are up for debate
ok, but I think there is some conflict:
1. kernel ignores voltage drops < 3.3 and reports low on steady 3.3
2. mce checks *current* if voltage is < 3.350 (iirc) and issues shutdown
kernel shal ignore voltage drops below <3.3 on some timescale
lets say 100ms
those 2 does not match
and mce shal do the same
for ciritical
right both shal smooth
well at least mce shall do
it is too sensitive atm
ok, I will provide a patch for that
the smoothing cant be in mce tho
it gets votlage changed signals
you cant smooth on those
I can start timer
pretty hacky
that runs every 20 or so seconds after first 'low' detection
no, why?
am moving window would be better
mce cant poll the voltage i think
so if it detects a voltage > threshold, then it just stops the timer
but, if it has several consecutive < threshold - shutdown
it would be alot better if upower would just filter it instead (i kinda think it dose even just to fast)
since mce isent the only consumer here
no, iirc it reports whatever kernel reports
well this is a problem for upower too
since it dose soc estimation based on votlage
this is not in the upstream upower
sure "our upower"
and I really think this is a huge hack
not to say it is very inaccurate
well wee need soc estimatation
its vert inaccturate because its bad
here I get 50% @ 3.6V
it ould be better
the tldr might be we need to not use upower at all
but idk
me neither
but, it supports stuff like BT batteries etc
i gues the kernel folks wont be to happy if we just smooth all the voltages in kernel will they?
it is disabled, afaik
what is voltage_avg?
only of HW provides it :)
right quie annoying that they dont want drivers to synthesize values
well, kinda makes sense
cpcap violates that allready anyhow
but userspace is dumb and not under our controll :P
really upower should smooth itself if avg is not available
I am tempted to pull latest upower to see how it will behave
and start making issues against it
yet again, I think we shall use low irq
because in reality *this* is what shall be reported by the driver - HW state
not some wild guess based on voltage
but thats not how hw works here
its not a battery low irq really
just a voltage low irq
see, I know what reference voltage and comparator is (most-probably op amp) :)
and I am pretty sure I understand how that works
im sure its not a op-amp
why not?
that would be silly when a analog comperator would work too
more complexity lower slew rate
driveing a op-amp into saturation is rude
(you would have to if you wan to use it as a comperator)
the point is that it gives us early warning about the charge of the battery, which is more or less related with the state of the battery, i.e. its internal resistance
not really, its dependant on a lot of factors inc external noise load and internal resistance
imo its not usable as anything but a "check this" signal
to me it is, to start warning the user
that the battery is getting 'low'
and that's true as long as 'battery level' is qualitative property
as we do not need or want exact measurements
all we want is to warn the user that she will soon need a charger
that's my point
imo we should to propper soc estimation (or use the soc given by the charge counter if avialbe) and warn the user based on that
thats my point
thats also what android dose it dose soc estimation and warns the user at exactly 15%
this works splendedly
I don;t think we will be ever able to make that work properly, but ok
I need some rest from the batteries :)
freemangordon: how does this work i Fremantle?
don;t remember what we did in bme replacement
maybe pali knows more
maybe something ob bq driver
yes, i know that, and Pali's replacement bme. but i mean .. how notifications are decided
don;t remember, sorry
anyway I've also seen and heard the low battery notifications on droid 4. i don't use it much though, so i can't tell when last i heard and saw them
yes, but it is based on % full value
but i recall there have been times i got lots of them
ok. you propose to base on voltage?
it is already based on voltage
when the battery is not calibrated, a hack in upower estimates based on voltage
except its really dumb :)
idk if just improving this hack some dosent solve all issues
could be
and removeing the if callibrated check in the status applet
so pity it has poor support. that is the same chipset no?
what is the difference?
nagging won't fix it
if we knew it'd be fixed already
eh eh.
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that said, Wizzup could you provide me with access to a d3 running android (preferably los) to dump the regs and see if the d3 maybe sets some regulators up differently or so?
also to figure out whats going on with the leds
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it is very expensive to send something to the outer world from where i live, but if Wizzup won't send, i can send u a device, my first d3 which is in veeery bad shape: screen has a crack, power and volume buttons are very tired and it lacks a backplate.
norayr: i dont want a device really - just information
Wizzup is best placed to provide it
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