jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<sonny> How do I learn Lisp? I've done a bunch of other similar languages but they had (comprehensive) tutorials :P
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<kakuhen> pick a lisp and find some resources to learn it, i guess -- depending on the choice of lisp, this may be easy or really hard
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<kakuhen> Common Lisp, for instance, has various decent texts -- I'm biased in favor of Practical Common Lisp
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<sonny> sorry, I meant Common Lisp
<kakuhen> with that said there are attempts to "modernize" Practical Common Lisp but I wouldn't count on those being available (let alone, recommendable resource) any time soon
<sonny> I've learned Scheme and Racket already
<kakuhen> ah, in that case you may also benefit from quickly looking things up in https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook/
<kakuhen> you might have a better time asking #clschool (channel that's dedicated to learning common lisp, as far as I understand it)
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<kakuhen> oh and don't feel intimidated by the common lisp hyperspec -- in many cases, questions about the language get answered there
<kakuhen> this is something I wish I took to mind when I started learning Common Lisp
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<sonny> thanks
<kakuhen> With that said, an equally interesting question is "what is NOT a good resource for learning common lisp?"
<kakuhen> I recommend avoiding "Land of Lisp" because of the numerous errors in the book. You can find a partial list of errors in http://metamodular.com/Books/land-of-lisp.html
<kakuhen> (there's a lot of them, despite the list being incomplete)
<sonny> well that's dissapointing lol
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<kakuhen> anyway, I hope this information helps you pick a resource you like
<kakuhen> and I guess one last time I want to emphasize is: feel free to ask any questions #clschool no matter how beginner they sound
<kakuhen> s/time/thing
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<tyson2> kakuhen:I noticed the errors in Land of Lisp, but I also has a problem with his lisp style, quite hard to follow
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<tyson2> I dropped it and am using Practical Common Lisp (and the tutorials from the Clog guy)
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<tyson2> I find the Clog tutorials on Common Lisp to be really good.
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<tyson2> now if I could only find another ten hours a week to learn lisp properly
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<pdietz> I have enjoyed reading the CLHS.
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<aeth> is minion going to be broken all weekend?
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<beach> You can use Colleen for some of the functionality provided by minion.
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<Josh_2> Mornin :sunglasses:
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<Mrtn[m]> Josh_2: Who is *:sunglasses:*?
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<beach> Mrtn[m]: I think it is supposed to be an ASCII representation of an emoji.
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<Mrtn[m]> beach: Ah! That makes sense. 😎
<Bike> a lot of chat systems use ":foo:" to denote the emoji named foo
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<cel7t> Does anyone here know how to implement substructural types (specifically, affine and linear types) in SBCL?
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<Josh_2> Mrtn[m]: If you use ERC in Emacs there is a package called 'emojify'
<Josh_2> :smirk:
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<Josh_2> Time to map my lisp system to a database :sob:
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* contrapunctus hands https://cliki.net/ObjectStore to Josh_2
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<Josh_2> contrapunctus: yes I have used bknr in the past
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<Josh_2> I think allegro cache would be what I really want
<Josh_2> but I dont have the money for that
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<Josh_2> Time to learn all about databases and create my own :sunglasses:
<contrapunctus> Josh_2: what's unique about Allegro Cache?
<contrapunctus> * that's important to you?
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<Josh_2> A database that can be interacted with by the outside world would be nice
<Josh_2> rather than having to roll my own tools for interacting with a bknr datastore
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<contrapunctus> Josh_2: I haven't used BKNR, but doesn't it support serializing to XML?
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<Josh_2> This persistence malarkey sure is a pita :(
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<Josh_2> there is a lot left to be desired :(
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<Mrtn[m]> <Josh_2> "Mrtn: If you use ERC in Emacs..." <- Does it transform those into smileys?
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<Josh_2> Yes
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<pigeon_666> hey can someone help me understand some CLOS stuff?
<copec> pigeon_666: I would ask specific questions. Here is some reference if you haven't made you way through it: https://gigamonkeys.com/book/object-reorientation-generic-functions.html https://gigamonkeys.com/book/object-reorientation-classes.html
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<pigeon_666> copec: thanks I'll take a look
<Josh_2> You can ask questions
<Josh_2> CLOS is cool :sunglasses:
<pigeon_666> Josh_2: I think these docs have the answers i need but thx
<Josh_2> aww
<Mrtn[m]> Josh_2: That is interesting. I assume that is non-standard.
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<Josh_2> emojify?
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<Mrtn[m]> Josh_2: Yeah, ERC.
<Mrtn[m]> (Annoying nick to complete, btw).
<Josh_2> Whats wrong with my nick :(
<pve> Hi, is it ok to define a constant with a gensym value like this: (unless (boundp '+done+) (defconstant +done+ (gensym "DONE")))
<pve> I remember seeing another way to do it here earlier that didn't have the boundp check, but I can't remember what it was
<Mrtn[m]> Josh_2: Underscore is hard to type, and there is someone called JoshYoshi in here also.
<Josh_2> Yeh thats also me I think
<Mrtn[m]> I guess uppercase letters also doesn't make it easier.
<Josh_2> Just a fallback if I dc and can't reconnect with me
<Mrtn[m]> JoshYoshi: This is you also?
<Josh_2> Ye
<Mrtn[m]> Is +Yoshi+ Japanese for two or something?
<Josh_2> No it just came to mind :joy:
<Josh_2> I do not use this nick anywhere other than IRC, I've used it for 8 or 9 years, no need to change now
<Mrtn[m]> OK
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