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<icedice> Thanks furq, seems like it's a different format than the one I'm used to, so I'm still getting errors
<icedice> Could you write the whole command out?
<icedice> -acodec copy -vcodec libx264 -preset veryslow -crf 18 is the bit I need to use it with
<icedice> I tried acodec=copy:vcodec=libx264:preset=veryslow:crf=18:scale=w=1920:h=1080:flags=bicubic:param0=1/3:param1=1/3 but that didn't work
<furq> the things i wrote go after -vf
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<icedice> Oh
<icedice> Right
<icedice> I've been staring at the screen for too long
<icedice> Thanks, I got it now
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<icedice> furq: I almost forgot, mitchell needs to be in linear light, so I'm guessing that means zscale
<icedice> And then some way to specify linear light
<icedice> I saw zscale=transfer=linear in the docs, but that didn't work for me
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<icedice> Or is mitchell "linear light" by default?
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<icedice> Is mitchell "linear light" by default?
<icedice> Or do I need to specify that somewhere?
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<solaraquarion> gcc -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--sort-common -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,-z,pack-relative-relocs -flto=auto -L/opt/cuda/lib64 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,noexecstack -o /tmp/ffconf.AZLROn4m/test /tmp/ffconf.AZLROn4m/test.o -lquirc
<solaraquarion> /usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccwBqbtT.ltrans0.ltrans.o: in function `check_quirc_decode':
<solaraquarion> <artificial>:(.text+0x7): undefined reference to `quirc_decode'
<solaraquarion> gcc -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--sort-common -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,-z,pack-relative-relocs -flto=auto -L/opt/cuda/lib64 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,noexecstack -o /tmp/ffconf.AZLROn4m/test /tmp/ffconf.AZLROn4m/test.o -lquirc
<solaraquarion> /usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccwBqbtT.ltrans0.ltrans.o: in function `check_quirc_decode':
<solaraquarion> <artificial>:(.text+0x7): undefined reference to `quirc_decode'
<solaraquarion> hmm
<solaraquarion> ffbuild fails
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<another|> hmm.. did you install the quirc library?
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<zoff99> hello?
<zoff99> i am trying to use:
<zoff99> in a C program for live streaming
<zoff99> AVFilter *loudnorm1filter = avfilter_get_by_name("loudnorm");
<zoff99> what am i doing wrong? cant that be used in real time?
<zoff99> but the loudnorm filter addes many seconds of delay to the audio
<zoff99> int err2 = avfilter_graph_create_filter(&loudnorm1filter_ctx, loudnorm1filter, NULL, NULL, NULL, filter_graph);
<zoff99> i am trying this:
<zoff99> input ==> abuffer_ctx -> noisefilter_ctx -> loudnorm1filter_ctx -> speechnormfilter_ctx -> loudnorm2filter_ctx -> aformat_ctx -> abuffersink_ctx ==> output
<zoff99> if i remove the loudnorm filters it works without delay. but the audio is not loud enough :-(
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<kepstin> that's just how loudnorm works, it adds delay (uses a fair bit of lookahead)
<kepstin> it can be used in "real time", as long as you can tolerate the added delay. I often use it when watching live streams of people who aren't good at normalizing their stream loudness :)
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<solaraquarion> @another| yes
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<solaraquarion> it doesn't provide a pkg-config
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<gianluca_> Good evening, I am trying to build ffmpeg from git source with libplacebo filter enabled but I don't know why it does not get enabled.
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<gianluca_> Should I post the configure command I have used ?
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<haasn> --enable-libplacebo --enable-vulkan --enable-libglslang is what I usually use
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<lmat> I have several videos taken with my cell' 'phone camera (about 10 videos totalling 3.3 minutes) and I would like to concatenate them. Some are portrait, some landscape. I would like them to stay portrait or landscape and add black space as needed. How do I do that?
<lmat> Oh yeah, I did ffmpeg -f concat -i filelist -c copy combined-video.mp4; and this twists all the "portrait" videos to landscape.
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<zoff99> ok. is there something similar to loudnorm, but real realtime? without delay?
<zoff99> i didnt find a proper filter like that. i hope there is one
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<lmat> zoff99: Does loudnorm need to scan the entire medium first before it works? In that case, it can't be realtime.
<furq> there's a single-pass mode but it needs to read a few seconds ahead
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<kepstin> with no read ahead, it could only react as or after the signal loudness changes, which can lead to bursts of loudness or distortion :/
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<msrd0> hey, is there any method to debug why filters sometimes eat all available ram? happens to me every now and then, especially when I use overlay filters
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<welder> Hello, are there any plans to support pipewire input (just like pulseaudio with -f pulse)?
<another|> IIRC are patches on the ML
<another|> or maybe that was just for video
<welder> thanks, will take a look
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<BtbN> for audio input with pipewire, just use PA
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<solaraquarion> another|: i have no idea what's going on with quirc
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<another|> neither do I
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