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<zamba> how do i extract every still frame from a video to file?
<zamba> preserving the best possible quality?
<BtbN> define still frame?
<BtbN> As in, convert a video into a ton of png images?
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<zamba> yes
<zamba> it's from a surveillance camera
<zamba> Stream #0:0[0x1e0]: Video: h264 (Main), yuvj420p(pc, bt709, progressive), 3072x1728 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 20 fps, 20 tbr, 90k tbn, 40 tbc
<BtbN> you realize that that's 20 "still frames" per second?
<BtbN> Sounds to me more like you're looking for motion detection or something?
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<zamba> BtbN: yes, but i want to extract those 20 still frames
<BtbN> I don't follow
<BtbN> it's not 20 in total. It's 20 every second.
<zamba> i know
<zamba> sorry. those 20 still frames per second
<BtbN> I'm still confused what you mean by still frames
<BtbN> Are you just asking "how to convert input into series of png/other lossless format images?"
<zamba> and at the highest quality possible. so i don't want the extraction to take 20 still images of the moving "video". but if it's possible to get the 20 "raw" frames that the video is made up of?
<zamba> if that makes sense?
<BtbN> no, that doesn't make sense
<BtbN> a video is a series of frames
<zamba> mjpeg? doesn't that work that way?
<BtbN> there is no two versions of those frames
<BtbN> _video_ works that way
<BtbN> Video literally is just a series of images, presented at a given framerate
<zamba> i know
<zamba> but mjpeg is a bit different, no?
<BtbN> no
<BtbN> it's just a different codec
<zamba> ok, so what is then the way to extract those 20 frames per second to file?
<zamba> to individual images?
<BtbN> just a simple out%d.png as output should do the trick
<zamba> can you show me the command?
<BtbN> Literally just put out%d.png as the output
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<zamba> thanks :)
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<s2r> Hi. Which parameter should use if I would like to do multiple -ss and -to (cuting multiple parts) on a video? The video has an intro, video, standby, end. I would like to cut the intro and standby out.
<kepstin> s2r: there is only one "-ss" and "-to" value permitted per input file in ffmpeg cli.
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<kepstin> s2r: you could potentially use the same file as an input multiple times (use multiple -i options, with separate -ss and -to for each) and concatenate the result
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<s2r> kepstin: I started to read an example using filter_complex but I don't fully understand it yet.
<s2r> kepstin: to concat with mp3 I need to use .ts format and then recode?
<s2r> kepstin: sorry, mp4
<kepstin> nah, the command should like like "ffmpeg -ss 30 -to 40 -i file.mp4 -ss 10:30 -to 15:00 -i file.mp4 -filter_complex concat=n=2:v=1:a=1 <encoding options> output.mp4"
<kepstin> update the n= value to match the number of segments that you have separate inputs for
<s2r> kepstin: If all videos are mp4 is there any faster way? I tried with filter_complex concat and it takes almost 10 seconds to concat 1 minute of the video.
<kepstin> the only faster way would be to to a copy instead of re-encoding, but that means that you can't accurately cut the videos (because it would only be able to cut where there happen to be keyframes)
<s2r> kepstin: I don't mind copying instead of re-encoding
<kepstin> s2r: then i'd recommend using the method described in - make a concat "script" file that specifies the same input file multiple fimes with different inpoint and output for each, then run "ffmpeg -f concat -i concat-script.txt -c copy output.mp4"
<kepstin> but beware that it can end up having some strange issues at file joins due to the keyframe problem.
<kepstin> different "inpoint" and "outpoint" for each *
<kepstin> if you need exact seeking, there's no way around it - you will have to re-encode the video.
<furq> well there is one way around it which is to get lucky with where the keyframes are in the source video
<furq> if you're cutting on scenecuts then you can sometimes be lucky
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<s2r> kepstin: Thank you!
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<noobaroo> For 3 days I have been trying to downscale a video taken from my mom's phone, a Samsung Galaxy (not sure which one) it's HDR, and I have converted somewhere between 30 and 50 times and I can't get the colors right
<noobaroo> I will upload some stuff I've tried so I won't spam chat, hold on