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<angle> double ternany is epic.
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<asimovc> hey guys
<asimovc> someone here use bluetooth on kiss?
<rfaa> asimovc i do! but gotta go now, ask a question and i or someone else might answer later!
<asimovc> is working great with headphones?
<asimovc> mines have sound problems when i connect
<asimovc> like i little distortion in some seconds
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<asimovc> bruh
<asimovc> my fucking bluetooth dont work anymora
<asimovc> i just get this with bluetoothctl Agent registeredct to bluetoothd...
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<asimovc> solved the bluetooh shit
<asimovc> just firmware missing
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<asimovc> rfaa: you have a repo for bluetooth? I getting some distortions in audio while using my headset connected with bluetooth
<asimovc> and pipewire is not in the latest releases in community, and last release need a updated patch for libudev-zero