farkuhar: Addes some flour and yeast and some pinches of water. Bread did rise but not very much. Enough to look like a loaf. Nieces said smells good and wife says tastes quite sour.
The final result was quite dense though. Not a fan of the lack of fluffyness. But bloody hell it tastes fantastic
I enjoyed it a lot so I think I will try to modify the recipe for Malaysian climate
I did use vegemite though. Some life forms dislike this
But I reckon 1 week I need to eat it all. That I can do
[opt.git/3.7]: nvidia: updated to version 535.113.01
[compat-32.git/3.7]: nvidia-32: updated to version 535.113.01
SiFuh_: thanks for the update. If you were using a German sourdough starter, then the extra sweetener (honey) in the original recipe might explain the lack of fluffyness. Good luck tweaking the recipe for Malaysian climate.
farkuhar: the honey does't actually affect anything
I kept both seperate
But no joke.. it tasted amazing
I have had this issue for a long. Where I can prepare bread/sourdough and what ever. Everything goes as normal and suddenly I baked a rubber brick. ;-)
I saw that Guest30 came back to offer thanks for the /bin/sh -> dash symlink, but I was more curious to hear how the porting of udevil/udisks went.
This time was not but nowhere near as fluffy as I can do with standard.
/bin/sh -> dash
That surprised me
Also he said he will try udiskie
I also would like to see his results as udevil sucks balls
You're also not impressed with OpenBSD's current solution for automounting external drives.
Regarding internal drives, though ... recently someone asked for nvme-cli to be included on the iso. For an iso without nvme-cli, what obstacles do you encounter when installing CRUX onto an internal NVME drive?
Nothing in it is required for installation
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farkuhar: current is not the word
farkuhar: Yes, jaeger yes, please inlcude it nvme-cli
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[opt.git/3.7]: [notify] thunderbird-bin: updated to version 115.3.0
farkuhar: I don't believe what storage type you're using to install an OS on really matters when it comes to how you install it. You could theoretically install CRUX on a Micro SD card, and boot it from that. Not like it's a good idea, but you can.
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remiliascarlet: I started reading the nvme-cli docs to see if omitting it from the iso would deprive users of some needed functionality when installing to an NVME drive. Similar to the challenge of installing CRUX on a reiserfs-formatted root, if the install medium contained neither reiserfs-progs nor the appropriate kernel modules.
But after reading jaeger's response, I stopped reading the nvme-cli docs, so I'm still pretty uninformed about what benefits it would bring if included on the iso.
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farkuhar: i have udisk2 on xfce repo if someone needs it