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<kmf> Does somebody know about an example of repo that self-updates? i've been adding an extra file to the kiss packages in my repo that checks for updates using curl and sed (specific for each package), is there a repo that does something like this 'cause I feel like I am using the wrong tools or something
<riteo> kmf: in general I'd not recommend that, at least without a CI/CD test pass or something, as usually updates break in subtle ways
<riteo> kiss has very little work done on that so that might be why there's no self-updating repo, at least AFAICT
<riteo> It's an interesting idea though which could be quite useful for critical packages, or at least ones with a good test coverage
<midfavila> thomas_adam: dont remind me ugggh
<midfavila> our tories are threatening full scale trade war with the americans
<midfavila> im looking at scotland or maybe france if i can brush up on my french
<midfavila> riteo: it seriously sucks here
<midfavila> like i hear about all these problems in europe, late trains, slow doctors, rent going up etc
<midfavila> and its like...
<midfavila> breh you have trains?
<midfavila> you have *doctors*?
<midfavila> you have *houses*?
<midfavila> in major cities here its not odd to find one half of a shared bedroom for over a grand a month :x
<midfavila> youll be lucky to get any job that leaves you with 2k in net income a month
<midfavila> so half or more to rent ezpz plus the rest on food and transport and anything past that youll prolly be in debt
<riteo> feels bad folk
* riteo hugs
<midfavila> i know stuff sucks everywhere but man canada feels like it sucks insanely bad rn
<midfavila> when i was flying out from NB to SK i met a lawyer who moved here from india
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<midfavila> he said after six months trying to find work outside of fast food he's just going back 'cause it was better in delhi
<midfavila> lots of people who moved here have gone on the news with similar stories
<midfavila> i met an engineer who immigrated from pakistan at my last job as a clerk who said he'd go back if he could afford it, as another example
<midfavila> wont go off too much more but weh
<midfavila> k bedtime
* midfavila dies
<sewn> but i thought Canada is good alternative to the America
<sewn> also good morning and good night mid
<riteo> love how internet fucked up "good $PART_OF_DAY"
<riteo> "and in case ya live in a different timezone, good morning, good evening and good night!"
<riteo> nyways, good... day?? Fellas, it's morning here!
<sewn> yp
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<jason123onirc> I am doing an install and looking at the steps on signature verification. I saw gnupg1 is in the community repo. Do I need to do anything because I assume the repo is not signed by Dylan anymore
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<phoebos> jason123onirc: correct, see the community install guide:
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<jason123onirc> phoebos: there is a community install guide did not know