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<Unit640> I frequently use ffmpeg to cut out parts of a video I'm watching in mpv. However, I have noticed that the resulting video files are "weird" somehow. The weirdness manifests in that, if I use mpv to open them later, they often show a short portion in the beginning which isn't supposed to be part of the timestamps that the video was created between. Only by pressing "Home" (to jump to 00:00:00) can I play the videos properly. Why does that happen? Also,
<Unit640> when I tried watching such a video on Kodi on my RPI4, instead of doing what mpv does, it plays the sound but displays the video in an ultra-slow-mo glitched manner which makes the video unwatchable. What could be wrong?
<Unit640> This seems to happen regardless of the video file type. Usually they are in MP4 format. Example command: ffmpeg -loglevel quiet -y -to '00:37:57.840' -i '/test/video.mkv' -c copy '/test/video_cut.mkv'
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<kepstin> Unit640: when you use '-c copy' it can't make exact cuts, cuts can only happen on keyframe boundaries. depending on the output format this can result in either the video starting early, or in some cases (with negative timestamps) weirdness like you're seeing.
<kepstin> Unit640: if you want exact cuts, you need to re-encode the video.
<Unit640> kepstin: :(
<Unit640> kepstin: I wish it only had to reencode that specific "keyframe segment" and not all of it.
<Unit640> So you only lose quality for a very small portion.
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<sleepyant> Hello, I would like to extract subtitles from a dvd. I extracted the main movie as a .ts file using vlc and then I looked at ffmpeg wiki page regarding extracting subtitles. But the suggested command do not work. It seems like the subtitle stream is not starting until 10s into the video. Is there a way to tell ffmpeg the subtitles might come in later into the stream?
<furq> -probesize and/or -analyzeduration
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<sleepyant> Thanks, it works!
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<another|> Unit640: it's not as easy as it sounds
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<canjar> I'm working with ffmpeg and DSL2 to read and play an mp4 file. The video stream is not a problem its the audio stream What are the recommended audio settings to read an mp4?
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<Unit640> another|: Things seldom are. :(
<Unit640> another|: For example, you'd think there would be an open source project by now which lets me have my computer speak to me with a natural-sounding voice any arbitrary text, but there's not. Only robotic, primitive, early 1980s-sounding robot voices. I should be able to download a BartSimpson.voice and hook it up to make Bart say anything with text on my computer, etc.
<Unit640> Not even a generic human voice.
<Unit640> I tried eSpeak and eSpeak-ng and Fireworks or whatever it was called and everything else and they are all the same crappy 1980s robot voices.
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<Rena> that's because the good ones are AI models that cost money
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<CounterPillow> Unit640:
<Unit640> Yeah, but why do they still cost money at this late stage?
<Unit640> CounterPillow: Hmm... Can it actually be used, though?
<Unit640> Hmm... Only one release, and it was ages ago...
<another|> why don't you make one yourself then?
<Unit640> another|: What?
<another|> you seem to expect that someone HAS to provide an opensource solution to you. for free.
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<Rena> to me it sounds more like they're surprised someone hasn't done it, not demanding that someone do it
<Rena> you can run image generators on your own machine with a ~$600 GPU so, I'm sure voice isn't far behind
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<CounterPillow> bro why is there no cutting-edge domain specific application that has a regular release cycle and is packaged by Debian (with half the features disabled because the G*rman running his shitty perl scripts didn't like the look of them)
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<Unit640> G*rman?
<Unit640> "shitty perl scripts"?
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