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<ceene> Wizzup: yes, yappari was quite ready to be ported to a different message service backend
<ceene> i toyed around the idea of porting it to telegram when whatsapp completely banned us for good, but I just lost the will after that
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<Wizzup> ceene: ok
<Wizzup> ceene: we'd be porting it to telepathy, not telegram, but we'll see, need to look at the code first
<Wizzup> ceene: anything you can share, like does it use html/css for the conversations view as well?
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<ceene> i dd't really remember, i think it was fully qt
<Wizzup> ok, got a link to latest git?
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<ceene> latest version on github is the one
<ceene> master branch
<Wizzup> cool
<ceene> i was not the original developer, though
<Wizzup> ok
<ceene> it was... scorpius?
<ceene> Last Activity: 09-09-15 10:11 PM
<Wizzup> ok
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<stano> parazyd: my big box has devuan-ceres. why are we using beowulf?
<stano> less problems with stability?
<parazyd> Where?
<stano> on droid4 ?
<parazyd> For Maemo or our infrastructure?
<stano> maemo
<parazyd> Because we need to do a lot of porting
<parazyd> For example everything will have to switch from gconf to gsettings
<stano> ah ty
<parazyd> It will happen eventually, but we've got higher priority stuff first
<stano> i'll build the occasional newer thing myself, not a problem. thanks for informing me
<parazyd> You're welcome
<uvos> speaking of witch
<uvos> can we please look at the mce pr
<uvos> so that i can finish the port away from gconf there
<uvos> *which
<parazyd> Which one is it?
<uvos> the cmake one
<uvos> Wizzup wants freemangordon to look at it
<uvos> so this is mostly freemangordon ^^^^
<stano> i have a stupid cmake error also but i can't bother you with it :(
<Wizzup> stano: not when you don't ever share the work, like if you make many games work, why not package them in extras
<uvos> yeah
<uvos> would be fun to have all those games
<stano> thanks for encouragement. i think picodrive is closest to ship-able
<uvos> stano: could you also comment on
<Wizzup> that would be nice to have (picodrive)
<stano> commented. i offered to send hedgewars devs a d4 but they're too busy
<stano> they have done some work for mobiles and small screens already, so much work is already done for a ported version
<stano> on a sidenote i found that heavy carbohydrate meals make it impossible for me to think clearly enough to work on computer. going to protein+fat has helped
<stano> many people report that clears up their 'brain fog'
<Wizzup> hope it helps you, stay healthy :)
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<parazyd> Daaanct12: Did you already boot (mainline) Linux on the fxtec?
<Daaanct12> yes
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<parazyd> Danct12: What's the process? Can I have it on a microsd and then use fastboot? Or is there another/better way?
<Danct12> yep, rootfs on sd card and flash the kernel using fastboot
<parazyd> ok
<parazyd> Is there a way to back up the existing kernel so I can boot to Android?
<parazyd> And I assume "flash the kernel" means creating a boot.img
<parazyd> ah ok, I think I could dd the boot from the mtd
<uvos> how is kernel support for the fxtec comeing along?
<parazyd> Good actually
<parazyd> There's only some touchscreen noise afaik
<parazyd> But have to see how it's behaving exactly when I flash it myself
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<uvos> uh-oh
<uvos> just minimally privacy inavasive
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<Wizzup> uvos: yeah terrible idea
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<uvos> parazyd: so ntp is not working on any of my devices atm
<uvos> parazyd: any idea what to check for that?
<Wizzup> uvos: does it not run on wifi connect?
<uvos> Wizzup: no it just never updates
<uvos> parazyd: what pacakge is responsable?
<uvos> what ntp client do we use
<Wizzup> I had this problem as well, and there is a hook that runs ntpdate-debian or something
<Wizzup> or debian-ntpdate, or some sort
<Wizzup> maybe check ifup hooks
<Wizzup> And see if you have -4 in there for now
<Wizzup> s/for now/or not/
<uvos> user@maserati:~$ ntpdate-debian
<uvos> ntpdig: socket error on transmission: [Errno 101] Network is unreachable
<Wizzup> what about -4
<uvos> (via ssh)
<Wizzup> ntpdate-debian -4
<uvos> works
<Wizzup> I wonder if parazyd pushed that fix (to use 4 because it doesn't do fallback) to images only, not via leste-config
<Wizzup> so if we have older images, it doesn't work
<Wizzup> bbiab
<uvos> ok
<uvos> it at least dosent work for my d4 or bionic atm
<parazyd> We need a better setup
<parazyd> Something that keeps oneshotting until success
<uvos> i mean a script that reruns it in 5min if it dosent exit with 0
<uvos> should be trivial
<uvos> where is this hook into icd?
<uvos> pacakge wise
<Wizzup> dpkg -S can tell you
<Wizzup> dpkg -S <path-to-file>
<parazyd> /etc/network
<parazyd> Somewhere
<parazyd> Grep for ntp
<parazyd> It comes from the debian package, we modify nothing
<lel> MerlijnWajer opened an issue: (Conversations/SMS/IM user interface)
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<stano> i love having sd card access on the capslock light :)
<sicelo> doesn't impact power consumption?
<uvos> no
<uvos> not mesurably
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