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Guest59 has joined #kisslinux
<Guest59> how do i get intel-ucode on kiss
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<sewn> Hi
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Guest44 has joined #kisslinux
<Guest44> Hi
<Guest44> Sorry, I'm a newbie, just wanted to know if kiss linux is still active, I see last changes are 2021 ...
<sujo2> Still active, but on community repos
sujo2 is now known as sujo
<Guest44> Great news! thank you very much, so, for installation should I use the the manual here:
<Guest44> I remember I tried some time ago, but got some errors..
<Guest44> not finding packages or others..
<sujo> That would be outdated repos
<sujo> use this one instead
<Guest44> GREAT! Thank you very much and have a nice day!
<sujo> h2h
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<Guest33> Not sure what distro I want to use, any recommendations? It'll be running on a laptop and I prefer WMs over DEs. The laptop isn't powerful, so a source based distro won't do. I need access to a wide range of software, preferably not flatpak or snap.
<Guest33> I just want to be able to easily slap on a WM and have low memory/processor use as much as possible
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<sewn> Guest33: alpine
<Guest33> why alpine?
<Guest33> Would debian too heavyweight for me?
<Guest33> be
<Guest33> nevermind, debian uses systemd
<Guest33> There's also Artix.
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<sewn> i use alpine over kiss because i find it very lightweight and simple
<sewn> compared to distributions like gentoo or void
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<kmf> Guest33: personally I always slap slackware on any system which kisslinux won't do, can it be not linux? FreeBSD is pretty minimal and has a big range of software, doesn't have flatpak or snap, and as long as you use UFS the memory usage is low (although I would use ZFS still), also have you heard of tinycore?
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<phinxy> thats for the VNC on wayland tip, wlvncc works flawlessly
<phinxy> at least for connecting to qemu vnc server