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<georgereynolds8> hi guys, i have a question. i have an mkv, webm, av1 encoded file that reports the following. any idea what is going on? i've never seen avstream sar set but avcodecparameters sar not set. ffprobe seems to report from avstream's sar. can i rely on avstream's sar only?
<georgereynolds8> AVStream SAR: 4:3
<georgereynolds8> AVCodecParameters DAR: 0:1
<georgereynolds8> AVCodecParameters SAR: 0:1
<georgereynolds8> AVFrame SAR: 1:1
<georgereynolds8> AVFrame DAR: 0:1
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<Marz> is there a way to set ffmpeg to copy over the same codec id as the original when remuxing? The original audio codec id is A_EAC3 but when remuxed to mp4 it changes to ec-3. As a result, my Apple TV does not use Dolby Atmos when playing back in Plex.
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<galad> the fourcc is correct, but probably ffmpeg doesn't set the right bit in the extradata
<galad> if you are on a mac you can try subler, maybe it worked, I remember years ago someone implemented something to make atmos work on the appletv
<Marz> galad: subler works. I get atmos in plex but was looking for solution that works on my linux server
<Marz> With ffmpeg I don't get atmox in plex but works in infuse. With subler I get atmos in both plex and infuse. It is very strange.
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<eelstrebor> i'm having trouble concatenating multiple mp4 files into one mp4 file
<eelstrebor> i used ffmpeg -i concat:v1.mp4|v2.mp4|v3.mp4 output.mp4
<BtbN> You can't do that with mp4
<BtbN> that't the equivalent of cat *.mp4 > new.mp4 and expecting it to work
<BtbN> it'll see the first file and call it a day
<BtbN> With mpegts that works, assuming the files are perfectly compatible
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<eelstrebor> BtbN, will converting to m4v solve my issue?
<BtbN> m4v is mp4.
<BtbN> You could try remuxing to ts, concat that, and then remux back to mp4
<BtbN> but that relies on the formats being compatible
<eelstrebor> ok. i wish i was better at doing this stuff
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<another|> use the concat demuxer
<welder> eelstrebor: ffmpeg -safe 0 -f concat -i filelist -c copy output.mp4
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<welder> I'm using this, "filelist" contains the filenames to be concatenated
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<eelstrebor> does the filelist have to be in a text file?
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<another|> yes. or text file equivalent
<another|> i.e. a fd with the same content
<eelstrebor> i got an error adding -safe 0
<eelstrebor> Option safe not found.
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<another|> full cmdline
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