phoebos changed the topic of #kisslinux to: Unofficial KISS Linux community channel | | post logs or else | song of the day
<riteo> gaming is my passion
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<midfavila> bro im such a gamer
<midfavila> :0000
<midfavila> remind me to package tales of maj'eyal for kiss and actually store the files somewhere
<midfavila> instead of packaging it and never committing it like i did last time
<midfavila> man
<midfavila> its a shame windowmaker dockapps are limited to 64z64
<midfavila> i really like them and i think 64x64 is a great size on lower resolutions
<midfavila> but on anything above 1600x1200 it just makes my eyes hurt
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<ehawkvu> phoebos: any way that I could transfer some repos to either the github org or codeberg?
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<sad_plan> awesome. framework just announced theyll have risc-v soon.
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<asimovc> someone here ever tried kiss with toybox utils?
<asimovc> is even possible?
<ehawkvu> asimovc: iirc konimex has done it before as well as dilyn
<ehawkvu> but not in a long time
<asimovc> well maybe i will try and see what kiss is capable with toybox
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