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asimovc mhh there are /a lot/ of "no file found" errors
like, even when it tries to setup audio devices it fails. You're sure audio works?
through pipewire that is
how do you set up /dev/ ?
uh actually other than that I see that when it's negotiating formats it's enumerating weird 1x1 buffers, that's weird I think
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in case you don't already (I'm kinda outta options here) double-check you set these kernel settings
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midfavila: whats your gripe with abduco? it feels mostly similar to dtach tbh.
ive also used mtm in the past, but it was always somewhat buggy for me for some reason
re wmutils, yeah, if you print the window id manually, you can move/resize the window via the terminal, but it doesnt really work if you just use $(pfw), which is rather annoying tbh
maybe theres a way around it that ive not figured out yet