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uvos: fyi, pushed out droid4-pending-v5.15 and droid4-pending-pvr-omapdrm-v5.15 branches to github
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tmlind: great dose it boot now?
i wrote a litte program thats tangentially related to leste:
x11 has the xsecurtiy extenstion that allows you to prevent applications from doing things like logging keystrokes, grabbing screenshots of other windows and so on. but other than ssh -X there was no way to run an application in sutch a context. so i wrote a program that creates a secure context and runs any local application in it:
for this to be secure you must create a securex user that has access to any files you want the started applications to have access to (ie your home) but NOT access to the Xauthority file.
or you can run it with -u (and thus as your user) and accept that the app could break out by modifying xauthority and reconnecting to x
this is how this looks like:
./securex scrot
Createing /home/philipp/.Xauthority-secure
Executeing scrot
X Error of failed request: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)
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uvos: yeah it boots, the issue was caused by the attempted addition of emif timings
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tmlind: are the ddr ram chips different between hw a and hw b?
and xt875 a-c
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im also curious what we would want to setup emif ourselves
(instead of just keeping what android/mbm set things too)
can we save some power here?
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uvos: yeah seems like the ddr is different, we could dump the android values and configure those in the dts
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uvos: cool @ securex
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tmlind: yeah sure i was curious what the gain would be
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Wizzup: parazyd: new mce version dehardcodes als brigtness values. afaik this is particularly usefull on pp as the brighness of the display is very non linear
and create something that works ok on pp and add it to leste-config
ok, I should be home late tomorrow so I can do that on wednesday
the current default in mce.ini is the same as the previous hard coded one and should work ok on mapphones
maybe we could do something special for n900 too
like turn off the backlight above some brightness in economy mode
hm, what do you mean?
n900 has a transflective display, above some very high ambient brightness it might make sense to turn the backlight off in the powersaveing economy mode