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<midfavila> asimovc: kiss is pretty flexible
<midfavila> there are a few people who have replaced busybox myself included
<midfavila> although i use an eclectic combination of suckless, plan 9, bsd, and random crap ive found on the net for my userland
<asimovc> nice
<asimovc> i will try
<midfavila> gl
<midfavila> :3
<midfavila> oh shit
<midfavila> have you guys seen stallman lately
<midfavila> he's like... not looking so good
<midfavila> . _.
<asimovc> yeah
<asimovc> is been a while since stallman is in bad condition
<midfavila> man...
<midfavila> oh hey
<midfavila> stallman is a fan of invidious
<midfavila> sick
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<midfavila> oh
<midfavila> um
<midfavila> the register has an article confirming that he has cancer
<midfavila> .-.
<midfavila> that's... not good
<asimovc> yeah he is fighting cancer
<asimovc> i remember saw this last year
<asimovc> cancer is a really shit way to pass this life
<asimovc> i hope he gets better
<asimovc> changing topics
<asimovc> anyone here get firefox mic to work with pipewire alsa?
<asimovc> it needs dbus?
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<emma__> emmatebibyte
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<oldtopman> Did Dylan just retire?
<omanom> wonder if he's got his first crops yet :)
<midfavila> lmao
<midfavila> >creates a linux distro
<midfavila> >vanishes to greece without warning
<midfavila> >becomes farmer
<midfavila> well, good for him
<sad_plan> hasnt he been in greece the entire time?
<omanom> I believe most, if not all, of the time he spent working on KISS Linux he was in Greece. I think he was in Australia prior based on some of his shared pictures and stuff, but I don't know when he made the move.
<icebarf> oof
<icebarf> icebarf wakes from slumber
fultilt has joined #kisslinux
<phoebos> ehawkvu: repos can be migrated yes but it's just a clone, issues etc aren't preserved as far as I know
avs_origami has joined #kisslinux
<sewn> asimovc: toybox doesn't want you
<sewn> the build process requires bash and will not change unless the guy works on toysh
<angle> I heard a talk from that toybox guy.
<angle> he was talking about how lame it was to enforce the gpl on busybox.
<angle> so he explicitely used bsd0 for his project.
<angle> bsd0 is honestly my favorite of the cuck licenses.
<angle> it's just about the only one that actually puts stuff in the public domain without being as wordy as the CC0.
<angle> I have it on my cv anyways.
<icebarf> today i read midfavila's name correctly, i always read it as mid-vaifa
<icebarf> ;-;
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<ehawkvu> phoebos: that's fine, I just want to make my maintainership less monolithic for some of them - I won't have a ton of time for maintenence starting in august
<ehawkvu> some I'm trying to come out ahead of it
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