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<phoe> I have a question related to indentation in slime - I have been wrestling with SETF TRIVIAL-INDENT:INDENTATION for a while to achieve https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/3458#3458
<phoe> basically I want to indent a list of keywords as if it was quoted (since it's a list of tags) rather than a function call with keyword arguments which I assume is happening
<phoe> how can I achieve this?
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<Josh_2> Good Morning
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<jcowan> flip214: We really don't want introspection on lexical environments, because it requires a heavyweight implementation strategy that drags down execution. As things stand, it is possible for the compiler to make lexical environments disappear completely.
<phoe> jcowan: drags down execution, you mean compilation speed?
<Bike> execution. since the lexenvs have to actually exist at runtime.
<jcowan> no, I mean execution speed.
<jcowan> That means they have to be assembled and then torn down repeatedly.
<jcowan> it's one of the things that makes CPython slow
<jcowan> It's one of the Obvious Mistakes that language designers make: Hey, lexical environments look like hash tables, so let's just use hash tables and let the user get at them as such!
<Bike> i've done some experiments and i think it would be possible to make them disappear almost all of the time even if not always, but it's not good enough to present
<Bike> and i'm going off of some guy's phd thesis instead of whatever the hell the cpython people were thinking
<hayley> How slow can you make introspection? In the read-only case, can you glean off debug info?
<hayley> Self preserved source-level execution, and thus introspection as a corollary. It also had a spiffy JIT compiler and all that, but read-only introspection would only require preserving dead variables.
<phoe> yes, I understand what flip214 meant now
<Bike> based on my c++ experience i can tell you that performance would probably crater
<Bike> pulling things out of debug info is really really slow.
<Bike> course it might change some in a pure lisp environment where you don't need to worry about dlopen. i don't know.
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<jcowan> The CPython implementation strategy is "dumb is better than smart", basically.
<jcowan> As a fine example, a Python list is a dumb C array, and when you call insert() on it, it copies everything down to make a space. Why? It's basically guaranteed bug-free.
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<hayley> Bike: I wouldn't expect introspection to be fast still. Ironically, if it's just a question of FORMAT finding local functions, then a compiler macro could generate the appropriate code, and we could constant-fold (fdefinition 'blah) or whatever our introspection looks like.
<Bike> what i mean is that i think doing that would be slower than just allocating hash tables everywhere. but yeah for format that would be the smart way to do it.
<Bike> i've worked a lot with C++ exceptions, and the way that basically works is that it's more or less free until you actually use exceptions, at which point your program runs literally a thousand times slower and also serially.
<hayley> What would be slower? The introspection code?
<Bike> looking at debug information.
<hayley> Hypothetically it should be uncommon, so I don't see the need to make it very fast.
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<Bike> once i get my experimentation working better i will hopefully be able to decide on these things empirically.
<hayley> I also have to wonder if it's just the debug info being set up in a bad way, or if it's inherent, but I've never poked at C++ guts before.
<Bike> oh, there's definitely some of the former. they use DWARF, and DWARF was designed to be small rather than fast. but i suspect you'd see at least some of the problems.
<Bike> for example, you either need all the introspectable variables to be in a simple stack location, or you need to figure out some way to indicate what could be pretty involved "locations" split across registers and so on
<Bike> like you might get with an unboxed complex or something
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<jackdaniel> oh, Drew McDermott died this year (he worked on YTools among other things)
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<beach> Wow, how old was he?
<jackdaniel> 73
<jackdaniel> almost, 72*
<beach> I see, thanks.
<jackdaniel> sure
<jcowan> Nowadays that almost seems like a premature death.
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<phoe> I have a folder with a ton of .lisp files which are mutually independent from one another and listing them in the ASD file is something of a hassle. Is there a way to tell ASDF something like "scan this directory for all .lisp files and treat them as components" in a portable way?
<phoe> s/portable way/something that is baked into standard ASDF and does not require extensions/
<jackdaniel> there is, I've posted a snippet a few years ago on this channel (or #lisp on freenode :)
<phoe> le gasp
<jackdaniel> basically a matter of specializing a method
<phoe> .....now let me try to find that snippet
<jackdaniel> (and subclassing the class asdf:component of course, for specialization)
<Josh_2> use a macro to write the asdf form
<Josh_2> :sunglasses:
<jackdaniel> ouch, it was with my temporary files for download: https://irclog.tymoon.eu/freenode/%23lisp?around=1544810789#1544810789
<jackdaniel> tough luck phoe, you need to write it yourself ;)
<_death> phoe: I add each snippet to a snippets.asd file, which is not a big deal.. I also use package-inferred-systems so that each snippet can be a standalone file (no asd file needed) in general, and depend on other snippets without issue if needed
<phoe> jackdaniel: oof :D
<_death> I can (ql:quickload "snippets/foo") without issue or (ql:quickload "snippets") to load'em all (which I usually do after compiling sbcl)
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<phoe> jackdaniel: I actually got a response from sjl who pointed me towards https://github.com/sjl/rosalind/blob/ef6194d94c8fe85b53fd0a7811f7ba85c4809bb0/rosalind.asd#L1-L9
<jackdaniel> ah, cool; thanks for sharing
<jackdaniel> for sake of searching in the future in logs: [asdf][auto][module][directory] https://gist.github.com/dkochmanski/acc8f0057a9c77a231b7fd25deca329f
<phoe> :D
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<Josh_2> 7k SLOC of CL of who knows
<Josh_2> :sunglasses:
<Josh_2> Somehow it works
<phoe> jackdaniel: there's a minor problem with this code, namely, the children are created anew every single time, which means that ASDF cannot store last-modified dates in the component objects and it'll never realize that it does not need to recompile them
<phoe> but it's a minor annoyance
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<pve> I quite like it
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<phoe> pve: nice
<pve> I should not admit it, but It's become my default system class when creating a new project. I only switch to the standard asdf system class if it becomes necessary.
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<Josh_2> I made a thing
<Josh_2> in fact someone posted it on reddit and its now got the most updoots of any of the things I ever made
<Josh_2> Pretty cool ackhtually
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