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<noobaroo> I want to take screenshots of 3 min intervals of a video url without downloading every single frame of the video
<noobaroo> I tried -r 0.1 before and after i
<furq> that's not possible
<furq> you can skip decoding some frames but you can't skip downloading them
<furq> you would have to run ffmpeg -ss once per output frame
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<kepstin> well, if the remote file is seekable, then it's potentially possible
<kepstin> but not something you'd be able to do efficiently with the ffmpeg cli.
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<martastain> it is an interesting issue problem tho: in chrome for example, you can just read the beginning of a remote mp4 file and then seek to an arbitrary position using a range request. as @kepstin mentioned, that won't be possible with ffmpeg cli (in subsequent commands, you won't have the index available), but this could be a start - is the source accept range requests?
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<furq> ffmpeg can already do that, which is why ffmpeg -ss would work
<furq> and you could presumably do it with the libraries
<furq> there's just no way of instructing the cli to seek more than once
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<iive> martastain, there is a way to put the index of mp4 at the start to make network seeking easier.
<martastain> yep -movflags +faststart
<iive> i'd be surprised if the http stream protocol doesn't support seeking with range request, so it could "seek" to the end of the file and read the index from there.
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<furq> it does and it can
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<Rena> is this in reference to my seek crash or did I miss some other message
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