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<sewn> what 1.19.1
<riteo> sewn xdg-desktop-portal
<riteo> which includes xdg-document-portal
<riteo> although tbf IIRC you're using just xdg-desktop-portal as a shim for screenshare
<riteo> kinda forgot about that
<riteo> I was also using xdg-document-portal and it was shitting the bed HARD
<riteo> like, kernel memory allocator inconsistency hard
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<dilyn> so of course hikari is basically unmaintained and hard-requires wlroots 0.15 now
<dilyn> so I looked into hyprland but that fucker has some outright *absurd* dependencies!
<dilyn> rust can't use libressl 4 ofc, and now I get a lovely undefined symbol error
<dilyn> why am I here lmfao
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<dilyn> kmf: if you read the logs, this is probably how cgindgen sources got generated:
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<dilyn> ... and after many hours, I've noticed hyprland requires libxcursor. when it has its own cursor lib. so hyprland hard-requires x libs... wtf? why for? smdh
<dilyn> time to retire. and die.
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<asimov> riteo: your discoveries from xdg portals has something to do with my problems?
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<sewn> riteo: I don't question no xdg portald
<sewn> I install this shit and it just works
<sewn> asimov: men ur problem is pipeiwrr not portal or whateva
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<asimov> sewn: you used dbus-wrap script to make screencasting
<sewn> no u didnt
<sewn> I mean I didnt
<sewn> I just install dbus and it works
<asimov> also i think the problem may be the way i launched pipewire
<sewn> no it isnt
<sewn> if it were then it wouldn't work for me
<asimov> how you launched it?
<sewn> dbus-wrap is a script by git-bruh to sandbox dbus
<sewn> asimov: `pipewire`
<asimov> and pipewire-pulse?
<sewn> no
<asimov> then is not the same
<sewn> you don't need pulse for screensharing
<sewn> asimov: it is the same generally_
<asimov> but your flatpak is getting mic working?
<asimov> because withou pipewire pulse it cant
<sewn> thats besides the point
<midfavila> dilyn this is why i just use X
<midfavila> wayland is a PITA
<midfavila> full stop
<midfavila> also
<midfavila> "rust
<midfavila> oh what the fuck why did my work machine set its keyboard to multilingual canadian
<midfavila> this is a en_us household
<midfavila> the only time ive ever even seen a CMS keyboard is in new brunswick public libraries
<midfavila> >tfw
<midfavila> there we go now i can do my meme arrows
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<riteo> sewn: oh all right I remembered wrong
<sewn> midfavila: mid shut up asimov is the only person having this issue
<sewn> quite literally the only person
<riteo> well if you ever use xdg-document-portal (for file dialogs) and see weird issues make sure to update
<riteo> because its FUSE driver was making my computer do the poopoo in its pants
<riteo> midfavila: speak for yourself
<riteo> sway is in C and super comfy
<riteo> I also don't need 435893414139084 packages in order to build by display server
<riteo> just like, wlroots is the main lib and that's it, no libXsomethingsomething
<midfavila> sewn never
<midfavila> the pot must be stirred
<midfavila> >:3c
<sewn> Dissapoint
<midfavila> ten more years and im sure i'll be btfo'd
<midfavila> :P
<midfavila> also tbf to actually *use* wayland you do need like
<midfavila> all of gtk and/or qt
<sewn> no??
<midfavila> or i suppose you could get away with sdl for some things
<sewn> I've actually never had to install gtk or at unless I'm using a browser
<sewn> its just for the browser
<midfavila> and how much do you do in the browser that you could do without gtk/qt?
<midfavila> legitimate question
<sewn> god knows
<sewn> the browser is a beast
<midfavila> precisely
<midfavila> when it's an essential part of your workflow you can't really dismiss it
<midfavila> just looking at build reqs and dismissing everything else is a bit silly
<midfavila> you have to consider the total stack
<sewn> okay
<midfavila> a couple of support libs to build an X server really isn't an issue considering what you can get done without all the crap wayland effectively necessitates. ionno.
* midfavila dies
<midfavila> computers bad
<sewn> humans worse
<midfavila> good thing im neither
<sewn> Yeah sure Buddy Ol Pal
<midfavila> its established lore
<sewn> ok goat go eat some grass
<midfavila> snow unfortunately
<riteo> I mean nothing stops you to use big toolkits
<riteo> and most stuff does not use it, like, I don't think my terminal emulator uses any
<riteo> with X you just have a very tiny toolkit bundled, it's not like having it outside of the display server would make things more bloated
<riteo> but I think you already acknowledged that
<riteo> so uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
<riteo> happy new year in advance? I'm soon going to have le epic dinner with my family and 100% I'm not going to be able to access my server
<riteo> inb4 "get a real bouncer" I got a domain I CAN DO ANYTHING NOW, I'm just lazy :P
<midfavila> just run tmux on sdf
<midfavila> :3
<riteo> no
<riteo> I have a computer constantly running at my home
<midfavila> aw
<midfavila> fair
<riteo> it might not be super pretty as it does not auto-start on power loss but with DDNS I can avoid having a server
<riteo> isn't that so cool
<midfavila> it's neat yeah
<midfavila> i'm going to be setting up DNS and stuff for the first time in january actually
<midfavila> my boss wants me to start migrating our IT services on-site
<riteo> btw is there any circuit that could auto-press the power button for me when the power turns back on
<midfavila> proper-style
<midfavila> uhhhh
<riteo> oh cool
<midfavila> i mean im sure you could tinker something up
<riteo> DNS is relatively painful
* midfavila does a big shrug
<midfavila> not exposing anything to the internet for now
<riteo> oh I see
<midfavila> well, except for a VPN, i guess
<riteo> I mean
<riteo> the biggest pain point with DNS is propagation
<riteo> once I got the domain I had to wait like 5 minutes between each change just to see whether it worked
<midfavila> fair
<riteo> and apparently not all features are supported by all providers
* midfavila nod-nods
<midfavila> i don't think i need anything super complex on that side of things
<midfavila> main issue is figuring out how to wrangle docker
<midfavila> incidentally also the first time i've used docker
<midfavila> bunch of services running on the same machine each in its own container and i'd like to route requests to different containers according to different rules
<riteo> oh that should not be hard at all
<riteo> there are like switches for that I'm sure
<midfavila> yeah i can't imagine it is. i'm just peanutbrained when it comes to anything that's not inetd
<midfavila> my rejection of modernity finally catches up to me
<riteo> it's time mid
<riteo> you have to choose
<midfavila> being based or being employed
<riteo> docker or farm
<midfavila> FUCK
<riteo> same thing
<midfavila> i don't want to be CRINGE
<midfavila> but i need MONEY to not STARVE
<midfavila> born to compile forced to download binaries
<riteo> with a farm you won't starve
<midfavila> idk man saskatchewan is owned by monsanto
<midfavila> so if i dont buy their stuff they might break my knees
<midfavila> but i legitimately could buy a farm if i wanted to lmao
<riteo> you realize we have reached the tipping point when dowloading binaries is harder than building them
<midfavila> i mean yes
<midfavila> a long time ago
<midfavila> with a few exceptions
<midfavila> my workstation can recompile my entire kiss fork in like five minutes
<midfavila> less time than it takes to install an equivalent debian
<riteo> shit maybe rms was right
<riteo> source code is the way
<midfavila> meanwhile me still trying to build gcc
* midfavila cri
<midfavila> just going to wait to get my PC out in a month or two
<midfavila> depends on when i get my taxes back
<riteo> gnu crying collection
<midfavila> seriously
<riteo> gnu compiling challenge
<midfavila> the gnu many pains library
<midfavila> i dont have anything even remotely clever for mpfr or mpc
<riteo> what were those
<midfavila> used in gcc's build process
<midfavila> multiprecision library for gmp
<midfavila> uhhh i think mpc is dealing with complex numbers but i'm not sure
<midfavila> tbh ive never bothered looking into them
<midfavila> only thing that uses 'em on my machines afaik is gcc
<riteo> lol
<riteo> btw i gotta hurry sorry
<riteo> gotta go soon
<midfavila> rip
<midfavila> enjoy the food
<riteo> thx
<riteo> what time isit there
<midfavila> 1300
<riteo> I see
<riteo> i should come back in time
<riteo> ootherwise, happy new year
<midfavila> c u
<midfavila> happy new year
<sad_plan> happy new years guys
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