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<dilyn> :o sick
<sad_plan> yeah, the case took roughly 2 months to get though :p had to be constructed first :p
<dilyn> oh shit what'd you get??
<sad_plan> custom 2.9L case from custom_mod :D
<midfavila> sad_plan system()
<dilyn> that's dope
<midfavila> also yes grats
<midfavila> poast pics
<sad_plan> ill see if I can get a couple pics taken when ive put it together :D
<sad_plan> midfavila: oh, so with system(), you can use a local command. I see
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<sad_plan> you were looking for wether or not sbase tar is fixed. this should atleast fix one of the issues with sbase tar
<sad_plan> dunno about other issues with it :p
<sad_plan> I know I had issues with that when building webkit a while back. long paths got truncated
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<dilyn> muon *super* fucks up generating a bunch of files when building wireplumber lmfao
<jason123onirc> sway does not work well for me
<jason123onirc> i3 works better
<jason123onirc> but the no libstartup patch fails so I built libstartup
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<sewn> dilyn: works on my machine
<sewn> also hood morning
<dilyn> right but what's your machine lol
<sewn> does it matter
<sewn> what matters are patches patches
<sewn> like that PR
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<midfavila> sad_plan yeah the truncation was the thing i was worried about
<midfavila> sewn it the night tho
<midfavila> get a better sun
<midfavila> :3c
<sewn> we have different suns midfavila
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<dilyn> just two packages to test with muon so I think I'm gucci... thanks sewn!
<sewn> web?
<dilyn> like a browser? lol
<dilyn> considering switching to firefox tbh
<dilyn> tho I might go full insane and just standup a VM with incus to browse...
<dilyn> considering I need it for work anyways, and then it'll save me a billion headaches between rust and chromium
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<sewn> dilyn: flatpak !!
<sewn> advantages of VM
<dilyn> snaps
<sewn> this is what working at canoncial does to someone
<sewn> i want to see you try to package snap
<sewn> no one tried
<sewn> Out of memory: Killed process 2694 (muon) total-vm:28553896kB, anon-rss:28537100kB, file-rss:196kB, shmem-rss:0kB, UID:1000 pgtables:55932kB oom_score_adj:0
<sewn> fun
<midfavila> >works at canonical
<midfavila> :vomit_face:
<sewn> atleast hes getting paid really well
<sewn> or atleast doing something barely resembling what he likes
<midfavila> true enough :P
<sewn> installng chimera because im bored of kiss
<phinxy> Firefox builds for you guys or nah?
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<dilyn> sewn: nobody has packaged snap?
<dilyn> :trollface:
<sewn> well no one that has a repository with the 'kiss-repo' tag so it can be searched by kiss-find(1)
<dilyn> what an excellent point
<dilyn> remedied
<dilyn> but yes I am doing something I like! :P
<jason123onirc> But I thought snap needed systemd
<jason123onirc> oh it does
<dilyn> it does :'(
<dilyn> I've been mulling over the idea of creating a shim because it doesn't do anything terribly unique with systemd
<dilyn> the hardest part would be namespace/cgroup related management but the rest is stuff like on-the-fly unit generation and starting/stopping things...
<sewn> lol
<sewn> I'm in disbelief
<sewn> this kernel I configured with performance in mind alongside kiss system is slower and actually stutters more than snappy chimera linux
<dilyn> happens more often than you think!
<sewn> I'm gonna try to debug and see if its the kernels fault
<sewn> it better be
<dilyn> I should really look into profiling...
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<sewn> holy shit
<sewn> its actually kiss userland
<sewn> what the fuck
<dilyn> oh damn that's funny
<sewn> I don't know how to react
<sewn> chimera feels snappier too but in places where it makes sense
<sewn> like the system shutdown and init services
<sewn> browser startup is faster too partly because of all of the dbus garbage existing
<sewn> if I were to guess it would be system flatpak
<sewn> keep in mind the game itself is running in a flatpak
<sewn> so maybe mesa or some shit like that
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<jason123onirc> try to update mesa
<midfavila> UAW is calling for a general strike :O
<dilyn> my boys are at it again
<dilyn> bend the capitalist pigs to your ironclad will lads
<midfavila> you should check out what's happening here, dilyn
<midfavila> we've had 3-4 major, major strikes in the past as many months
<midfavila> the labour minister of trudeau's cabinet has busted every single one and it's to the point where major unions are calling for open defiance
<midfavila> CUPW, the union that represents canada post workers, was the latest victim
<midfavila> they went on strike late november and just got sent back to work a few days ago
<midfavila> after being ordered to cease by the labour board. but there have been a bunch of complaints from the rank and file about complying, and other unions and community halls have set up picket lines outside facilities in lieu of CUPW
<midfavila> the fed busted a simultaneous lockout and strike by both freight rail carriers, then they busted a dockworker's strike that was cross-country, then a steelworker's, and now this
<midfavila> also
<midfavila> trudeau's vice-prime and finance minister abandoned him earlier this week
<midfavila> and now half of his cabinet and caucus are openly calling for resignation
<midfavila> it's predicted trudeau's government will fall at the first sitting of the commons after they return from vacation, in february
<midfavila> the bloc quebecois have pledged to vote him down, the tories ofc, and the NDP who have been the only ones supporting them just announced earlier today that they're going to vote non-confidence
<midfavila> that means unless he suspends parliament when he gets back he can't do shit because he's in a minority government and can't fillibuster his way out
<midfavila> that's ignoring the impact of trump's reelection and provocation of canada with his tariff threat
<dilyn> > they went on strike late november
<dilyn> yeah my friend lamented this fact to me because they sent me something right before the strike happened and it has been trapped in customs ever since lmfao
<midfavila> or the escalating frequency and scale of demonstrations by community organisations on every side of the aisle across the country for the past year
<midfavila> canada is honestly ready to implode
<dilyn> > and other unions and community halls have set up picket lines outside facilities in lieu of CUPW
* dilyn sips tea
<dilyn> good
<midfavila> i predict a complete economic failure in the next ten years
<midfavila> because boomers are too fucking stupid to realise that the second they try to retire by selling their artificially inflated houses, nobody is going to be able to afford it because they've been crabs-in-a-bucket'ing millenials and zeds for decades
<midfavila> which is going to cause a cascading failure of the economy as mortgages are defaulted on en masse
<midfavila> which is going to cause a run on revolving credit, which is mostly held by younger people who can't find work
<midfavila> who are then going to default themselves
<dilyn> the US' economy already took a hit -- my mom told me her 401k crashed 100k this month lmfaooooo
<midfavila> and because the housing market is like 20% of canada's economy on its *OWN*
<dilyn> lord have mercy
<midfavila> which is 3-4x the entire oil and gas industry's gdp contribution by the fucking way
<midfavila> the second the housing bubble bursts that's going to send the dollar into outright freefall
<midfavila> we just hit .69usd and we'll make that look like a deal at this rate
<midfavila> but yeah that's going to trigger bank failures and a run on banks
<midfavila> which means either we take the hit and our not so great but still pretty okay depression becomes a great depression two
<midfavila> or the government enacts extreme austerity to bail out the banks
<midfavila> which is going to leave the aging populace in limbo considering nobody can afford to have kids or go to school
<midfavila> meaning no taxes for public programs like the CPP or EI or medicare
<midfavila> etc etc
<midfavila> :3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
<midfavila> also we're about to elect a supermajority of tories at the federal level and in almost every province and territory
<midfavila> and given how westminster works they'll probably get 8-10 years of unrestrained power unless they blatantly fail at their goals in the first term
<midfavila> they're running on a populist-nationalist platform of so-called "common sense" economics
<midfavila> and i'm hoping when people realise that cutting basic government services won't un-fuck the everything crisis they'll be unelectable before people forget the trudeau liberals
* midfavila breathes heavily
<midfavila> please smuggle me to europe holy shit
<midfavila> this has all been in like the past four days
<midfavila> that it's become so pointed
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<phinxy> Dont you Canadians have that french blood in you to revolt
<midfavila> unfortunately that's only in quebec
<midfavila> by and large
<midfavila> :x
<midfavila> they've been trying to leave and become an independent country since they were conquered by the english
<midfavila> they were basically forced into confederation and then in 1982 to sign our constitution
<midfavila> unfortunately because quebec is one of the few pockets of sanity in canada it's been flooded by people from other provinces who don't understand that the reason quebec is mostly sane is *because* they try to do different things
<midfavila> and so that influx of mostly anglophonic canadians keeps tipping the scales just barely over 50% on remain every time there's been a referndum
<midfavila> referendum
<midfavila> but to be honest if quebec voted to leave tomorrow i would sell my shit, hop on a plane, and beg them to let me go too
<midfavila> i barely speak french at all and i'd still go :X
<midfavila> British Columbia wants to become Bitcoin Capital, Alberta wants to join the USA, Saskatchewan only just figured out that electrocuting people for liking the wrong people is immoral *this year*, manitoba is still jailing people for getting sick, ontario is... ontario, new brunswick has shina elec- i mean the irvings fucking them 24/7/365, nova scotia is... well they're honestly fine they're just poor
<midfavila> like the rest of the maritimes, PEI is literally fucking sinking
<midfavila> the territories are all on fire and have no way to evacuate in case they get hemmed in again by fires
<midfavila> and yet people can only bitch about the WoKe MoRaLiStS or some shit
<midfavila> it's insane
<midfavila> sorry i kind of went off on a tangent there
<midfavila> things are just ridiculous right now
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<midfavila> now pollievre is calling for a special session to bring down the government...
<dilyn> glad most countries are currently on fire
<dilyn> if one nation burns, we all must burn
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<midfavila> >shows up
<midfavila> >says the world must burn
<midfavila> >leaves, never seen again
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<dilyn> libera's webchat trolling me
<midfavila> lel
<midfavila> get a server nerd
<dilyn> soon :tm:
<midfavila> just join sdf
<midfavila> it's 36 bux
<dilyn> I could eschew my debt obligations and buy one rn
<dilyn> eh
<sad_plan> midfavila: figured as much, but now you no longer have to look for a new tar implementation anyway :D
<sad_plan> also, fml. I wrecked my brand spanking new gpu today.......
* sad_plan sobs
<dilyn> how tf
<dilyn> don't say it was a 4090
<sad_plan> it wasnt. the 4090 is probably bigger than my whole pc. anyway, it was a 4060 lp
<dilyn> how'd you manage it :'(
<sad_plan> I was almost done assembling my pc, and was trying to fit the last panel. and couldnt get it to align with one of the sidepanes. so I gave it a slight push, and I heard the panel just shred of several components on the gpu board..
<dilyn> omfg
<dilyn> I visibly shook reading that
<sad_plan> yep. I was screaming internally as I noticed what had happened
<sad_plan> thats 350$+ down the drain.
<sad_plan> hopefully I can bullshit my way into a refund or w/e, and get a new one. else Ill have to buy a new one out of pocket..
<sad_plan> which would be even more expensive now, as I bought it on sale
<dilyn> this is why I always damage the boxes I receive so in case I monumentally fuck up I can claim damage in shipping
<dilyn> ulpt
<sad_plan> good idea, but im not overly conviced about doing this couple months after I got it. I ordet the gpu back in september iirc
<ukky> midfavila: I will send you invitation when QC leaves CA
<sad_plan> the company I ordered it from also seems to not like when people do returns on stuff either. youd have to pay several fees and a lot of bs. which is probably a nice deterent for people to return their broken stuff, as oposed to just buy a new one, which would be more convinient
<dilyn> do you need a gpu in the interim? I've got an ancient wx2100 I can give you
<sad_plan> I dont think so. the cpu has a igpu which works for most basic stuff I suppose. my requirements arent really that big atm :p but thats mighty kind of you to offer me this
<dilyn> better in a PCIe slot than collecting dust on top of my arc a750 lmfao
<sad_plan> for sure :P
<sad_plan> I was going to guess that this gpu probably doesnt even fit in my case, but whatyahknow, its even smaller than my current one :p
<dilyn> answers the age old question "what do you get for a 2.9L case?"
<dilyn> the answer is, "fucked"
<sad_plan> touche dilyn, touche
<dilyn> meanwhile I'm debating getting a bigger case than my thermaltake p5 for an eATX motherboard or just risking it
<dilyn> gimme that 480mm rad :v
<sad_plan> is this the correct gpu? or is my searching skills lacking here? :p
<sad_plan> you should get a smaller case mate
<sad_plan> get the one from nfc-systems
<sad_plan> its really dope looking
<dilyn> that is indeed the one
<dilyn> i bought it because it was the only gpu available during the great bitcoin mining craze of whenever-the-fuck
<dilyn> i had a small form factor case back in college. loved it. but i really want an x870e
<dilyn> that case is basically an xbox 360 lmfaoo
<sad_plan> I see
<sad_plan> lol, the 360 was a great machine. i loved mine. although ive had 3 over the years, because they kept breaking
<midfavila> ukky tyvm qwq
<sad_plan> oh, and dilyn and midfavila. I snapped a photo of the internals anyway before I broke my gpu
<dilyn> HOT damn that's a tight little box
<sad_plan> yep. I had to make a cut at one of the terminals on the 24-pin, to make room for the MB, else I couldnt get the screws in for the psu, thus making the gpu not fitting either
<sad_plan> theres basically no room for much of anything else really :p
<dilyn> lmfao
<dilyn> the things we do for sff
<sad_plan> yep. its all madness really
<sad_plan> how exacly do I delete things from I dont get how Im suppose to get the token