phoebos changed the topic of #kisslinux to: Unofficial KISS Linux community channel | | post logs or else | song of the day
<sewn> noo stay
<sewn> get a bouncer vouivre
<sad_plan> or just get access to a server, and ssh into it
<sad_plan> it works rather well actually sewn
<sewn> regardless, connection matters
<sad_plan> sure. although not eveyone cares much for it. if the channel is logged, it might not matter too much either
<sad_plan> i wish all channels were logged. or atleast more of them
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<sad_plan> set /weechat.look.buffer_time_format "%H:%M"
<sad_plan> ffs
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<riteo> ye a log is basically a huge, public, read-only bouncer
<thomas_adam> Heh. Hosting it is one thing, constraining the size of the post is another.
<riteo> the size of what
<thomas_adam> riteo: Read what I said. X, mastodon, etc., all limit the size of the posts. Presumably for a reason. It could encourage “micro” blogging. I’d argue, invariably not. Users of such platforms are supposed to buy into that concept.
<thomas_adam> It’s about convenience more than anything else. I could decided to very easily microblog on my Gemini capsule.
<thomas_adam> No one would read it.
<riteo> I see
<riteo> well, I would :P
<riteo> although yeah arguably microblogging platforms try to make that more interactive and engaging
<riteo> although I'm not really sure that's a good thing
<riteo> never looked at it this way
<thomas_adam> To each their own Good luck. This is really a case of you join them out you don’t. But don’t expect “reach” by going solo.
<thomas_adam> Which I completely agree isn’t the goal in all cases.
<thomas_adam> So if this channel is where you receive accolades, fine. But don’t kid yourself it is microblogging. It isn’t.
<riteo> yeah fair
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<midfavila> sewn we're all connected by lain
<midfavila> wherever we are
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