<kona> got a fresh 32gb sd for my pinephone (was previously using 8gb), imaged it with leste, managed to hose my leste install with one command.
<kona> sudo apt update
<kona> because i forgot to /etc/expandcard.sh first :)
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: GTKHTML_3_91_4_1 doesn't seem to work, graphics are not visible i
<freemangordon> *in test html editor application
<freemangordon> will try older version
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<freemangordon> hmm, 3.32 doesnt work too, smae issue
<freemangordon> weird
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<freemangordon> ok, seems we'll have to use fremantle one, upstream doesn't load images and I don;t want to waste more time debugging it
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: check
<Wizzup> thanks for trying
<Wizzup> kona: hm how does that hose it?
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<Wizzup> leste.maemo.org will switch IPs in the next few days, there might be a bit of downtime
<Wizzup> my ISP is cancelling the subnets at home that they offer, so I have to temporarily tunnel the traffic over wireguard to a new server I just got
<Wizzup> I'll also be switching ISP because of this
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<bencoh> oh
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<pere> hi. is maemo leste working on any systems with omap5?
<Wizzup> I don't think we have any omap5 devices, do you?
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<kona> Wizzup: if one doesn't run expandcard.sh before apt upgrade, filesystem fills up during package install. Sometimes recoverable, but in this instance the ui wouldn't startand it was easier to just reimage
<Wizzup> kona: wonder if we should make the default fs a bit larger then
<Wizzup> cc parazyd
<uvos> this is an apt bug if it happens
<uvos> the package manager is supposed to check disk space before it starts
<uvos> pere: want to use it on a pyra? bearly any other omap5 deivces exist and no consumer ones afaik.
<parazyd> Wizzup: No need to make it bigger
<parazyd> Wizzup: We keep it to a 2GB maximum, it's enough
<parazyd> Wizzup: Only if we decide to install more Maemo software by default should it grow.
<parazyd> And yeah, apt doesn't check this. You can delete the debs in /var/cache/apt
<Wizzup> parazyd: so kona reported fresh install + apt update + apt upgrade breaking the device
<Wizzup> parazyd: that sounds like the core is too large
<parazyd> No, it's because apt downloads the new debs
<parazyd> They don't get installed on the fly
<kona> Ah wait
<parazyd> First downloaded, and then unpacked when everything is there.
<Wizzup> is the end result different for users?
<kona> Wait.
<kona> Let me amend my report
<parazyd> We should just expand the card on first boot
<kona> apt update && apt upgrade
<kona> Fills the default image
<kona> Sorry for the confusion, I hadn't had my coffee yet
<kona> Oh. Nevermind, you said that already.
<uvos> apt might download debs untill the disk is full
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<uvos> but it def should not start the upgrade unless it can compleat
<uvos> and leave the system in a half upgraded state when it subsiquently fails
<uvos> now if thats not whats happening and instead the disk is simply full and that alone breaks the system to the point you cant clear apt cache then there is a problem somewhere else
<uvos> with something critical failing becuse it cant write a state file or something
<uvos> wich is also a bug
<uvos> anyhow booting into the recovery shell should allow you to clear the chache even if such a failure occures
<uvos> but i gues rn there is no way to change the runlevel at boot on devices other than the mapphones
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<freemangordon> fremantle gtkhtml works, going to package it
<Wizzup> neat
<kona> Uvos: I can't be certain what state the upgrade left my device in. Ui and buttons were unresponsive for about 5 minutes, so I restarted it by holding power button for 10s
<uvos> what makes you think diskspace was the issue here?
<kona> It came up showing only a clock in portrait orientation at upper left, no decorations, no wallpaper, and tapping screen was unresponsive. I tried again, and could not get control of the system. Mounting on my laptop showed filesystem 92.x% full
<uvos> that dosent point towards diskspace being the issue
<uvos> if there a 0 blocks availbe ok then hildon might fail to start because it wants to write a state file or something
<uvos> that sounds more like the upgrade was in progress (as in in the install phase, not downloading debs) and failed before configureing all packages/ installing all files
<kona> I'm rather assuming it's a disk full issue because it happened twice (100%) of times I have flashed Maemo for pine64, and it didn't happen twice (100%) when I ran expandcard.sh before the upgrade.
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<kona> Could be
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<kona> I only have 4 data points
<kona> 2 failed without expandcard.sh, and two succeeded after expandcard.sh
<uvos> i get that
<kona> It's not a great sample size and I didn't spend a lot of time diagnosing because it felt like pebkac
<uvos> no it looks like a bug to me
<uvos> not pebkac
<kona> Ok :)
<freemangordon> parazyd: does builder support building using .orig.tar.gz files?
<Wizzup> instead of?
<freemangordon> full source tree
<parazyd> hmm not quite
<parazyd> Can you give me a usecase?
<parazyd> It's possible to have an empty repo with a debian dir and download files.
<freemangordon> for gtkhtml3 we have orig.tar.gz + debian (which has patches subdir)
<uvos> no point in keeping upstream and packaging files seperate for gtkhtml
<uvos> since there is no upstream
<uvos> but for other pacakges (ie those in upstream forks) this arrangement would be usefull...
<freemangordon> drwxrwxrwx 8 user user 4096 Sep 24 17:44 gtkhtml3.14-3.24.4
<freemangordon> -rw-r--r-- 1 user user 2190845 Jun 14 2010 gtkhtml3.14_3.24.4.orig.tar.gz
<freemangordon> gtkhtml3.14-3.24.4 dir has debian subdir only
<parazyd> freemangordon: When we ran into this, we just extracted the tarball into git and made a proper package out of it
<freemangordon> yes, but debian policy says to keep the orig
<freemangordon> AFAIK
<freemangordon> but ok, I'll extract tarball
<freemangordon> parazyd: despite, how hard would be to support that? given that dpkg-buildpackage already supports it
<parazyd> jenkins-debian-glue doesn't support it afaik. A workaround is what I mentioned, it could be downloaded or the git repo could contain the tarball itself.
<freemangordon> for sure I can put the tarball in the repo, but what tarball? what should repo structure look like?
<parazyd> repo/debian/
<parazyd> repo/foo.orig.tar.gz
<parazyd> Then in debian/rules you'd have to unpack it
<freemangordon> ah, I see
<freemangordon> this is what Nokia did for gtkhtml3 back then :)
<freemangordon> I was hoping we can do better ;)
<freemangordon> ok
<parazyd> Not really
<uvos> this is a bad idea since there is no upstream
<uvos> just make a real repo
<uvos> so that others can pr it
<freemangordon> sure there is upstream
<uvos> its dead
<freemangordon> doesn;t matter, we have a whole bunch of patches applied on top of orig source
<uvos> just apply them
<freemangordon> no
<freemangordon> this is ugly
<uvos> not really
<freemangordon> I'll keep debian/patches
<uvos> the reson for the patches is so that you keep the upstreem stuf seperate
<parazyd> Why not unpack the source and apply the patches in git?
<uvos> there is not upstream anymore so its reason to exists has gohne away
<parazyd> Then it's maintainable
<freemangordon> because I can;t provide sane commit messages for them
<parazyd> That's hardly an argument
<freemangordon> also, they just apply from debian/patches, so I see no reason to do that manually
<parazyd> It's no different than having them as files.
<parazyd> One reason is what uvos says, there's no upstream anymore, so we become upstream.
<freemangordon> also, it will take me more time to do commit for each of the 33 patches
<freemangordon> and this is for a package we deem as temporary
<freemangordon> just a waste of time
<uvos> nothing is more permanent than a temporary soltion :P
<freemangordon> :)
<freemangordon> still, I want modest working, then we shall find renderer replacement
<lel> freemangordon created a repository: https://github.com/maemo-leste/gtkhtml3
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<pere> Wizzup: do not have a omap5 device yet, but have preordered a dragonbox pyra, which I was just told is using it.
<Wizzup> yeah, indeed
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<rafael2k> hi everybody!
<rafael2k> anyone using maemo on the pinephone?
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<rafael2k> for a long long time I have no telephony support in the kernel...
<rafael2k> I'd like to know if the problem is just with me
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<kona> i'm have a pinephone, haven't tried telephony yet.
<_uvos__> omap5 has worse mainline support than the almost compleat support for omap4/5
<_uvos__> *omap3/4
<_uvos__> pyra uses a older 4.something ti vendor kernel iirc
<kona> does anyone have their hands on a pyra?
<_uvos__> telephony in kernel should work on pp
<_uvos__> but i dont have a pp
<kona> hardware is hard :)
<rafael2k> I was working great... until the latest kernel updates
<rafael2k> some months ago
<kona> oh, hmm.
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<_uvos__> hmm no idea
<_uvos__> parazyd ^^^
<_uvos__> what are the exact symptoms
<_uvos__> dose the kernel module for the pp modem not load?
<_uvos__> are the interfaces missing?
<_uvos__> could you post a dmesg?
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<rafael2k> modem does not show up, ofono scripts don't work
<rafael2k> nothing in dmesg
<rafael2k> sure
<rafael2k> it is just a wrong config
<a-steve> Hello guys, I bought back the N900 lately and what was not apparent at the time i did that the touch on the screen is way off, have to click like a 1cm below an icon to select it, tried a calibration 1 and 2 works well while there is no way I can calibrate 3 and 4, do you think it is the digitizer/touch screen issue or software causing the off set of the touches...
<Wizzup> rafael2k: I can try to boot my pp later tonight
<_uvos__> a-steve: sounds like a dead touchscreen
<_uvos__> what are you callibrating with the xinput tool or the fremantle one
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<a-steve> I have tried to reflash maemo 5 but am having problems with flasher 3.5 for some reason it is not flashing the vanilla getting that no usb device is found
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<a-steve> _uvos__ fremantle I am guessing
<rafael2k> Wizzup: tks!
<a-steve> the built in calibration in settings
<_uvos_> its dead jim
<a-steve> so I need a new touch screen apparently
<_uvos_> yes
<a-steve> or a digitizer?
<_uvos_> might be cheeper to just buy a d4
<a-steve> motorola droid 4?
<_uvos_> yes
<_uvos_> should 40 ish euros
<_uvos_> but you have to import from us
<a-steve> I seen it on maemo-leste list of devices
<_uvos_> can be cheaper too
<a-steve> I kinda like it too
<_uvos_> sometimes 20ish euros
<rafael2k> may be we could just use this: http://repo.mobian-project.org/pool/main/l/linux-5.14-sunxi64/
<rafael2k> (for the pp)
<a-steve> problem is I can't order online but might ask my brother if he can
<a-steve> if it is this cheap
<a-steve> do maemo leste run well on it?
<a-steve> the d4
<ajr> Runs very nice in my experience
<ajr> even at 1GB memory that's still 4x the N900
<a-steve> yes true can't believe I was scammed with the n900
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<Wizzup> It might be worth trying a bit harder to see if the ts is fixable somehow, or ask the person about it
<_uvos__> the d4 is defacto the primary dev device for leste atm and is the best supported device
<_uvos__> maybe someone here has a n900 with broken usb
<_uvos__> i hear is common
<_uvos__> you could maybe board swap sutch a device
<_uvos__> as an alternative
<a-steve> Yeah, I don't mind keeping the n900, I got 2 now that needs a touch screen lol one partially working and the other sure dead
<Wizzup> I tried to replace the digitiser once, it was a mess
<a-steve> Wizzup I did take off the digitizer from my 1st device so I kinda learned/experienced what I should do, but i thought I would take an easy route by reflashing before getting my screw driver to action
<Wizzup> mhm
<Wizzup> I could send you a d4 if you're planning to contribute, depending on where you're located
<a-steve> just in case it was a software issue
<Wizzup> although depending on where you're located the d4 also might not be that great...
<_uvos__> pretty unlikely @sw issue but dosent hurt to boot leste and try
<a-steve> Wizzup i live in the middle east lebanon, right now the whole country is in a big mess
<_uvos__> Wizzup: what are you thinking abourt wrt that
<Wizzup> a-steve: right
<Wizzup> _uvos__: in the US the d4 is kinda tricky to use :)
<Wizzup> _uvos__: I tried :)
<_uvos__> yaeh right
<_uvos__> its locked
<a-steve> need an unlocked version
<a-steve> on eaby and amazon there is none for sale
<_uvos__> a-steve its locked only against us gsm carriers
<_uvos__> its unlocked everywhere else
<a-steve> ah i see
<_uvos__> if you need it to work in us a bionic is even cheeper going for 10$ occasionally and works globaly and has the same quality of leste support
<_uvos__> but no kbd
<a-steve> am thinking to switch the whole slider screen to my n900 and see if the calibration is good b4 I try with the digitizer
<a-steve> to my older n900
<a-steve> since am sure it worked with no issues except for its lcd
<Wizzup> I think you can swap the half yeah
<Wizzup> oh, right
<Wizzup> mhm, worth trying
<a-steve> the other problem I faced was the flash it self i am unable to flash using flasher 3.5 not sure what the problem is, probably windows drivers or something else
<Wizzup> try 0xFFFF?
<a-steve> i guess it doesn't run on the phone itself right?
<Wizzup> no, it doesn't
<a-steve> i need a micro sd card?
<Wizzup> also there is flasher-3.5 for linux
<Wizzup> oh, you're not on linux
<a-steve> not on this pc
<a-steve> i can plug my external though
<a-steve> been a while i haven't work on pcs to be honest windows or linux
<a-steve> but frankly speaking i missed the days when N900 was working
<a-steve> no other phone for me was as exciting
<Wizzup> yeah
<a-steve> imagine the world without elop
<_uvos__> i dont thin they had a chance
<_uvos__> even without elop
<a-steve> N9 was onto something
<a-steve> with meego
<_uvos__> sorta
<_uvos__> but they where switching the platforms to mutch
<a-steve> although I liked maemo more
<a-steve> felt more free with maemo
<_uvos__> app support is hard to get if you make everything incompatabil
<_uvos__> and have so manny incomaptabil oses in parrallel
<_uvos__> i dont think they stood a chance against android long term
<_uvos__> with them constantly pulling in multiple directions and all
<a-steve> maybe it was gonna be the other way around... I mean no one really knows
<_uvos__> no by the time n9 was ready it was all over
<a-steve> they had a good open source team and the community till today proves it maemo leste for example
<a-steve> yes true
<_uvos__> it was all over by the start of 2010 see windows phone
<_uvos__> microsoft was way more compitent in starting thair platform
<_uvos__> and it came to nothing
<a-steve> yeah I know but was imagining if things went the right direction for them
<a-steve> "and it came to nothing" true that
<a-steve> wondeing why HMD don't try to regroup but i guess it is really really late
<a-steve> feels as if they also are tying the nuts even more these days
<Wizzup> we'll have a free platform for ourselves and anyone who wants to use it soon :)
<a-steve> finger crossed it all goes well
<a-steve> meanwhile i couldn't find any droid 4 that ship overseas lol
<a-steve> librem overpriced pinephone seems a good option
<_uvos__> sure pp is fine
<a-steve> between is there anyone developing for the Gemini PDA?
<Wizzup> a-steve: it's about 11 bucks to send a package to Lebanon, with delivery times about 10-20 days according to dutch royal post
<_uvos__> outch
<Wizzup> _uvos__: compared to germany, sure ;P
<a-steve> 11 bucks in the lebanese market now is about 165000LBP these days, before everything got messed up here it was about 16500LBP
<a-steve> economic inflation is 1 times from what it was
<a-steve> and couple months ago it was 10 times
<a-steve> sorry scratch my last comment, it is 10 times from it was couple years ago
<Wizzup> yikes
<a-steve> and couple months back it was worse
<a-steve> here is the rates before all economical break down 1USD=1515LBP, and started to inflate, reached 1USD= up to 25000LBP
<a-steve> now it is around 15000LBP for 1USD
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<_uvos__> i assume thats bad reltive to local saleries
<a-steve> problem is most of the currency we use and get our wager is in LBP and we did not get a raise to keep up with the inflation,
<a-steve> so I am getting paid in LBP with a salary to equal the USD rate at 1515LBP
<a-steve> now imagine the raise of the prices on all the product that we import
<a-steve> before all this the 11USD would cost me around 16500LBP while now it will cost me 165000LBP on the same wager
<_uvos__> id rather not :P and im quite happy to b3e reciveing euros
<_uvos__> but this is getting quite far off topic
<Wizzup> just for the record I don't mind paying for the shipping and stuff if you think you can contribute in userland or kernel
<Wizzup> not sure if it will pass customs and such, but yeah.
<a-steve> not really :D am still talking about the 11USD extra for shipping
<a-steve> Wizzup If I decided I will talk to my brother who lives in Dubai to make the payment, I don't have a USD account in the bank and if i have I am not getting paid in USD, lets say the contribution is around 100USD that would be all of my salary
<a-steve> no wait that would be 10 times my salary
<a-steve> no I was right the 1st time
<a-steve> got mixed with all those numbers
<a-steve> anyways, anyone tried to work on a port for gemini pda?
<Wizzup> yes, in fact, I think someone did using libhybris
<Wizzup> not sure though.
<Wizzup> a-steve: again for the record I'
<Wizzup> d just send you the device, you'd just have to figure out imports/customs
<Wizzup> but let's move on for now ;p
<a-steve> I appreciated mate but no worries I can manage when I decide
<a-steve> I guess The-kit was working in the libhybris
<a-steve> on the libhybris
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<a-steve> I do have the gemini but not using it, gave it to my 11 year old some with an old android version
<a-steve> some *son
<a-steve> was not excited with SFOS and gemian is very early stages
<a-steve> even after 3 years I guess, was hoping it will be he next N900, boy ow i was wrong
<a-steve> how
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<kona> does the pinephone image use u-boot?
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<kona> its "installed" but it looks like maybe there's no bootmenu.d
* kona digs around in /usr/share/doc/*boot*
<kona> looks like what i want to try messing with for dual boot might be /usr/share/pine64-uboot/boot.txt, cool
<a-steve> Thanks for all the help Wizzup and _uvos__ guess tomorrow the project would be to swap the slider to my old N900 and see if the touch screen works well... time to play some vendetta online :)
<a-steve> cheers Wizzup _uvos__
<a-steve> exit
<a-steve> lol
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<sicelo> a-steve: good luck. i think you'll manage. just be sure to not break or wear the heads of the tiny screws on the top half
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<freemangordon> parazyd: is it possible to have version (and tag) 3.24.4-leste1 for a native package?
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<freemangordon> kona: both gtkhtml3.14 and tinymail packages are in the repos
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<kona> freemangordon: so i should proceed with modest?