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<Doomking> Hi
<Doomking> I was wondering which used item option is better, Dell Vostro 5390 (i5-8265U, 8gb ram, 256gb ssd) for $175 or Dell Optiplex 7050 (i7-7700, 8gb ram, 256gb ssd) for $150
<Doomking> I know that the Dell Optiplex is better than the Dell Vostro performance wise, but if I went with that then I'll need to find accessories for it whereas the Dell Vostro is an all-in-one device
<Doomking> Not sure if it's better to install Kiss on a desktop or laptop? What do you guys have your Kiss installed on?
<Doomking> Nevermind, after looking a bit more it seems like the Dell Optiplex is way better option due to it having better cpu and ram/ssd upgradability whereas the Dell Vostro can only upgrade the ssd and not the ram.
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<rfaa> hello
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