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<sad_plan> equal rights would be a great start if you ask me.
<macewentoo> never gonna happen. people fall for that trick throughout history and they get stuck with some smooth talking dictator
<sad_plan> dont be so sure. theres several countries which has more or less equal rights. atleast among genders. obivously theres more or less always some group of people who is in some shape of form discriminated, but I like to belive we're getting there. it just takes time
<macewentoo> for me the issue is that it disobeys the laws of nature
<macewentoo> animals always have a food chain heiarchy. when you make laws that go against nature, its doomed to fail in my mind
<macewentoo> things tend to revert to the mean
<sad_plan> I get what you mean, but mankind seems to belive we are above nature
<macewentoo> the competitive parts of our brains, the older part, some call it the reptilian brain, kinda dominates anything power related
<macewentoo> it evolved slower over time, and it controls the emotions, survival instinct
<macewentoo> it's pretty strong, but maybe over time it will devolve or die off, i doubt it but maybe
<macewentoo> as long as its around tho, it wont let equality for all be a thinf
<macewentoo> thing
<sad_plan> sure. the survival aspect is pretty instersting actually. if you think about it; in regards to crime. if you notice where theres more crime, its related to desperation, which leads to people doing things for suvival. like murdering your neighbour because you know he has food
<sad_plan> we are more animal than I think we like to admit for ourselves
<sad_plan> s/animal/animalistic/
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<midfavila> weh
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<macewentoo> yes its complicated, crime is also very complicated, since now you need to factor into all the other psychology stuff
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<sad_plan> yep
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<tazz> hello?
<tazz> hello?
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<sewn> hi and bye
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