saturn2: note: compile-file takes a key output-file parameter that must be pathname designator, ie. that can be a file stream. As such, it will create a fasl file.
It is unfortunate that it wouldn't just write the fasl data to the stream, whatever kind it would be, since LOAD can take a non-file stream.
If that was the case, you could use a Gray stream to some memory buffer.
Perhaps your implementation has an extension that allows it to write to the output-file stream without creating a new file (ie. considering it as a stream, and not as a pathname designator).
it seems like an unfortunate arbitrary limitation, but creating a temporary file isn't a big deal in practice
i think saturn2 is talking about getting the code to be compiled from memory, rather than writing the compiled fasl to memory
i could envision uses for the other thing too, though
saturn2: that said, with Gray stream, you can also implement file-stream backed by memory storage, so nothing is lost, in implementations that have Gray streams (ie. almost all of them).
Sometimes when I MAKE-INSTANCE, I get an #<unknown pointer object, ...> back. Is there some obvious reason why this might be?
these kinds of objects are general foreign. What kind of class are you trying to instanciate?
in general
I have some class inheriting from SEQUENCE, but IIRC it has happened before with a simple "subclass" of T
pjb: not sure if that answers your question
Perhaps it's specific to #sbcl? I've never seen this kind of results in ccl.
The class I'm having an issue with now does have a slot containing an array of cl-autowrap foreign wrapper objects. It's just weird to me that I'm 2 layers removed from the foreign stuff yet make-instance given me an unkown pointer
sequence is not required to be a standard-class. It could be a builtin-class. make-instance will error when invoked on a builtin-class.
Although sbcl does some funky stuff with sequences.
Right, I'm using trivial-extensible-sequences which I think smooths some of the weirdness out, but I'm not sure.
In sbcl, sequence is a standard-class.
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That thing you're getting back may just be a consequence of a print method? Do class-of on it.
Good call, let me try that
Though the issue initially came up when method combination couldn't find a matching method for unknown pointer.
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Hmm, CLASS-OF gives the right class, but it still complains about failing to find a method for unknown pointer.
I'll poke around more, then try my luck in #sbcl, thanks guys.
jmes: that happens if you inherit from sequence but not standard-object, iirc
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Bike: Well I'll be! I wouldn't have figured that out... It seems to be working after I add standard-object as a superclass. Thanks a bunch!
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Is that mentioned in the sbcl manual? (goes to look)
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Yes. "A minimal sequence subclass has to specify standard-object and sequence as its superclasses"
no problem. i think that bit me a few times.
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Perhaps that should be checked for.
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I only want certain restarts to be available based on the class of the condition
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phoe: i will reach you out when i actually figure out what i want
I assume I can just use the :test key but from the clhs page for with-condition-restarts I think that does what I want
that's :TEST or :TEST-FUNCTION specified when binding the restart
Josh_2: with-condition-restarts works with a particular condition object. if you want a whole type you'll want :test
there is also the troll code snippet (with-condition-restarts (make-condition 'condition) (compute-restarts) (error "haha")) that you should not use in a slime REPL
phoe: but yeah, i think that i meant debugger
then it's with-condition-restarts, yeah
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(with-condition-restarts (make-condition 'condition) (compute-restarts) (error "haha")) actually associates all restarts with a fresh condition object, so they do not appear when the debugger is entered with another condition
if you use a known condition object instead of (m-i 'c) and custom-tailor the list of restarts to only contain restarts you want to associate, you can hone this down from being a troll code snippet to something useful with a nested debugger
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I only want certain restarts available at runtime, I guess I could use :test though
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I'll see how I feel about it, I only have 1 example of this, but with generics you can implement the system once and leave the specialization for later :sunglasses:
beach: sry, wrong channel :)
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Guess it didn't work
one of those things
phoe: thanks, i need to take a look at this with a fresh mind, i am tired right now
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I saw earlier discussions of CL running in WASM; I think the best bets will be compiling to bytecode and running the bytecode on WASM. WASM is just too different from a CPU to reuse any traditional CL compiler.
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jasom: ecl builds for wasm that way
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it is possible to cross compile whole cl program though
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jackdaniel: oh I didn't know ecl supported cross-compilation at all. Is stack-rewinding through some emscripted approved way like setjmp?
yes; play with turtleware.eu/static/ecl/ecl.html
stack is emulated wholesale
via asyncify
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The argument to (restart-case ... :test (lambda (<thisn>) ...)) is the condition thats signalled?
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Do I have to pass the condition as an argument to invoke-restart for this to be the case? I am trying to use #'typep to check the type of the condition in order to activate/deactivate the restart, but they are never activated