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<shunter> Quick question on WITH-XYZ macros that bind VAR -- is it recommended to declare that VAR has dynamic extent? VAR shouldn't be used outside the body anyways, so I think it fits with what dynamic extent is supposed to be, right?
<Bike> depends on whether the actual value is used outside the body.
<shunter> It shouldn't, because the meaningful resource is closed by the time execution leaves the body
<Bike> depends on the macro.
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<shunter> Very much like a with-open-stream: `(let ((,var (wl-display-connect ,@args)) (unwind-protect (progn ,@body) (wl-display-close ,var)))
<Bike> wouldn't make sense with with-slots, for example
<Bike> if the value is actually inaccessible than using dx is fine. unless wl-display-connect inlines to something special, i doubt the declaration will really do anything, though.
<shunter> All right, thank you
<Bike> then*
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<dbotton> Is there any reason not to use defun in a defun?
<Bike> it'll make your code very confusing, as it will mean calling a function alters the global definition of some other function.
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<dbotton> In this case the outer function is generated and in theory never seen.
<Bike> what calls it?
<dbotton> First in clog lingo - When you instantiate an instance of a clog panel there is an on-setup handler, so in that handler I want to sometimes define a function. - so in CL lingo - this is a function say create-panel generated by the builder that includes code by the user to run each time create-panel is used. So wanted to understand potential pitfalls if they add a defun
<dbotton> Adding a defun in this context is useful here
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<dbotton> As I can say have a canvas, draw a circle when created, then reuses the same code in say the on-click
<Bike> well having code that messes with the global environment is messy for the same reason messing with the global environment usually is.
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<dbotton> Was there any specific rationale for allowing defun in a defun?
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<Bike> rationale what, in the standard? defun is just a normal form, so there's no reason to disallow it anywhere, and no specific rationale for allowing it anywhere
<dbotton> thank you Bike
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<emacs-dwim> nij-: Of course, CL has: *evalhook* *applyhook* *macroexpandhook* #'evalhook #'applyhook.
<emacs-dwim> s/dh/d-h/
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<dbotton> Bike, this seems interesting as a result - (defmethod draw ((obj (eql panel)) circle-color) nil) if I want a more JavaScript style of OO to place the defmethods in the create function.
<emacs-dwim> nij-: O, I guess evalhook & applyhook were removed from the standard.
<dbotton> that is tying the draw method directly to the instance
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<dbotton> panel is the instance of the defclass
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<nij-> emacs-dwim wow that's cool
<nij-> I guess it's removed from the standard for easier optimization?
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<hayley> I heard *eval-hook* was removed as it did nothing in compiled code, making it rather awkward.
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<pve> Hi, if I nreverse a vector with a fill pointer, will the result also have a fill pointer?
<beach> I don't think you can count on that.
<pve> beach: ok thanks
<beach> But it is very likely that the same vector will be returned.
<pve> sure
<phoe> lemme check
<phoe> sbcl, ccl, ecl, abcl, clisp, lw, acl all pass (let ((v (make-array 5 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5) :fill-pointer 3))) (assert (eq v (nreverse v))))
<phoe> loading clasp now to check there
<phoe> cmucl also passes
<phoe> clasp also passes
<phoe> so, yes, all implementations mutate the vector in-place rather than constructing a new one
<phoe> s/all/all useful contemporary/
<phoe> beach: might want to document this in WSCL
<beach> Indeed.
<pve> but nreverse doesn't require this, right?
<phoe> the spec, yes
<phoe> but implementations do it this way nonetheless for speed
<phoe> pve: if the returned vector is EQ to the original one, this means that it has a fill pointer, and by common practice you can depend on this
<phoe> because there's no single outlier here
<pve> phoe: great
<phoe> same as with SLOT-VALUE being usable on structures
<beach> In BOCL, I could very well imagine defining NREVERSE to be an alias for REVERSE.
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<phoe> yeah, and that is allowed by the spec
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<jackdaniel> truth to be told implementing reverse usually involves (nreverse (copy-sequence seq)) unless you are a masochist
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<Shinmera> phoe: are you using cl-all? :)
<phoe> Shinmera: nope, I am too lazy to do this, I just type the following in my repl: sbcl ccl ecl cmucl abcl clisp acl
<jackdaniel> clla
<phoe> then finish off with ros run -L clasp-bin
<jackdaniel> cllallah
<phoe> and then, lispworks-personal-7-1-2-amd64-linux
<Shinmera> phoe: you might want to do it though, it's quite convenient for exactly that https://github.com/shinmera/cl-all
<phoe> Shinmera: yes, I am aware; I just can't do it at the moment since my will and strength are going elsewhere
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<pjb> pve: "whereas nreverse might modify and return the given sequence." "For nreverse, if sequence is a vector, the result is a vector that has the same actual array element type as sequence." "For nreverse, sequence might be destroyed and re-used to produce the result. The result might or might not be identical to sequence." " When sequence is a vector, nreverse is permitted to re-order the elements of sequence in order to produce the
<pjb> resulting vector."
<pjb> "nreverse might either create a new sequence, modify the argument sequence, or both."
<pjb> pve: so the specifications is rather clear, explicit and even redundant on that point.
<pjb> pve: you can do: (let ((r (nreverse v))) (unless (eql r v) (replace v r))) to reverse the fill-pointed vector in-place.
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<pjb> shunter: a typical case, is (with-input-from-string (*standard-input* "foo") (read)) or (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (print 'hi))
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<pjb> shunter: the macro should let the user declare the variable special if wanted, but by default, it should be lexical binding.
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<pve> pjb: thanks, I don't think I've ever used replace before
<phoe> pjb: tiny nitpick, (let ... (unless ...) v) to not discard the value of nreverse
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<_death> although NREVERSE entry hints at what it's permitted to do to a vector, I'm not sure it's ok to assume that you can pass it (after destruction) to REPLACE as a target, if NREVERSE did not return it.. in any case seems bad style
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<_death> if you must have it in-place, probably best to write your own inplace-reverse
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<Nilby> I'm pretty sure one can make an extensible sequence in sbcl which would violate the assumption that nreverse returns the original.
<phoe> yeah, just defmethod it to call reverse
<_death> stumbled on 3 annoying things related to arrays today :/
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<phoe> hm?
<_death> good, you took the bait :)... we can start with make-array's :initial-contents parameter... it can't take multidimensional arrays
<Nilby> let's pretend this is safe space to talk about how bad arrays are :)
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<_death> second, (coerce (make-array '(3 3) :element-type 'single-float :initial-element 1.0) '(simple-array t (3 3))) fails though the single dimension case is ok
<Nilby> :initial-contents is perplexing. I feel like what's the point if you have to make it be a list?
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<_death> third, there's no standard readable printed representation for specialized arrays (other than strings and bit-vectors).. so if you print them readably, an implementation can signal an error or use nonportable syntax (like sbcl).. so if you wish to print some piece of code readably, you need to be aware of this pitfall and act accordingly
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<Nilby> I agree coerce could be a lot more coercive in many cases. One might wish it was generic.
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<_death> for that one can still use REPLACE and displaced arrays.. REPLACE is very useful
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<Nilby> I've too gotten bitten array (non-)readability. I sometimes feel like arrays should have more subclasses and the simple ones should always work, for things like coercion and readability.
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<_death> trivial-print-read :D
<Nilby> displaced arrays are sometimes troubling, but I still like them. I feel like for things that could prove it okay, a displaced-subseq could make a lot of things quicker.
<jackdaniel> conformal displacement is the feature I miss in CL ;p
<_death> in code that cares about performance, though, I often need simple arrays and displaced arrays become much less useful
<_death> does ecl implement it?
<_death> (conformal arrays)
<emacs-dwim> _death: sbcl's printed arrays are portable readable though, just not portably printable?
<jackdaniel> _death: no (yet?)
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<phoe> emacs-dwim: (let ((v (make-array 5 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5) :fill-pointer 3)) (*print-readably* t)) (prin1-to-string v)) ;=> "#(1 2 3)"
<phoe> there is no information about fill pointers there
<_death> emacs-dwim: no.. it looks like #A((3) SINGLE-FLOAT 1.0 1.0 1.0) which is not standard syntax
<phoe> I understand this is the issue
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<phoe> oh wait, right, what _death said
<phoe> #A is non-portable without a numeric prefix
<emacs-dwim> 👍
<jackdaniel> printing readably is no harder than printing #.(make-array ...)
<_death> I guess then you give up on *read-eval* nil
<jackdaniel> right you are
<Nilby> bit-vectors even have some problems
<_death> sometimes strings have these issues too
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<jackdaniel> haa, this is funny, ecl has similar syntax, but first two arguments are reversed
<jackdaniel> i.e #a(single-float (3) (1.0 1.0 1.0))
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<jackdaniel> and elements are enclosed in parens
<_death> someone should cl-all ;)
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<Nilby> yep, a history of repl values isn't even portable
<jackdaniel> Nilby: what do you mean?
<_death> where is sexp-dribble
<Nilby> just the basic serialization problem. if you print values and try to re-read them, in a different impl, but of course even a different image
<Nilby> oh, i forgot ya'll use emacs which can do it but treats it like strings
<jackdaniel> ah, I see - so its about reader/writer; I thought that something repl specific and I couldn't think what (admittedly repl is haf about read and print)
<phoe> a single #< is unreadable even across a single impl, too
<jackdaniel> #< enables a secret language that common lisp doesn't understand - it's just in case when it revolts
<jackdaniel> for when*
<_death> #<ZALGO>
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<Nilby> I feel like a lot of these problems could potentially be solved by more CLOSification of the built-in things
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<jackdaniel> you may have hash-table as a standard class, but how do you serialize it? it is not that hash table maintains an assoc list
<jackdaniel> you'd need to come up with a readable representation for hashes
<jackdaniel> (and other things)
<_death> defstruct all things.. it already has read syntax :)
<Nilby> one could define printable equality as constructor args being printably equal
<Nilby> i'd be okay with a fuzzy readability of make-undreadable-object
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<emacs-dwim> Is there a library for introducing extended-lambda-list-keywords?
<phoe> introducing them where exactly
<phoe> you can always write a custom macro and have custom lambda lists in it, you don't really need a library for that
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<phoe> as for existing lambda lists defined by the specification, there's no way to extend them and you'll have to modify your implementation in order to support them
<jackdaniel> (defmapckage better-cl (:use)) (in-package better-cl) (cl:defmacro defun (name args cl:&body body) go!))
<emacs-dwim> define-let+-expansion for defmacro lambda-list-keywords
<phoe> emacs-dwim: what is define-let+-expansion
<emacs-dwim> let+ combines several binding forms, multiple-values. It's user-extensible. So I added ppcre & trivia to it for example. I want to write defmacros that &match trivia patterns and bind them.
<phoe> ask the authors of let+ for that
<phoe> it's not a standard CL construct, it's a library of some sort
<beach> emacs-dwim: The current idea with some of us is that the s-expression-syntax library provides parsers for various standard expressions. And it should be possible to define custom parsers for extended lambda lists.
<phoe> as for the lambda list in DEFMACRO, there is no portable way to extend its lambda list other than supplying your own variant of DEFMACRO that can do this.
<beach> emacs-dwim: It is tricky stuff because custom lambda-list keywords must also come with a description that says where they can appear, if and how many arguments they take, if they can appear several times, etc.
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<emacs-dwim> I'll try using s-expression-syntax defining my defmacro+.
<beach> emacs-dwim: It is not quite ready for widespread use, so you might run into some issues. But it would be good to start experimenting with it.
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<nij-> Is there a way to list all global variables at the top level in the repl?
<random-nick> you could iterate through packages and check if their symbols are bound
<beach> You can use DO-ALL-SYMBOLS and filter by which ones are BOUNDP.
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<Shinmera> (apropos "")
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<beach> nij-: Of course, you are somewhat out of luck, because BOUNDP doesn't really tell you what you want. There is some annoyingly ambiguous language in the standard. Sometimes "bound" means "has a value", and sometimes it means "has a binding that may have no value".
<beach> Like if you do (DEFVAR XYZ) and then (BOUNDP 'XYZ) you get NIL. Yet, XYZ is a variable.
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<nij-> hmm
<emacs-dwim> What about: (cltl2:variable-information symbol) ?
<_death> then there's sb-cltl2:variable-information.. but then there's sb-ext:defglobal
<jmes> Is there a way to shadow a binding with a symbol-macro whose expansion references the original binding? e.g. this is what I want to do, but it exhausts the control stack: (let ((a 1)) (symbol-macrolet ((a (1+ a))) ...))
<White_Flame> a really silly way is to do packagename:<tab> and see everything that is earmuffed with asterisks :-P
<White_Flame> ^ nij-
<beach> jmes: Use a package marker for the original symbol.
<beach> Oh, shadow as in lexical shadowing. No, I don't think so.
<Shinmera> (definitions:find-definitions *package* :type 'definitions:special-variable) will give you whatever variables are accessible in the current package.
<Shinmera> and this is *actual variables* not just ones that are bound, as beach points out.
<beach> jmes: How about something like (let ((a 1)) (symbol-macrolet ((mumble a)) (symbol-macrolet ((a (1+ mumble))))))
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<beach> Nah, I guess that won't work. Sorry.
<nij-> definitions is good! I will use that.
<Shinmera> Happy to have another customer.
<jmes> beach: Haha, no problem I was just testing it to find out the same result.
<random-nick> is the binding lexical or dynamic?
<random-nick> if it's dynamic you can use the quoted name with symbol-value
<jmes> It's regular lexical binding via let in this case
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<Bike> symbol macros just expand in the same context, so if the original variable appears in the expansion it will just be expanded again
<Bike> i don't think there's any way to make a macro that expands exactly once
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<jmes> Bike: yeah, so what I've learned is if a symbol-macro expansion has its own symbol inside it then the stack goes boom, sadly.
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<Bike> of course, for something like 1+ there's no need to refer to the actual binding, so (let ((mumble a)) (symbol-macrolet ((a (1+ mumble))) ...)) would work, but maybe you want it as an actual place
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<pjb> jmes: (let ((a 1)) (flet ((get-a () a)) (symbol-macrolet ((a (1+ (get-a)))) a))) #| --> 2 |#
<Bike> oh, true... you could even define a setf function.
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<NotThatRPG> Having a momentary memory lapse: isn't there a library that offers a `partition-if` function? If so, could someone point me at it?
<NotThatRPG> (P.S. I don't want to split a sequence -- I want a set operation)
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<_death> arnesi
<_death> there are also variants in serapeum, though I've not used it
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