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<midfavila> very neat
<midfavila> maybe something to add to community
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<Doomking> I am not sure why running flatpak gives me "Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified" I tried looking online and some said to run "xhost si:localuser:root" this also didn't work
<Doomking> The only command that allow me to run flatpak was "doas xhost +"
<Doomking> Oh, is it because I don't have ~/.Xauthority?
<Doomking> in the meantime, when i'm done with flatpak then i'll run "doas xhost -" to put everything back to normal
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<riteo> midfavila: if we want, we should defo fork it, as it requires mdev.conf changes
<riteo> that or we try some sort of package-hook approach like I proposed a long time ago, but it might be perhaps a bit too messy just for one or two packages rn
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<fultilt> Anyone else getting "No local file 'files/CURLINFO_HTTP_8.8.0.3'" when building curl?
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<sewn> Doomking: you were never supposed to run anything as root in X
<sewn> youre giving a USER application USER X access, because your X server is running on your USER
<sewn> 'xhost +' without doas on your X session to allow any client to connect
<phoebos> fultilt: hah that's a great bug, you must be running an old version of kiss and it substituted 8.8.0 for 'VERSION' in the filename. Always update kiss first!
<riteo> speaking of weird bugs, it looks like I can't build curse-based stuff anymore without patching for linking with tinfo
<riteo> I have no idea of what I might have changed. Is anybody having the same issue?
<sewn> riteo: how can i replicate?
<fultilt> @phoebos: Yup, looks like that was it. I'll note that I was doing a fresh install, trying to follow the directions. So this "old version" is the version in the most recent release tarball.
<fultilt> @phoebos: ...and in the "cd /var/db/kiss/installed && kiss build *" step, "curl" precedes "kiss" alphabetically.