<sorear> "you might also try getting a..." <- I would think it's easier to get gdb into the ramfs via buildroot than try to extract a coredump but I could be wrong
I'm a little lost between add_spi_flash (which uses litespi), SpiFlash (which doesn't seems to use SPIMaster) and what does a timeline do? It's not even in the migen documentation and there are almost no comment.
What's the recommended way to add a SPI flash to a SoC now?
acathla: We are progressily switching the different boards in LiteX-Boards to LiteSPI
SpiFlash is still present in the integration for retro-compatibility
but the choice can vary, it depends on your needs: If you need fast MMAP: use LiteSPI, if you want a simple SPI Flash support for just a few writes/reads: use the SPIFlash core, if you need something very minimal use SPI bitbanging.
ICESTORM_LC: 5515 with the add_spi_flash versus 5211 with old SPIFlash
I need MMAP and SPI to read other SPI chips. That's going to be complicated...
Ok I'll try bitbang for the other chips and keep SPIFlash for now.
I also noticed with the recent liteSPI changes, on Fomu, my intern's design that used to be at 5234/5280 :) is now over by a couple of hundred LCs.
It was already using liteSPI , I pulled in changes from 3f6b32b0 (about a month and a half ago) to current.