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<doulos05> I'm trying to represent the map of a roguelike in my program.
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<doulos05> I can't figure out if I should be using a nested list or an array or something else.
<beach> Wouldn't that be more like a graph with nodes representing locations?
<doulos05> Well, it's basically a 2d grid of x,y coordinates.
<beach> Hmm, OK.
<doulos05> I starte out with an array, but then couldn't logic my way into how to use format to print that out.
<doulos05> So I thought maybe nested lists would be better, but then I'm struggling with a convenient way to access specific cells (to change how it is displayed).
<beach> What importance do the 2D coordinates have in a "roguelike"?
<doulos05> Though now that I'm writing this here, I'm thinking I should probably just build a class.
<doulos05> Only in how it gets printed to the screen, though if I wanted to do mouse inputs then I'll need a way to know which cell was clicked on.
<beach> My first thought would be to have a standard class for the nodes and another standard class for the transitions.
<doulos05> The advantage of storing the whole map as some sort of 2d array-like structure is that players and monsters can have their x and y coordinates and find themselves on the map.
<beach> Yes, I see. But the grid would be sparse, yes?
<doulos05> That way their location is only recorded in 1 place (the creature) and not two.
<doulos05> It would be sparse
<beach> So then, if you use a 2D structure, you would waste a lot of space.
<doulos05> Hrm... Good point. A hash table would solve that problem.
<doulos05> And then I can just use maphash to print it out at the right place based on coordinates it is mapped to.
<VincentV`> Are roguelike maps really sparse, though? I thought every cell is likely to have something in it. Even ground may be of various kinds.
<VincentV`> Also, if you have an infinite map, you could just allocate chunks too.
<VincentV`> As the player is progressing I mean.
<doulos05> Well, they semi-sparse? I mean, there's ground in every space... Except for the part that isn't dug out of the dungeon.
<doulos05> Probably 40-60% full maximum
<doulos05> I guess you could have a particularly full floor. But I'm not trying to make an above ground one like Cataclysm or something like that, just a basic nethack clone.
<VincentV`> So, just 50%? I don't know, I would just use 2d arrays.
<boigahs> If you're having trouble printing the arrays, I would imagine anything more complicated would be a lot harder...
<boigahs> I want to make a roguelike now, dangit
<doulos05> Yeah, I was just having a dumb moment, I think. A hash-table is what I wanted (though I'm going to hide it inside a class).
<doulos05> It's what I get for designing while getting distracted
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<doulos05> Ok, I'm still having a moment here and I think all of this would be solved if I understood how to loop this correctly in format.
<doulos05> https://pastebin.com/jyEvsjGg Here's what I'm doing, is there a format recipe that could replace it?
<doulos05> The problem is that I need to loop within a loop and I don't now how to recreate the dotimes effect in format.
<aeth> that's probably not correct, anyway
<aeth> when stream isn't NIL
<doulos05> It isn't, this where I've ended up before I finally gave up and asked for help, lol
<aeth> well, even when it's FORMAT NIL, you're concatenating the return of DOTIMES, which is NIL
<doulos05> Right
<aeth> you don't want to think about strings at all
<doulos05> I didn't know why that's what I was getting, just that that was what I was getting
<aeth> if you wanted strings you'd want something like with-output-to-string, but this is a function on streams so you can do that at the caller
<aeth> just do the dotimes, no LET, no CONCATENATE, and it should work?
<doulos05> But then I don't know how to get the next step, which is overlaying the characters onto the map.
<aeth> if you want display-map to be a string as an intermediate thing to parse, then you don't want CONCATENATE 'STRING
<aeth> you want with-output-to-string
<aeth> and you draw the intermediate map on *that* stream, not the ultimate, final stream
<doulos05> Some of this is that I'm probably trying to marry too many new concepts at once: mcclim and beast (the ECS library).
<aeth> (with-output-to-string (s) (dotimes (j 10) (dotimes (i 10) (format s "Hello, world! ")) (terpri s)))
<aeth> (terpri s) being the same thing as (format s "~%")
<aeth> (* if s is actually a stream; FORMAT supports a few more things)
<doulos05> At any rate, it's time to pack it in for a bit. Hopefully wandering around outside will give me a fresh perspective on it.
<phoe> how do you do rendering to the screen?
<phoe> one thing is generating the map, another is actually drawing it to be displayed
<phoe> at some point you gonna need to to set the actual pixels somewhere, or characters if you are going for ascii art
<doulos05> I'm printing a string out to a McClim pane
<phoe> by "string" you mean the textual representation of your board?
<phoe> is this the only thing present in the pane?
<doulos05> The call to `(visibility/character tile)` does that.
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<doulos05> Yes and yes
<phoe> then, if you have that string, you should be able to set the pane contents to only contain the string unless I don't understand mcclim well enough
<doulos05> `visibility/character` will return the character that represents that things.
<doulos05> Yeah, it was making that string that was confusing me. I'm about 90% sure that the fog will lift in a bit. I'll let you know.
<phoe> the main source of confusion is that you try to hold values as a string, but you are formatting to STREAM
<phoe> as mentioned before, (with-output-to-string (temp-stream ...) ... (format temp-stream ...) ...) will return a string object that you can then use
<phoe> I don't know the details of why you have a STREAM in there though - I assume it's a mcclim stream that is ready to accept the stuff to display on the pane?
<phoe> at this point maybe you can just format there and never build up the intermediate string, right
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<killerstorm> Hi. Back in the day, SLIME was the best CL IDE. Is it still the case? I've tried to install it on a new system and it seems like it's incompatible with Emacs 28 - "cl" got deprecated, etc.
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<killerstorm> Is another IDE recommended now?
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<pjb> stay with emacs 27!
<pjb> good old software from back in the days.
<_death> if you're using up-to-date slime and emacs there's no problem
<pjb> killerstorm: but you're right is reall too old software. I'd avise you to implement your own up to date, cutting edge, MAINTAINED, IDE.
<killerstorm> I've got 28 from the package manager. I guess I'd need to build Emacs from source to get 27...
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<killerstorm> I've installed SLIME via MELPA. Is git version better in that respect? It seems MELPA version is quite fresh...
<_death> for development tools (like sbcl, slime, and even emacs) I find that it's best to clone the repos and compile yourself.. that said, the melpa version does seem recent, so maybe you could elaborate on what the issue is
<killerstorm> Compiling file /home/alex/.emacs.d/elpa/slime-2.26.1/slime.el at Thu Oct 13 23:14:24 2022
<killerstorm> slime.el:72:1: Error: Wrong number of arguments: (3 . 4), 2
<_death> that's not melpa, that's elpa.. elpa contains v2.26.1 which is from the end of 2020
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<killerstorm> Oh, damn. I thought it's the same thing LOL. Sorry...
<White_Flame> for CL, install your lisp implementation, then load quicklisp, then https://github.com/quicklisp/quicklisp-slime-helper
<White_Flame> it's the easiest way to avoid learning all the various admin involved
<White_Flame> (unless you want to, of course ;) )
<White_Flame> and quicklisp is here, run by xach iirc: https://www.quicklisp.org/beta/
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<killerstorm> thanks!
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