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asimovc has joined #kisslinux
<sewn> asimovc: it is _optional_ _runtime_ dependency
<sewn> depends is buildtime requirements
<sewn> firefox can run fine without libpci
<sewn> it only needs it for VAAPI and GPU stuff
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<riteo> oops timeskipped two days
<riteo> shit I do that sometimes
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Guest43 has joined #kisslinux
<Guest43> hi
<Guest43> i can't believe the original project is already dead :(
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<riteo> what project
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asimovc has joined #kisslinux
<asimovc> hi guys
<asimovc> someone know a program for brightness in kiss?
<asimovc> also
<asimovc> sewn: why not enable pciutils since video acceleration is important for firefox?
<sewn> asimovc: it isn't
<asimovc> why not?
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<sad_plan> asimovc: just create your own. i wrote mine in rc a while back, after having it in sh earlier.
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<sewn> its complicated because it supports pecentage decreasing and limit
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