uvos: how do you test voice calls this way? I have trouble figuring out if both sides can really hear each other
I think I could hear the n900 (other side) well, but not sure if I could hear leste on the n900
i mostly call a carrier configuration robot so i only test remote->local audio. i did place one real call and that worked fine altho the audio quality on the remote side was rather poor.
with the speaker phone that is
i also placed a real call with the headset speaker and there the remote quality was reportably fine
what is headset speaker?
er handset
the handset speaker
the one above the motorola logo
I thought you said that didn't work becuase of a kernel bug?
i have a hack applied
on my device now only that speaker works
i think the echo cancleation dosent work right with the speakerphone or something
at least according to my gf the quality is way worse than android in the same conditions
maybe it needs to be (re)activated in amixer
its activated
yes, but cpcap sometimes also does switching of its own, no?
but the point is that one switch cant possibly be enough
since the acoustic configuration is very different between these cases
the paramters must be tuned some how
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kona: "n900 - I need a tilde key in surf and can't figure out another way because it's not one of the sym keys" ... you can map tilde to a key of your choice on the hwkbd. i recall surf doesn't have input problems with hildon (i'm many days late, i know)
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uvos: i'm not getting audio from my leste d4 to my n900 yet
tried a few times now
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Sicelo: cool! Thanks!
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the hildonized version of the tree view container in sphone breaks selection