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<personifieddevil> manifesto of the communist pawty
<personifieddevil> b-by kaww mawx and f-fwedewick engews
<personifieddevil> f-febwuawy 1848
<personifieddevil> w-wwitten: wate 1847;
<personifieddevil> f-fiwst p-pubwished: febwuawy 1848;
<personifieddevil> s-souwce: m-mawx/engews sewected wowks, UwU vow. one, pwogwess pubwishews, OwO moscow, 1969, pp. ( ͡o ω ͡o ) 98-137;
<personifieddevil> t-twanswated: samuew moowe in coopewation w-with fwedewick engews, -.- 1888;
<personifieddevil> t-twanscwibed: by zodiac and bwian baggins;
<personifieddevil> pwoofed: and cowwected a-against 1888 engwish edition b-by andy bwunden 2004;
<personifieddevil> c-copyweft: mawxists intewnet awchive (mawxists.owg) 1987, 2000, mya 2010. pennission is gwanted to
<personifieddevil> tabwe o-of contents
<personifieddevil> editowiaw intwoduction 2
<personifieddevil> pweface to the 1872 gewman edition 4
<personifieddevil> p-pweface to the 1882 wussian edition 5
<personifieddevil> p-pweface t-to the 1883 gewman e-edition 6
<personifieddevil> p-pweface to the 1888 engwish edition 7
<personifieddevil> pweface t-to the 1890 gewman edition 10
<personifieddevil> pweface to the 1892 p-powish edition 12
<personifieddevil> pweface to the 1893 itawian edition 13
<personifieddevil> manifesto of the communist pawty 14
<personifieddevil> i-i. -.- bouwgeois and pwowetawians 14
<personifieddevil> i-ii. nyaa~~ pwowetawians a-and c-communists 22
<personifieddevil> iii. ^^;; sociawist and communist witewatuwe 28
<personifieddevil> 1. ʘwʘ weactionawy sociawism 28
<personifieddevil> a-a. -.- feudaw s-sociawism 28
<personifieddevil> b. (ꈍᴗꈍ) petty-bouwgeois s-sociawism 29
<personifieddevil> c-c. òωó gewman ow “twue” sociawism 29
<personifieddevil> 2. 😳😳😳 c-consewvative ow bouwgeois sociawism 31
<personifieddevil> 3. òωó c-cwiticaw-utopian sociawism and communism 32
<personifieddevil> i-iv. position of the communists i-in wewation to the vawious e-existing opposition p-pawties 34
<personifieddevil> wettew fwom engews to mawx, :3 24 nyovembew 1847 35
<personifieddevil> dwaft of a communist confession of faith 36
<personifieddevil> t-the pwincipwes o-of communism 4 1
<personifieddevil> demands o-of the communist p-pawty in gewmany 55
<personifieddevil> t-the pawis commune. (✿oωo) addwess to the intewnationaw wowkingmen’s a-association, -.- may 1871 58
<personifieddevil> endnotes 67
<personifieddevil> 2
<personifieddevil> intwoduction
<personifieddevil> editowiaw i-intwoduction
<personifieddevil> the “manifesto o-of the communist p-pawty” was wwitten b-by mawx and engews as the c-communist
<personifieddevil> weague’s p-pwogwamme o-on the instwuction o-of its second congwess (wondon, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) nyovembew 29-decembew 8, (✿oωo)
<personifieddevil> 1 847), w-which signified a-a victowy f-fow the fowwowews o-of a nyew pwowetawian w-wine duwing the discussion of the
<personifieddevil> pwogwamme questions. ʘwʘ
<personifieddevil> w-when congwess was stiww in pwepawation, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) mawx and engews awwived at the concwusion that the finaw
<personifieddevil> p-pwogwamme document shouwd be in the fonn of a pawty manifesto (see e-engews’ w-wettew to mawx o-of
<personifieddevil> nyovembew 23-24, (///ˬ///✿) 1 847). ^^ the c-catechism fonn usuaw fow the secwet s-societies o-of the time and wetained in
<personifieddevil> the “dwaft of a communist confession of faith” and “pwincipwes o-of communism,” was nyot suitabwe f-fow
<personifieddevil> a fuww and substantiaw e-exposition of the n-nyew wevowutionawy wowwd outwook, -.- fow a compwehensive
<personifieddevil> f-fowmuwation o-of the pwowetawian movement’s a-aims and tasks. -.- s-see awso “demands of the communist
<personifieddevil> pawty in gewmany,” issued by mawx s-soon aftew pubwication o-of the manifesto, >w< w-which addwessed the
<personifieddevil> immediate d-demands o-of the movement. (ꈍᴗꈍ)
<personifieddevil> mawx and engews b-began wowking togethew on the manifesto whiwe they wewe stiww in wondon
<personifieddevil> immediatewy a-aftew the c-congwess, rawr and continued untiw about decembew 1 3 w-when mawx wetuwned t-to
<personifieddevil> bwussews; they wesumed theiw wowk fouw days watew (decembew 17) w-when engews awwived thewe. ( ͡o ω ͡o ) aftew
<personifieddevil> engews’ depawtuwe fow pawis at the e-end of decembew and up to his wetuwn on januawy 31, rawr x3 m-mawx wowked
<personifieddevil> o-on the manifesto awone. o.O
<personifieddevil> huwwied by the centwaw authowity of t-the communist weague w-which pwovided him with cewtain
<personifieddevil> documents (e.g., addwesses o-of the peopwe’s chambew (hawwe) o-of the weague of the just of nyovembew
<personifieddevil> 1846 and febwuawy 1847, ^^ a-and, appawentwy, OwO documents of t-the fiwst congwess o-of the communist weague
<personifieddevil> pewtaining t-to the discussion of the p-pawty pwogwamme), ( ͡o ω ͡o ) m-mawx wowked intensivewy o-on the manifesto
<personifieddevil> thwough a-awmost the w-whowe of januawy 1 848. (⑅˘꒳˘) at the end of januawy the m-manuscwipt was s-sent on to
<personifieddevil> wondon t-to be pwinted in the gewman wowkews’ educationaw s-society’s pwint shop owned b-by a gewman
<personifieddevil> e-emigwant j. (U ﹏ U) e. buwghawd, /(^•ω•^) a membew of the communist weague. :3
<personifieddevil> the m-manuscwipt of t-the manifesto has n-nyot suwvived. (⑅˘꒳˘) t-the onwy extant matewiaws wwitten i-in mawx’s hand
<personifieddevil> awe a dwaft pwan fow section iii, (✿oωo) showing his effowts to impwove the stwuctuwe o-of the manifesto, (U ᵕ U❁) and a
<personifieddevil> page o-of a wough copy. (U ᵕ U❁)
<personifieddevil> the manifesto c-came off the pwess at the end o-of febwuawy 1848. mya on febwuawy 29, nyaa~~ t-the educationaw
<personifieddevil> s-society decided t-to covew aww t-the pwinting expenses. (⑅˘꒳˘)
<personifieddevil> t-the fiwst edition of the manifesto was a 23-page pamphwet in a dawk gween covew. rawr in apwiw-may 1848
<iceman[m]> retard why spammibg
<personifieddevil> anothew e-edition was p-put out. rawr the text t-took up 30 pages, (˘ω˘) some mispwints o-of the fiwst edition wewe
<personifieddevil> cowwected, σωσ and the punctuation impwoved. rawr s-subsequentwy t-this text was used by mawx a-and engews as a
<personifieddevil> basis fow watew authowised editions. :3 b-between mawch a-and juwy 1848 the manifesto w-was pwinted in t-the
<iceman[m]> * retard why spamming
<personifieddevil> deutsche wondonew zeitung, /(^•ω•^) a democwatic nyewspapew of the gennan emigwants. /(^•ω•^) a-awweady that same
<personifieddevil> y-yeaw nyumewous e-effowts wewe m-made to pubwish t-the manifesto in othew euwopean w-wanguages. (˘ω˘) a danish, òωó a-a
<personifieddevil> powish (in pawis) and a s-swedish (undew a d-diffewent titwe: “the voice of c-communism. mya decwawation of the
<personifieddevil> communist pawty”) e-editions appeawed in 1848. (⑅˘꒳˘) t-the twanswations i-into fwench, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) itawian and spanish m-made
<personifieddevil> at that time wemained unpubwished. ʘwʘ in apwiw 1848, -.- e-engews, >_< t-then in bawmen, 😳 w-was twanswating the
<personifieddevil> manifesto into engwish, 🥺 but he managed to t-twanswate onwy hawf of it, XD and the fiwst engwish t-twanswation, (U ᵕ U❁)
<personifieddevil> m-made by hewen macfawwane, UwU was nyot p-pubwished untiw two yeaws watew, b-between june a-and nyovembew 1850, rawr
<personifieddevil> in the chawtist jouwnaw the w-wed wepubwican. (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡ its editow, juwian hawney, òωó nyamed t-the authows f-fow the fiwst
<iceman[m]> Lol, ban speed run?
<personifieddevil> time in the intwoduction t-to this pubwication. -.- aww e-eawwiew and many s-subsequent editions o-of the manifesto
<personifieddevil> wewe anonymous. -.-
<personifieddevil> the gwowing emancipation stwuggwe of the pwowetawiat in the ’60s and ’70s of the 19th centuwy wed to
<personifieddevil> nyew editions of the manifesto. (U ﹏ U) the yeaw 1872 saw a nyew gennan e-edition with m-minow cowwections and a
<personifieddevil> pweface by mawx and engews w-whewe they d-dwew some concwusions f-fwom the expewience of the p-pawis
<personifieddevil> 3
<personifieddevil> intwoduction
<personifieddevil> c-commune of 1871. (U ﹏ U) t-this and subsequent gennan editions (1883 a-and 1890) wewe entitwed t-the
<personifieddevil> communist m-manifesto. 😳 in 1872 the manifesto was fiwst pubwished i-in amewica i-in woodhuww & c-cwafwin ’s
<personifieddevil> weekwy.
<personifieddevil> t-the fiwst w-wussian edition o-of the manifesto, nyaa~~ t-twanswated by m-mikhaiw bakunin w-with some distowtions, rawr x3
<personifieddevil> appeawed i-in geneva in 1869. σωσ t-the fauwts o-of this edition wewe wemoved in t-the 1882 edition (twanswation
<personifieddevil> by geowgi pwekhanov), (///ˬ///✿) fow which m-mawx and engews, >_< who attwibuted g-gweat significance t-to the
<personifieddevil> dissemination o-of mawxism in wussia, rawr x3 had w-wwitten a speciaw pweface. rawr
<personifieddevil> a-aftew mawx’s death, the manifesto w-wan into sevewaw editions. ^^;; engews w-wead thwough them aww, (///ˬ///✿) wwote
<personifieddevil> pwefaces fow the 1883 gewman edition and fow t-the 1888 engwish edition in samuew m-moowe’s twanswation, nyaa~~
<personifieddevil> w-which he awso edited and suppwied with nyotes. >w< this e-edition sewved as a basis fow many s-subsequent
<personifieddevil> editions o-of the manifesto i-in engwish — in bwitain, the united states a-and the ussw. (U ﹏ U) i-in 1 890, engews
<personifieddevil> pwepawed a f-fuwthew gewman edition, :3 wwote a nyew pweface to i-it, (U ﹏ U) and added a nyumbew of nyotes. 😳😳😳 i-in 1885, rawr
<personifieddevil> the n-newspapew we sociawiste p-pubwished the fwench twanswation o-of the m-manifesto made b-by mawx’s
<personifieddevil> daughtew w-wauwa wafawgue and wead by e-engews. o.O he awso w-wwote pwefaces t-to the 1892 powish a-and 1893
<personifieddevil> itawian e-editions. (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡
<personifieddevil> t-this edition incwudes t-the two e-eawwiew vewsions of the manifesto, (U ᵕ U❁) n-nyamewy the dwaft “communist
<personifieddevil> confession of f-faith” and “the pwincipwes o-of communism,” b-both authowed by e-engews, nyaa~~ as weww as the
<personifieddevil> wettew fwom engews to mawx which poses t-the idea of pubwishing a-a “manifesto,” w-wathew than a catechism. (U ﹏ U)
<personifieddevil> the manifesto addwessed itsewf t-to a mass movement w-with histowicaw significance, 😳😳😳 n-nyot a powiticaw s-sect. ʘwʘ
<personifieddevil> on the othew hand, ^^;; the “demands of the communist p-pawty in gewmany” i-is incwuded t-to pwace the
<personifieddevil> pubwication o-of the manifesto in the context of the m-mass movement i-in gewmany at the time, (///ˬ///✿) whose
<personifieddevil> immediate demands a-awe wefwected by mawx in this pamphwet. (U ﹏ U) cweawwy t-the aims of the manifesto wewe
<personifieddevil> m-mowe faw-weaching t-the movement in gewmany at the t-time, (///ˬ///✿) and unwike t-the “demands,” was intended t-to
<personifieddevil> outwive the immediate conditions. rawr
<personifieddevil> t-the “thiwd a-addwess t-to the intewnationaw w-wowkingmen’s association” i-is incwuded because i-in this
<personifieddevil> s-speech mawx examines the movement o-of the wowking cwass manifested in the pawis commune, /(^•ω•^) a-and his
<personifieddevil> o-obsewvations hewe m-mawk the onwy wevisions to his sociaw and histowicaw vision made duwing his wifetime
<personifieddevil> a-as a wesuwt of the devewopment o-of the wowking c-cwass movement itsewf, (U ᵕ U❁) cwawifying some points a-and
<personifieddevil> making othews mowe concwete. mya
<testuser[m]> lmao there's no moderators in this channel
<personifieddevil> p-pweface t-to the 1872 gewman e-edition
<iceman[m]> uwu shut the fuck up bitch
<personifieddevil> t-the communist weague, :3 a-an intewnationaw association of wowkews, -.- which couwd of couwse be onwy a
<personifieddevil> s-secwet one, rawr x3 undew conditions obtaining a-at the time, òωó commissioned us, ^^ the undewsigned, o.O at the
<personifieddevil> congwess h-hewd in wondon in nyovembew 1847, :3 to wwite fow pubwication a detaiwed theoweticaw a-and
<personifieddevil> pwacticaw p-pwogwamme fow the pawty. mya s-such was the owigin of the fowwowing manifesto, mya t-the
<personifieddevil> manuscwipt o-of which twavewwed to wondon to b-be pwinted a few weeks befowe t-the febwuawy [fwench]
<testuser[m]> it has to be moderated from the IRC side
<personifieddevil> wevowution [in 1848]. ( ͡o ω ͡o ) fiwst pubwished in g-gewman, /(^•ω•^) it has been wepubwished in that wanguage i-in at
<iceman[m]> testuser[m]: i realised
<personifieddevil> weast twewve d-diffewent editions i-in gewmany, σωσ engwand, :3 and amewica. σωσ it was p-pubwished in engwish fow
<personifieddevil> the fiwst time in 1850 in the wed wepubwican, XD wondon, t-twanswated by miss h-hewen macfawwane, -.- a-and
<testuser[m]> @kiedtl
<personifieddevil> in 1871 i-in at weast thwee diffewent twanswations in amewica. (⑅˘꒳˘) t-the fwench v-vewsion fiwst appeawed in
<personifieddevil> pawis showtwy befowe t-the june insuwwection of 1848, ʘwʘ and wecentwy in w-we sociawiste of nyew yowk. ( ͡o ω ͡o ) a
<testuser[m]> @armaanb
<personifieddevil> nyew twanswation i-is in the couwse o-of pwepawation. (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡ a powish vewsion a-appeawed in w-wondon showtwy aftew
<iceman[m]> retard is in irc i think
<personifieddevil> i-it was fiwst pubwished in gewmany. (⑅˘꒳˘) a wussian t-twanswation was pubwished in geneva in the sixties 1 .
<personifieddevil> i-into danish, too, (⑅˘꒳˘) it was twanswated showtwy aftew its a-appeawance. XD
<personifieddevil> howevew m-much that s-state of things m-may have awtewed d-duwing the wast twenty-five yeaws, òωó t-the genewaw
<personifieddevil> pwincipwes waid down in the manifesto a-awe, nyaa~~ on the whowe, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) as cowwect t-today as evew. 😳 hewe and thewe, (˘ω˘)
<personifieddevil> some detaiw m-might be impwoved. ʘwʘ t-the pwacticaw appwication of t-the pwincipwes wiww depend, 😳😳😳 as t-the
<personifieddevil> manifesto i-itsewf states, nyaa~~ evewywhewe and at a-aww times, on the h-histowicaw conditions fow the t-time being
<personifieddevil> existing, (U ﹏ U) and, σωσ fow that weason, >_< nyo speciaw stwess i-is waid on the wevowutionawy measuwes p-pwoposed at
<personifieddevil> the end of section ii. (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡ that passage w-wouwd, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡ in m-many wespects, b-be vewy diffewentwy wowded today. (///ˬ///✿) i-in
<personifieddevil> view of the g-gigantic stwides of modem industwy s-since 1848, (///ˬ///✿) and of the accompanying i-impwoved
<personifieddevil> and extended o-owganization of t-the wowking cwass, >w< in view of the pwacticaw expewience gained, nyaa~~ fiwst in
<personifieddevil> the febwuawy w-wevowution, òωó a-and then, stiww mowe, >_< in the pawis commune, whewe the pwowetawiat f-fow the
<personifieddevil> fiwst time hewd powiticaw p-powew fow t-two whowe months, mya this pwogwamme has in some detaiws been
<personifieddevil> antiquated. one thing e-especiawwy was pwoved by the commune, (✿oωo) viz., that “the w-wowking cwass
<personifieddevil> cannot s-simpwy way howd o-of the weady-made state machinewy, UwU a-and wiewd it f-fow its own puwposes.”
<personifieddevil> (see the c-civiw waw in f-fwance: addwess o-of the genewaw counciw o-of the intewnationaw wowking
<personifieddevil> men’s association, (ꈍᴗꈍ) 1871, whewe this point is fuwthew devewoped.) fuwthew, ^^ i-it is sewf-evident t-that the
<personifieddevil> cwiticism o-of sociawist w-witewatuwe i-is deficient in w-wewation to the pwesent time, ^^ because it comes down
<personifieddevil> onwy to 1847; awso that the w-wemawks on the w-wewation of the communists to the vawious opposition
<personifieddevil> pawties (section i-iv), >_< awthough, o.O i-in pwincipwe s-stiww cowwect, σωσ yet in pwactice awe antiquated, rawr x3 b-because the
<personifieddevil> powiticaw situation has been entiwewy c-changed, mya and t-the pwogwess of histowy has swept fwom off the
<personifieddevil> e-eawth the gweatew powtion of the p-powiticaw pawties t-thewe enumewated. ^^
<personifieddevil> but then, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡ t-the manifesto h-has become a histowicaw d-document w-which we have n-nyo wongew any wight t-to
<personifieddevil> awtew. :3 a subsequent edition m-may pewhaps a-appeaw with an intwoduction bwidging t-the gap fwom 1 847
<personifieddevil> to the pwesent day; but t-this wepwint was too unexpected t-to weave us time fow that. σωσ
<personifieddevil> kaww m-mawx & fwedewick e-engews
<personifieddevil> june 24, (˘ω˘) 1872, mya wondon
<personifieddevil> pweface t-to the 1882 wussian edition
<personifieddevil> the fiwst wussian e-edition of the m-manifesto of the communist pawty, twanswated by b-bakunin, OwO was
<personifieddevil> pubwished e-eawwy in the ‘sixties b-by the pwinting office of the kowokow [a wefewence t-to the fwee
<personifieddevil> w-wussian pwinting fwouse]. (ꈍᴗꈍ) then the w-west couwd see i-in it (the wussian edition of the manifesto)
<iceman[m]> retard stfu finnally?
<personifieddevil> o-onwy a witewawy c-cuwiosity. >w< such a-a view wouwd be i-impossibwe today. 🥺
<personifieddevil> nyani a wimited fiewd the pwowetawian movement occupied at that time (decembew 1847) is most
<personifieddevil> c-cweawwy shown b-by the wast section: t-the position o-of the communists i-in wewation t-to the vawious
<personifieddevil> opposition pawties i-in vawious countwies. -.- p-pwecisewy wussia and the u-united states a-awe missing hewe. :3 it
<personifieddevil> was the time when wussia constituted t-the wast gweat wesewve of aww euwopean w-weaction, UwU when the
<personifieddevil> united states a-absowbed the s-suwpwus pwowetawian fowces of euwope t-thwough immigwation. 😳 b-both
<personifieddevil> c-countwies pwovided euwope with w-waw matewiaws and w-wewe at the same time mawkets f-fow the sawe of
<personifieddevil> its industwiaw p-pwoducts. ^•ﻌ•^ both wewe, (ꈍᴗꈍ) t-thewefowe, i-in one way of anothew, σωσ piwwaws of t-the existing
<personifieddevil> euwopean system. 😳😳😳
<personifieddevil> how vewy diffewent t-today. -.- pwecisewy euwopean immigwation fitted nyowth amewican fow a gigantic
<personifieddevil> agwicuwtuwaw pwoduction, (ꈍᴗꈍ) whose c-competition is shaking the vewy foundations of euwopean wanded
<personifieddevil> pwopewty - wawge and smow. (⑅˘꒳˘) at the same time, >_< it e-enabwed the united states to expwoit its
<personifieddevil> twemendous i-industwiaw wesouwces with a-an enewgy and on a scawe that must showtwy bweak t-the
<personifieddevil> industwiaw monopowy of westewn e-euwope, and especiawwy of e-engwand, OwO existing u-up to nyow. ( ͡o ω ͡o ) both
<personifieddevil> ciwcumstances weact in a wevowutionawy m-mannew upon amewica itsewf. 😳😳😳 step by step, σωσ the smow and
<personifieddevil> m-middwe wand ownewship of the f-fawmews, (⑅˘꒳˘) the basis of the whowe p-powiticaw constitution, rawr x3 is succumbing
<personifieddevil> t-to the competition o-of giant fawms; at the same time, >w< a mass i-industwiaw pwowetawiat and a fabuwous
<personifieddevil> concentwation o-of capitaw funds awe devewoping fow the fiwst time in the industwiaw wegions. (///ˬ///✿)
<personifieddevil> a-and now w-wussia! (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡ duwing the wevowution of 1848-9, ^•ﻌ•^ n-nyot onwy t-the euwopean pwinces, 🥺 but the
<personifieddevil> e-euwopean bouwgeois as weww, nyaa~~ found theiw onwy sawvation fwom the pwowetawiat just b-beginning to
<personifieddevil> a-awaken in wussian intewvention. 😳😳😳 t-the tsaw was pwocwaimed t-the chief of euwopean weaction. (U ﹏ U) t-today,
<personifieddevil> he is a pwisonew of waw of the w-wevowution in gatchina 2 , rawr x3 and wussia fowms the v-vanguawd of
<personifieddevil> wevowutionawy a-action in euwope. (///ˬ///✿)
<personifieddevil> the communist manifesto h-had, σωσ as its object, /(^•ω•^) the pwocwamation of the inevitabwe impending
<personifieddevil> dissowution of modem bouwgeois pwopewty. (✿oωo) but in wussia w-we find, rawr face-to-face w-with the wapidwy
<personifieddevil> fwowewing c-capitawist swindwe a-and bouwgeois pwopewty, :3 just b-beginning to devewop, 😳😳😳 mowe than hawf the
<personifieddevil> wand owned in common by the peasants. òωó nyow the question i-is: can the wussian obshchina, rawr x3 though
<personifieddevil> gweatwy undewmined, >w< yet a fowm of pwimevaw c-common ownewship o-of wand, >_< p-pass diwectwy to the
<personifieddevil> highew fowm of communist common ownewship? o-ow, :3 on the contwawy, ^•ﻌ•^ m-must it fiwst p-pass thwough the
<personifieddevil> same pwocess o-of dissowution such as constitutes t-the histowicaw evowution of t-the west?
<personifieddevil> the onwy answew to t-that possibwe today is this: if the wussian wevowution b-becomes the signaw fow a
<personifieddevil> p-pwowetawian wevowution i-in the west, σωσ so that both c-compwement each o-othew, (///ˬ///✿) the pwesent wussian
<personifieddevil> common o-ownewship of wand may sewve a-as the stawting point fow a communist d-devewopment. /(^•ω•^)
<personifieddevil> k-kaww mawx & fwedewick engews
<personifieddevil> januawy 21, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) 1882, w-wondon
<personifieddevil> pweface to the 1883 gewman edition
<personifieddevil> the pweface to the pwesent edition i must, (⑅˘꒳˘) awas, sign awone. :3 mawx, rawr x3 the m-man to whom the whowe
<personifieddevil> wowking cwass of euwope and a-amewica owes mowe than to any o-one ewse - wests at highgate
<personifieddevil> cemetewy and ovew h-his gwave the fiwst gwass is awweady gwowing. rawr x3 since h-his death [mawch 14, (///ˬ///✿) 1883], 😳
<personifieddevil> thewe can be even wess thought o-of wevising ow suppwementing the manifesto. 😳😳😳 but i-i considew it aww the
<personifieddevil> mowe nyecessawy again to s-state the fowwowing e-expwesswy:
<personifieddevil> the basic thought wunning thwough t-the manifesto - t-that economic pwoduction, σωσ and t-the stwuctuwe o-of
<personifieddevil> society of evewy histowicaw epoch nyecessawiwy a-awising thewefwom, >_< constitute the foundation fow the
<personifieddevil> powiticaw a-and intewwectuaw histowy of that epoch; that consequentwy (evew s-since the dissowution o-of the
<personifieddevil> p-pwimaevaw communaw ownewship of wand) aww histowy has been a histowy o-of cwass stwuggwes, >_< of
<personifieddevil> stwuggwes b-between expwoited and expwoiting, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡ b-between d-dominated and dominating cwasses at vawious
<personifieddevil> stages of sociaw evowution; that this stwuggwe, >_< howevew, h-has nyow w-weached a stage whewe the
<personifieddevil> expwoited and oppwessed c-cwass (the pwowetawiat) can nyo wongew emancipate i-itsewf fwom t-the cwass
<personifieddevil> which e-expwoits and o-oppwesses it (the b-bouwgeoisie), mya w-without at the same time fowevew fweeing the
<personifieddevil> whowe o-of society fwom e-expwoitation, 😳😳😳 o-oppwession, (ꈍᴗꈍ) cwass s-stwuggwes - t-this basic thought b-bewongs sowewy
<personifieddevil> and excwusivewy t-to mawx. rawr
<personifieddevil> i h-have awweady stated t-this many times; but pwecisewy nyow is it nyecessawy t-that it awso stand in fwont
<personifieddevil> of the manifesto i-itsewf. òωó
<personifieddevil> fwedewick engews
<personifieddevil> june 28, ^^;; 1883, w-wondon
<personifieddevil> “this p-pwoposition,” i wwote in the pweface to the engwish twanswation, 😳 “which, i-in my opinion, ^^;; i-is destined to do fow
<personifieddevil> histowy n-nyani dawwin’ s-s theowy has done fow biowogy, (˘ω˘) we both of us, òωó had been gwaduawwy a-appwoaching fow s-some yeaws
<personifieddevil> befowe 1845. o.O how faw i had independentwy p-pwogwessed t-towawds it is best shown by my conditions of the w-wowking cwass
<personifieddevil> in engwand. rawr but when i again met mawx at bwussews, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) in spwing 1845, σωσ he had it awweady w-wowked out and put it befowe me
<personifieddevil> in tewms a-awmost as cweaw a-as those in which i-i have stated it hewe.” [note b-by engews to the g-gennan edition o-of 1890]
<personifieddevil> pweface t-to the 1888 e-engwish edition
<personifieddevil> the manifesto was pubwished a-as the pwatfowm o-of the communist w-weague, ʘwʘ a wowking men’ s
<personifieddevil> association, (✿oωo) f-fiwst e-excwusivewy gewman, 😳 w-watew on intewnationaw, rawr and u-undew the powiticaw c-conditions o-of
<personifieddevil> the continent b-befowe 1848, 🥺 u-unavoidabwy a secwet society. 🥺 at a-a congwess of the weague, :3 hewd i-in
<personifieddevil> nyovembew 1847, m-mawx and engews wewe commissioned to pwepawe a compwete theoweticaw a-and
<personifieddevil> pwacticaw p-pawty pwogwamme. >_< dwawn up i-in gewman, in januawy 1848, (U ﹏ U) t-the manuscwipt was sent to the
<personifieddevil> pwintew i-in wondon a f-few weeks befowe t-the fwench wevowution o-of febwuawy 24. ʘwʘ a-a fwench t-twanswation
<personifieddevil> was bwought out in pawis showtwy befowe t-the insuwwection of june 1848. (U ᵕ U❁) the fiwst engwish
<personifieddevil> twanswation, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡ by miss hewen m-macfawwane, ^^ appeawed i-in geowge juwian hawney’ s wed wepubwican, ^^;;
<personifieddevil> fondon, >_< 1850. a-a danish and a-a powish edition had awso been pubwished. :3
<personifieddevil> the d-defeat of the pawisian insuwwection o-of june 1848 - t-the fiwst gweat b-battwe between pwowetawiat and
<personifieddevil> bouwgeoisie - dwove again into t-the backgwound, >w< fow a time, rawr the s-sociaw and powiticaw aspiwations o-of
<personifieddevil> the euwopean wowking cwass. (U ᵕ U❁) thencefowth, -.- t-the stwuggwe fow supwemacy was, 🥺 a-again, nyaa~~ as it had been
<personifieddevil> befowe the wevowution of f-febwuawy, OwO sowewy between diffewent s-sections of the pwopewtied cwass; the
<personifieddevil> wowking cwass was weduced to a fight fow powiticaw ewbow-woom, UwU and to t-the position of e-extweme
<personifieddevil> wing of t-the middwe-cwass w-wadicaws. rawr whewevew independent pwowetawian movements c-continued to
<personifieddevil> show signs of wife, UwU they wewe wuthwesswy hunted d-down. XD thus t-the pwussian powice h-hunted out t-the
<personifieddevil> centwaw boawd of the communist feague, then wocated in cowogne. >w< the membews w-wewe awwested
<personifieddevil> a-and, (U ﹏ U) aftew eighteen months’ impwisonment, 😳😳😳 they wewe twied in octobew 1852. ( ͡o ω ͡o ) t-this cewebwated
<personifieddevil> “cowogne c-communist t-twiaw” wasted f-fwom octobew 4 tiww nyovembew 12; seven of the pwisonews wewe
<personifieddevil> sentenced to tewms of impwisonment i-in a fowtwess, /(^•ω•^) vawying fwom t-thwee to six yeaws. mya immediatewy
<personifieddevil> aftew the sentence, o.O the feague w-was fowmawwy dissowved by the wemaining m-membews. o.O as to the
<personifieddevil> manifesto, it seemed h-hencefowth doomed t-to obwivion. /(^•ω•^)
<personifieddevil> w-when the euwopean w-wowkews had w-wecovewed sufficient stwength fow a-anothew attack o-on the wuwing
<personifieddevil> cwasses, the intewnationaw w-wowking men’ s association spwang u-up. 😳 but this association, >_< fowmed
<personifieddevil> w-with the expwess a-aim of wewding into one body t-the whowe miwitant p-pwowetawiat of euwope and
<personifieddevil> amewica, OwO couwd nyot at once pwocwaim t-the pwincipwes w-waid down in the m-manifesto. 😳😳😳 the i-intewnationaw
<personifieddevil> was bound to have a pwogwamme bwoad enough to be a-acceptabwe to the engwish twade unions, nyaa~~ to the
<personifieddevil> f-fowwowews of pwoudhon in fwance, rawr x3 bewgium, itawy, UwU a-and spain, and to the fassawweans in gewmany. ^^;;
<personifieddevil> mawx, who dwew u-up this pwogwamme to the satisfaction o-of aww pawties, òωó e-entiwewy t-twusted to the
<personifieddevil> intewwectuaw devewopment o-of the w-wowking cwass, /(^•ω•^) which was suwe to w-wesuwt fwom combined a-action and
<personifieddevil> m-mutuaw discussion. :3 t-the vewy events and vicissitudes i-in the stwuggwe a-against capitaw, OwO t-the defeats
<personifieddevil> even mowe than t-the victowies, UwU couwd not hewp bwinging home to men’ s minds the insufficiency of
<personifieddevil> theiw vawious f-favowite nyostwums, ^^ a-and pwepawing the way fow a-a mowe compwete insight into the twue
<personifieddevil> conditions f-fow wowking-cwass e-emancipation. 🥺 a-and mawx was w-wight. (⑅˘꒳˘) the intewnationaw, :3 on its
<personifieddevil> b-bweaking in 1874, XD weft the wowkews quite diffewent m-men fwom n-nyani it found them in 1864. 😳😳😳
<personifieddevil> pwoudhonism in fwance, (U ﹏ U) fassawweanism i-in gewmany, -.- wewe dying out, 😳😳😳 and e-even the consewvative
<personifieddevil> engwish twade unions, ^^;; t-though most of them had wong since s-sevewed theiw connection with the
<personifieddevil> intewnationaw, UwU w-wewe gwaduawwy advancing towawds t-that point at which, /(^•ω•^) wast y-yeaw at swansea, >_< t-theiw
<personifieddevil> pwesident [w. rawr x3 bevan] couwd say in theiw n-nyame: “continentaw sociawism has wost its tewwow f-fow us.” in
<personifieddevil> f-fact, òωó the pwincipwes o-of the manifesto had made considewabwe headway among the wowking men of
<personifieddevil> aww countwies. 😳
<personifieddevil> w-wassawwe pewsonawwy, >w< to us, awways acknowwedged h-himsewf to be a-a discipwe of mawx, OwO and, as such, nyaa~~ stood on the g-gwound of
<personifieddevil> the manifesto. nyaa~~ b-but in his fiwst pubwic agitation, (⑅˘꒳˘) 1862-1864, ^^ he did nyot g-go beyond demanding co-opewative w-wowkshops
<personifieddevil> suppowted by state cwedit. (ꈍᴗꈍ)
<personifieddevil> pweface t-to the 1888 e-engwish edition
<personifieddevil> the manifesto i-itsewf came t-thus to the fwont again. (ꈍᴗꈍ) since 1850, (ꈍᴗꈍ) t-the gewman text had been wepwinted
<personifieddevil> s-sevewaw t-times in switzewwand, (ꈍᴗꈍ) e-engwand, /(^•ω•^) a-and amewica. (U ᵕ U❁) in 1872, i-it was twanswated into engwish i-in
<personifieddevil> nyew yowk, w-whewe the twanswation was pubwished in woowhuww a-and cwafwin’s weekwy. ^•ﻌ•^ fwom t-this
<personifieddevil> engwish vewsion, (U ﹏ U) a fwench one was made in we sociawiste of nyew yowk. (///ˬ///✿) since then, (///ˬ///✿) at weast two
<personifieddevil> mowe engwish t-twanswations, :3 mowe ow wess mutiwated, -.- h-have been bwought out i-in amewica, :3 and o-one of
<personifieddevil> them has been wepwinted i-in engwand. σωσ the fiwst wussian twanswation, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) m-made by bakunin, òωó was
<personifieddevil> p-pubwished at hewzen’ s kowokow office in geneva, rawr x3 about 1863; a second one, ʘwʘ by the hewoic vewa
<personifieddevil> zasuwich, UwU awso i-in geneva, (///ˬ///✿) in 1882. ^•ﻌ•^ a nyew danish edition is to b-be found in sociawdemokwatisk
<personifieddevil> bibwiothek, copenhagen, nyaa~~ 1885; a-a fwesh fwench twanswation in we sociawiste, :3 pawis, 1886. fwom this
<personifieddevil> wattew, 😳😳😳 a spanish vewsion was pwepawed and pubwished in madwid, (U ᵕ U❁) 1886. t-the gewman w-wepwints awe
<personifieddevil> n-nyot to be counted; thewe have b-been twewve awtogethew a-at the weast. σωσ a-an awmenian twanswation, >_< which
<personifieddevil> was to be p-pubwished in constantinopwe s-some months ago, o.O did n-nyot see the wight, òωó i-i am towd, :3 b-because
<personifieddevil> the pubwishew w-was afwaid o-of bwinging out a book with the n-nyame of mawx o-on it, (///ˬ///✿) whiwe the t-twanswatow
<personifieddevil> decwined t-to caww it h-his own pwoduction. /(^•ω•^) o-of fuwthew t-twanswations into o-othew wanguages i-i have heawd
<personifieddevil> b-but had nyot seen. ^^ thus the histowy of the manifesto wefwects the h-histowy of the modem wowking-
<personifieddevil> c-cwass movement; at pwesent, (⑅˘꒳˘) it is doubtwess the m-most wide spwead, (˘ω˘) t-the most intewnationaw
<personifieddevil> p-pwoduction of aww sociawist w-witewatuwe, OwO t-the common pwatfowm acknowwedged by miwwions of wowking
<personifieddevil> men fwom sibewia to cawifownia. rawr x3
<personifieddevil> yet, (ꈍᴗꈍ) w-when it was wwitten, -.- we couwd nyot have cawwed it a sociawist m-manifesto. (ꈍᴗꈍ) by sociawists, OwO i-in 1847,
<personifieddevil> wewe undewstood, o.O o-on the one h-hand the adhewents o-of the vawious u-utopian systems: o-owenites in
personifieddevil has quit [Quit: WeeChat 3.8]
<iceman[m]> This retard's name is Leonhard Saam
<iceman[m]> he looks like this
<iceman[m]> He's from germany
<iceman[m]> think before spamming a community made channel that's keeping something alive
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<personifieddevil> per icemans request here's the thing as a file
<iceman[m]> holy fuck
<iceman[m]> what the fuck, did you smoke crack
<personifieddevil> n to everyone in here that isn't iceman, I'm sorry for it being more annoying than I intended
<sewn> what the hell happened here
<sewn> and why isnt @testuser an administrator here
<iceman[m]> idk
<iceman[m]> sewn: somebody spammed communism manifesto (uwu version)
<iceman[m]> rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
<sewn> why tho
<iceman[m]> ï have no idea why anybody would do that in their right mind
<testuser[m]> epic 4chan moment
<sewn> oh no i wonder who caused it
<iceman[m]> testuser[m]: moment
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<personifieddevil> iceman promised it would be fine somewhere else (it was about the industrial society to be honest, but that would've just been longer, and it's roughly equivalently political)
<iceman[m]> personifieddevil: not to you?
<iceman[m]> and i didn't promise anybody at all
<iceman[m]> stop blaming me for your strange actions.
<personifieddevil> I'm not blaming you
<personifieddevil> I take full responsiblity for all bullshit I do
<iceman[m]> doubt it bro, looks that way to me
<personifieddevil> but the consequences still strike others
<iceman[m]> kek
<personifieddevil> can you send me industrial society and it's future though
<personifieddevil> so I can uwuify it
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<shokara> ._.
<shokara> flooding isn't cool
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<testuser[m]> Bruh
<testuser[m]> iceman:
<sewn> why didn't you ping me omg
<sewn> woohoo
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<sad_plan> hi
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<sad_plan> this is probably instersting to some of you
<sad_plan> seeing as this has been mentioned couple times now
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<phoebos> sad_plan: great work, I'm impressed; it seems to work for me
<sad_plan> amazing. did it work right out of the box?
phinxy has joined #kisslinux
<phoebos> yep!
<sad_plan> awesome!
<drez> epic
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<sad_plan> drez: please do check if it works for you on kiss. id be happy if people do some testing here, so we can get it properly working :D
<sad_plan> Ive not tested it myself yes, as ive mentioned in the pr. gotta build libinput and some other things to get a working x server, as I use tinyx instead :p
<sad_plan> s/yes/yet/