Wizzup: parazyd: please fix the branches on that repo
its a bit of a mess
also do we use this ofono for all devices or mapphones only?
we should stop doing that
the mapphone patches just add a driver
anyhow please make the branches sane ie delete everything except the maemo/ ones and add a master branch, keep the d4 branch maybe thats the non qmi backend iiuc
there are branches with old work which I think are of value
which ones bother you in particular?
also it's entirely common to have many branches in a git repo afaik
it mainly bothers me that there is no obvious main branch
made worse by the fact that there are many not-so-greatly named branches
Wizzup, uvos: looks ok to me, does the ofono_voicecall_notify() need to be paired somewhere on hangup?
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tmlind: no the ofono_voicecall_notify here works only on existing call ids ofono_voicecall_disconnected is the pair
Wizzup: ofono-d4-source is broken
tmlind: if you can find the time it would be really helpfull if you could investigate how to proparly fix the disabled PGA problem during voicecall in snd-soc-cpcap
tmlind: i really failed to figure out how to do this
tmlind: and dont know what to look at to figure it out
parazyd will be back tomorrow, I hope he can help pick up some of that
note other blemishes with voice calls on mapphones: multiple calls (ie heldcalles multiparty etc) dont work
sphone supports all of this
but cant test
may work on pp
I've never really used that much
uvos: i think i've been mostly charging mz617 with my laptop usb and not with a real charger so may not have seen your issue
or if i've had a low battery, i've used the charge mode only, not android
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is it a pire coincidence that motorola devices are supported by mainline kernels?
or did motorola contribute to kernel?
how high is the cisc that kernel devs would decide to remove a device support because it is old?
sorry, s/cisc/risc/ ((((:
motorola did nothing to help the kernel along in fact they locked the devices down as mutch as possible
the reason why the moto devices are well supported is mostly becasue the omap is well supported becasue of ti's efforts and the efforts of the sbc community and sutch
the moto devices are also very dev frendly hw wise in that the cpcap chip allows you to debug the device easly becasue it allows you to muliplex the omaps uart and any of the connected usb devices out to the usb port