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<uvos> echo 120000000 > /proc/sys/kernel/sched_latency_ns
<uvos> echo 10000000 > /proc/sys/kernel/sched_migration_cost_ns
<uvos> echo 50000000 > /proc/sys/kernel/sched_min_granularity_ns
<Wizzup> makes a difference in pm?
<uvos> ^^^ that gets wakeups down to about 10/s for me (at the expense of some process latency im sure)
<Wizzup> that sounds much better
<uvos> the reduced wakeups dont seam to translate mutch to less real power consumption tho
<uvos> its probubly more usefull if you have a state to enter with mutch entry/exit latency
<uvos> (ie off)
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* Wizzup got home
<Wizzup> uvos: 6 droid3's here :p
<Wizzup> now I'll have to pick up the sigmakey stuff...
<uvos> Wizzup: oh dident know you bought more of those ;)
<Wizzup> yep
<uvos> did you do any more work to get a real build of leste going for d3?
<Wizzup> I bought they when mainline booted
<Wizzup> no, but I will now
<uvos> are all of thos xt861?
<Wizzup> I bought them when*
<Wizzup> will have to check
<Wizzup> only checked one and it was a bit sticky ;)
<uvos> iee. degrading rubber coating like on xt875 or something else?
<Wizzup> I think so, or just dirty
<Wizzup> but a bit like bionic yeah
<Wizzup> (still unpacking, just ran into the box of phones :p)
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<freemangordon> kona: do you have your tinymail work so far pushed somewhere?
<freemangordon> I guess I can pick it up from where you got so far and speed-up the development a bit
<freemangordon> or, we can share the work
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<kona> freemangordon: let me push what i have tonight, i'll link you the repo when it is pushed
<freemangordon> kona: thanks!
<_inky> i have built a gemini browser for myself, by using someone's github repo project.
<_inky> i use it on droid4 under maemo.
<_inky> i think i'd like to package it.
<_inky> i also think of packaging megapixels.
<_inky> we are on debian buster right? not 11.
<uvos> we certenly wont complain
<_inky> should i ask parazyd to open me two repos?
<_inky> megapixels is almost unusable on pinephone, but i was able to make some photos with it.
<uvos> define unusable
<_inky> gemini browser in nice though and very usable.
<uvos> we are on debian 10 equivalent
<uvos> (beowulf)
<uvos> btw
<_inky> well, megapixels takes all cpu, and updates screen extremely slowly, once in several seconds
<_inky> it's hard to take a photo with it.
<_inky> and then it's hard to get out of the program as it tries to be fullscreen.
<Wizzup> _inky: yes, please file the requests
<_inky> wow, there is an official way to file a request now.
<uvos> _inky: i would pacakge them in your own git repo first, when it works have parazyd create a repo
<_inky> let me see. (:
<_inky> okay.
<_inky> good idea.
<uvos> any idea how megapixels draws frames?
<_inky> don't know. i know it has two versions: with gtk4 and gtk3.
<_inky> i used gtk3 version because there is no gtk4 in devuan 10.
<sicelo> _inky: afaiu, megapixels is mainly a bash script. perhaps you can find out why you experience those issues. also, MartijnBraam, its author, is easy to contact and talk with. he used to be in the chan actually
<sicelo> s/bash/shell/
<_inky> i talked here with someone, i can find in the logs.
<_inky> not that megapixels is super fast on manjaro, it's just not as awful.
<_inky> and someone here explained that probably it has something to do with slow redraws on leste.
<_inky> because of something. i also see this, the kbd on pinephone has a lot of problems, i need to push somewhere to make it draw itself better.
<uvos> _inky: the slow redraws are comon on leste but of not common cause
<uvos> _inky: on the pp the driver is just buggy
<uvos> _inky: on mapphones eax is unimplementing causing stuff to require a copy and then a draw on cpu
<_inky> btw what is mapphone? and there was some sphone discussed.
<uvos> mapphones are the motorola devices aka the droid 4 the droid 3 and the droid bionic as well as the mz6xx tablets
<_inky> great. that's about the chipset?
<uvos> sphone is a cell phone telephony/sms app/ui i ported/modernized
<_inky> where from did you port it? from fremantle?
<_inky> or?
<uvos> some old htc device :P
<_inky> hmmm. htc devices where android, right?
<uvos> yeah but this htc device had a ubuntu port (the desktop linux kind not modern ubports) with a some telephone apps on top
<uvos> was a windows mobile device innitaly
<uvos> thats windows ce based windows mobile not windows phone - yeah its that old :P
<_inky> (((:
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