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<midfavila> thats right riteo
<midfavila> you finally understand
<midfavila> reality is subjective
<midfavila> it's all fake
<midfavila> just a simulation
<riteo> what even is kiss
<midfavila> the metaphysical idea of a package manager
<midfavila> the fleeting idea of minimalism
<midfavila> the space between concepts
<riteo> it's all so clear now
<riteo> how could I not see it before
<riteo> dylan's farming was all a cover up, he escaped the matrix while realizing this
<riteo> he ascended
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<midfavila> i have been reduced to eating a single can of beans for breakfast
<midfavila> and drinking instant coffee
<midfavila> truly these are dark days
<midfavila> the beans are pretty tasty tho >.>
<midfavila> also i found that if you beat a 1:1:1 mix of coffee powder, sugar, and water together you get a really nice crema that makes an amazing latte with full-fat milk
<midfavila> beans aside going to probably chip away at the uconsole a bit more today
<midfavila> i still want to get wiringpi running if possible...
<sewn> meanwhile im still sticking to my once-a-month spanish latte
<midfavila> sewn im a north american if i dont consume a full gram of caffeine per day i shrivel up and die
<midfavila> heart literally ceases to function
<thomas_adam> That's not literal, is it.
<sewn> ok but you lived a long period of your life without requiring caffeine to be active
<sewn> i dont know why "i need caffeine to do things i want to do" is a good thing
<midfavila> not quite literal no :v
<midfavila> never said it was a good thing either pff
* midfavila flicks sewn's nose
<sewn> hmph okay its good you acknowledge it
<thomas_adam> Heh. It's fine -- I associate the misuse of the word "literal" to be a very North American trope. Much like needing coffee to function. ;)
<midfavila> hmph hmph hmph hmph hmph hmph hmph hmph hmph hmph hmph all you'd like sewn
<midfavila> :3
<sewn> i am a angry person therefore i must be expression
<midfavila> gumpy and angy
<midfavila> >:C
<midfavila> ^u
<sewn> born to :3 forced to >:C
<midfavila> phoebos: make that part of the channel description
<midfavila> do it
<midfavila> rn
<midfavila> tbf thomas_adam i usually drink tea but i ran out of that too qwq
<midfavila> i need to do a big run at the end of the month
<midfavila> there's a local shop that has like fifty different sorts from all over the world
<midfavila> smells *amazing* in there
<midfavila> i get my coffee from them too
<sewn> ice tea :3
<midfavila> now that depends on what kind of leaves you're using
<midfavila> i have a friend who moved to saskatchewan from kentucky and he makes southern-style iced tea all the time but he uses like
<midfavila> lipton
<midfavila> which is absolute swill
<midfavila> truly the folgers of tea
<sewn> im just using these random 100 days tea thing my sister got from japan
<sewn> only drinking because i dont want it to go to waste
<midfavila> thats fair
<midfavila> you know what actually i wont do lipton dirty
<midfavila> not even they duck quite so low as folgers
<midfavila> :X
<sewn> what does 'duck quite so low as folgers'
<sewn> mean
<midfavila> they're not anywhere close to the level of shit that folgers is
<midfavila> folgers makes lipton look like high society stuff
<midfavila> folgers is uhh
<midfavila> a brand of coffee in NA
<midfavila> idk if they're common outside of america and canada
<midfavila> but they're like
<midfavila> the absolute lowest possible grade coffee you can buy
<midfavila> you can get a 2lb can of it at the shop for less than 10$ and you absolutely don't get what you pay for even at that price
<midfavila> it's the most cost-optimised coffee you could possibly conjure up
<midfavila> and it's so gross i literally cannot swallow it
<midfavila> because it just tastes like ash
<midfavila> i mean dark roast is bad enough outside of espresso but folgers is...
* midfavila shudders
<sewn> sppoooky
<midfavila> like i can choke down maxwell house (another ultra-budget coffee) if i absolutely need to
<midfavila> like ive not slept in three days and i have to finish a job or something
<midfavila> and theres absolutely no alternative
<midfavila> i can tolerate starbucks beans if theres a liberal amount of sugar and cream
<midfavila> but i would literally rather die than drink folgers
<midfavila> my usual stuff is either beans from the local shop, usually a low-acidity light roast
<midfavila> or some stuff from italy
<midfavila> one of the few luxuries i let myself have
<sewn> have you tried not speaking coffee
<sewn> i mean drinking
<midfavila> see above
<midfavila> sewn, i need the bean
<midfavila> the bean needs me, sewn
<midfavila> one is incomplete without the other
<sewn> the bean doesn't need you you need the bean
<sewn> consumerism
<midfavila> like the atom, indivisible without consequences
<midfavila> idk less consumerism and more culturally encouraged addiction at this point. also it's tasty :P
<midfavila> man im looking at a conversation about coffee on anand from 20 years ago and people are screaming about how 2.50 for a coffee is outrageous
<midfavila> meanwhile it's not uncommon to see coffees for over ten at some places here
<sewn> "coffee is tasty" says the coffee addict
<midfavila> ye
<midfavila> :3
<midfavila> you can pry my single origin organic direct trade light roast out of my cold, caffeinated hands
<sewn> midfavila: by any chance is there some form of sdf matrix channel or server
<sewn> im still looking for that one goat person
<sewn> also parfait is awful
<midfavila> parfait is fine
<midfavila> am sdf goat person
<midfavila> i dont think we have a matrix
<sewn> no im not looking for the goat person of sdf im looking for the goat admin of sdf
<midfavila> i know not of goat administrators
<midfavila> but it would make sense for us to have achieved such prominence within the organisation
<midfavila> we are known for climbing things
<sewn> ok its not a goat admin
<sewn> its a someone who looks like a goat
<sewn> reminds me of one atleast
<midfavila> same thing
<midfavila> :3
<sewn> they have a very funky setup where everything is on
<sewn> and they have administration power
<sewn> and it was on a sdf matrix channel
<sewn> i swear
<midfavila> i mean there might be a matrix but i havent heard of it
<sewn> waaaaaa
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<midfavila> aaa im gonna lose it
<midfavila> trying to figure out how to change the orientation of the framebuffer still
<midfavila> don't have access to kernel source code so i can't fiddle with the driver
<midfavila> and literally everything online is either for the framebuffer *console* or for raspberry pis specifically
<midfavila> i don't want to change the orientation of *fbcon*, but *fb0*
<midfavila> i did fiddle with sys/*/fb0/rotate but it's bunk
<midfavila> one of the major hurdles for the uconsole being an actual usable device is the inability to use fb0 properly...
<sewn> #linux time
<midfavila> inb4 i get blasted for some stupid shit
<midfavila> might as well try ig
<riteo> lmao I just realized this while showering
<riteo> midfavila you ended up in a dream of mine
<midfavila> :thinking:
<midfavila> do tell
<midfavila> also i just realised that nobody in #linux has been getting my messages because apparently im not nickserv'd
<midfavila> classic
<riteo> I don't remember much
<riteo> just that you were a furry in a car sharing recipes, for some reason
<riteo> I don't even know if you're a furry, my brain just went "welp, mid shares recipes now"
<riteo> the website was pretty though
<riteo> uhhh I don't remember the spelling so I'll rephras
<riteo> the website was quite pretty, though
<midfavila> am gote
<midfavila> i do also share recipes
<riteo> wat
<midfavila> plain ascii text files tar'd and ftp'd to friends
<riteo> how did my brain know
<midfavila> i however do not have a car because cars are bad
<riteo> +1 on cars are bad
<midfavila> honestly i cant wait to gtfo of canada
<midfavila> im so tired of looking at stuff about literally anywhere in europe and like, some small euro country with a population of three can somehow manage to continue existing in winter
<midfavila> yet canada of all places can't even clear its sidewalks
<riteo> rip
<sewn> woa
<sewn> midfavila spotted in dream
<sewn> this is so bizzare
<midfavila> riteo just can't wait for me to move to italy
<midfavila> it'll be like that scene from family guy where peter moves to sicily or w/e
<sewn> get a room
<riteo> lmfao
<riteo> in all fairness not sure how much italy might be worth it if you're moving out
<riteo> like, food is unreal and depending on where you go people are very interesting in different ways
<riteo> but like
* riteo shudders
<riteo> government
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<midfavila> riteo i just had a three hour long conversation with my coworker from ukraine and even he agrees that NA is a shithole lmao
<midfavila> being able to walk to work and buy food without having to reenact a scene from twisted metal or mad max would be worth it
<midfavila> i absolutely can't stand living here :v
<thomas_adam> It'll be even worse once Trump is back in office.
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<riteo> oh I had no idea stuff was that bad
<riteo> I mean, if italy turns out to be good enough for you you're welcome here
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