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<asdfhjk1> elo
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<sad_plan> hi
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<asdfhjk1> elo
<asdfhjk1> dylan still awol?
<sad_plan> yep
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<asdfhjk1> alright
<asdfhjk1> hope he's ok
<asdfhjk1> talented kid
<sad_plan> I think his just taking a break from it all
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<Doomking> Just out of curiosity, anyone here used/using tinyx?
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<sad_plan> I use tinyx
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<Doomking> sad_plan: How does it differ from xorg? I couldn’t find much information on tinyx besides it being very small. What are the limitations with tinyx? If there isn’t much then I’ll like to use tinyx.
<Doomking> Will tinyx work with dwm right? Just want to know if there’s any issues with tinyx before using it.
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