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<acidtonic> I have been adjusting various things with my rtsp missed packets issue, I changed rtbufsize but didn't know about buffer_size that got sent to the demuxer, now it seems much better.
<acidtonic> I am curious if there is a way to be notified in code when ffmpeg would print those "missed x packets" messages on the console, is there a callback or something so I can know the machine isn't keeping up?
<acidtonic> I'd like to try keeping any corrupt portions of an image from making it past the decoding and into my software. I'd rather drop frames with corruption than show them
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<acidtonic> I was able to track the first set of issues down to udp receive buffer size problems, fixed that, but when testing with tc implementing drops, I can't detect that in my code and the bad frames get thru. Any ideas?
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<ePirat> acidtonic, isnt AV_FRAME_FLAG_CORRUPT set for these?
<acidtonic> I am unfamiliar, is that on the av_frame directly?
<ePirat> AVFrame's flags field
<JEEB> also AVPackets so you don't send them to a decoder
<JEEB> mpeg-ts and I don't recall which other container are able to flag those
<acidtonic> I'm coming in rtsp -> h264 with nvidia accelerated NV12 -> swcale
<acidtonic> so both muxer and decoder can set this?
<JEEB> AV_PKT_FLAG_CORRUPT is the packet one
<JEEB> I see some RTP readers set this (like VP8)
<acidtonic> so av_read_frame -> the before av_send_packet() I should check packet AV_PKT_FLAG_CORRUPT
<acidtonic> so avcodec_receive_frame then check frame AV_FRAME_FLAG_CORRUPT before av_hwframe_transfer_data()
<JEEB> (you can see with `git grep "CORRUPT" -- libavformat/` in the FFmpeg tree to see which modules utilize that flag when reading input)
<JEEB> since hwaccels override the slice decoding, not sure how much of the decoder corruption checking will work there
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<JEEB> but sure, you can check if you're getting it set from received AVFrames
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<JEEB> I'm really happy that the MPEG-TS reader flags borked packets so they can be skipped from not being fed to decoders (or if you set the avformat flag you will never get them output from the demuxer)
<JEEB> because I have "nice" experience in decoders breaking with broken packets when they try too hard
<acidtonic> doesn't seem to have any effect
<acidtonic> packet->flags & AV_PKT_FLAG_CORRUPT then after receive frame frame->flags & AV_FRAME_FLAG_CORRUPT
<acidtonic> neither coming back positive, yet the h264 side is getting corrupting from dropped frames
<JEEB> well yea, as I noted some RTP readers are using that flag. didn't see H.264 there.
<JEEB> but if the packet is dropped on some level, then it never appears and it wouldn't be considered corrupt (since only packets that are partial or don't pass a possible checksum check would be considered corrupt by a reader)
<JEEB> then on the decoder level, hwaccels might not be able to flag that
<JEEB> try with swdec
<acidtonic> I am simply trying to not draw or pass on corrupt frames. Otherwise I am okay with dropping or slowing down until valid frames are read again
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<BtbN> I don't think that message means corrupted frame
<BtbN> it just means the rtp format gave up waiting for the reorder delay
<acidtonic> well, true but when that happens I get a nasty tear half the screen or more
<acidtonic> thats what I am trying to stop, the non accelerated code using opencv to read (ffmpeg backend) doesn't do this, yet it's slow with a noticable lag of 2-4 seconds
<acidtonic> this code shows instant nice up to the images, but the occasional corrupt or torn image gets sent beyond into my ai processing and ruins things.
<BtbN> I wouldn't even know how that'd possibly happen with h264
<BtbN> like, the decoder does not decode half-frames or something
<BtbN> Are you sure you aren't re-using broken frames or something, or ignoring a decoder failure?
<acidtonic> I have a code example I shared here recently and no one complained I was doing something wrong.... not doing too much with this basic test case (omitting everything downstream)
<acidtonic> That is before I added the corrupt checks, but it's the same code otherwise
<BtbN> It's pretty hard to in-depth verify 400 lines of code to be correct in every aspect
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<acidtonic> course, I just meant I removed it from the larger scope with AI post procesing and such
<acidtonic> this on my PTZOptics rtsp h264 feeds tears rather bad
<BtbN> So this code has been mangled by some language model? Then it's impossible to tell what's wrong with the actual code.
<acidtonic> what? no
<acidtonic> the images beyond were being sent to a yolo image detection model
<BtbN> Ah, that way around.
<acidtonic> the actual torn frames make it there and the ai was literally putting boxes around corrupt pixel boxes
<acidtonic> but removed all that for this minimal reproducible example
<BtbN> Are you sure the camera isn't just actually sending garbage? It'd not unheard of sadly
<acidtonic> doesn't do this with vlc playing the same feed
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<acidtonic> I was getting some strange splitting originally and was told it was due to NV12 bit layout not being uniform thus the SWSCALE handles that
<BtbN> I don't quite understand that statement
<acidtonic> cvtcolor was used at first, then someone here pointed out Y and UV planes of NV12 aren't consecutive in memory
<BtbN> But I still can't think of ANY reason why or how the decoder would produce tearing
<BtbN> like, that should be impossible
<BtbN> well, might be, but there is no guarantee
<acidtonic> also valgrind is happy and reports nothing wonky with memory during the tearing
<BtbN> Even normal yuv420p gives no such guarantee
<BtbN> the 3 planes could be independent malloc
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