jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<judabuda> Hello, i have problem installing library with quicklisp and says i need to load asdf system
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<beach> judabuda: What implementation are you using?
<beach> judabuda: What implementation of Common Lisp, I mean.
<phoe> judabuda: can you paste the contents of your Lisp session at https://plaster.tymoon.eu/edit as well?
<phoe> I mean, what you typed and what Lisp replied with
<beach> phoe: Hey! So you are back for the time being?
<phoe> beach: hello, kinda sorta, yes
<beach> Great!
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<judabuda> beach, phoe here https://paste.debian.net/hidden/5631c7ed/
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<beach> judabuda: But what implementation? SBCL?
<beach> judabuda: If so, put (require '#:asdf) in your .sbclrc.
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<beach> judabuda: Are you uncertain about what Common Lisp implementation you are using?
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<judabuda> beach: im using SBCL i believe
<judabuda> but unable to find .sbclrc
<beach> You need to create it then.
<phoe> judabuda: this seems... more or less okay?
<phoe> like, it seems that Quicklisp is working and that it loaded CL-FAD
<judabuda> beach: I'm using portacle if that matters
<phoe> portacle already has quicklisp bundled in, good
<beach> Then create ~/.sbclrc and put that form in it.
<phoe> beach: portacle won't use it since its bundled SBCL is sort-of-sandboxed and does not interact with the outside world
<beach> Oh, I see. Sorry.
<phoe> but the good news is that portacle bundles quicklisp already so we don't need to play with the rc file
<judabuda> So what do i do?
<beach> There may not be a problem then.
<phoe> nothing - this is quicklisp telling you that it needs to load the ASDF system cl-fad in order to quickload cl-fad
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<phoe> which is kinda verbose but not a problem
<phoe> if there is no error popping up anywhere, then you should be good to go afterwards
<judabuda> Oh okay
<phoe> just the quicklisp client rambling about
<phoe> if after all this rambling you get another REPL prompt, like CL-USER>, then everything is good and you can continue hacking
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<Ox151> hello when using the repl, why would this fail (consp ("First" . "Second")) it errors saying "Second" is not a list, while (consp (cons "First" "Second")) works?
<Ox151> I have a function that takes in a list and I want to see if the current list is a cons or not and I recieve them in the form of strings for the first and second value.
<White_Flame> correct, it's trying to evaluate ("First" . "Second") as an expression. If you single-quote it, it will be a list data literal
<White_Flame> also, #clschool is the best place to ask beginner questions, and won't get flooded away by other discussion or super-technically answered as here
<Ox151> can a single quote a variable that represents list data?
<White_Flame> 'x will evaluate to the literal symbol X
<Ox151> I thought if i have a variable and add a single quote it will turn it into a literal expression.
<White_Flame> (consp x) will test if the value of X is a cons
<White_Flame> a quote will take whatever term follows it totally literally
<White_Flame> eg 'x is a symbol, '(+ 1 2) is a list of a symbol and 2 numbers, etc
<White_Flame> whereas X evaluates to whatever value is bound to X, (+ 1 2) evaluates to 3
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<Ox151> thank you for the info , I had a (cond) where it check (consp) and then another (listp) right after and I guess i just discoverd (cond) executes all conditions.
<pjb> Ox151: note, list = (or cons null) so testing for listp after consp in a cond, is really only testing for null.
<pjb> Ox151: also, you might want to use TYPECASE.
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