jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<lisp123> anybody look at template method design pattersn in the context of CL?
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<kakuhen> the description reminds me of what I was doing with a friend for a game that allowed us to perform different "graphical" operations depending on some UI dynamic variable
<lisp123> yep
<kakuhen> I didnt know what we did have this name though, but there is a set of generic functions that define specific UI operations, and we ended up dispatching on the value of some `*UI*` variable to do specific operations
<lisp123> i think with CLOS such patterns are unnecessary, but wanted to see if anyone else had looked at this
<kakuhen> but these generic functions overall hid the clutter of e.g. asking the user for input in a REPL, as opposed to asking user input with SDL or curses or whatever
<kakuhen> that's the only reason why I want to believe what we did is similar to this design pattern
<lisp123> kakuhen, yeah I think generic functions basically covers this design pattern
<kakuhen> well, the ui functions provided a template, and then methods dispatching on different "UIs" were free to call any helpers as needed
<kakuhen> not sure if what we did falls exactly into this design pattern, but it sounds really close.
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<lisp123> kakuhen, just curious if any of your code for this program is available online
<lisp123> no issues otherwise, just wanted to see how it was written out
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<Josh_2> Good morning :sunglasses:
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<Josh_2> What is the alternative to s-sql where you write your queries in SQL and they are parsed into lisp functions?
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<Josh_2> cl-yesql
<Mrtn[m]> Josh: I will just call you Josh, if that is OK?
<Mrtn[m]> Unless there is already someone called Josh?
<Mrtn[m]> Maybe that is why you added _2 --- there is already someone called Josh?
<Josh_2> No problem with me
<Josh_2> I will change my nick
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<Josh_2> Okay not changing my nick, josh is already registered :(
<Mrtn[m]> So there is a *Josh* already! Hi /Josh/!
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<Mrtn[m]> /whois Josh
<Josh_2> Not here but on libera
<Mrtn[m]> Isn't this libera?
<Josh_2> Sure but I meant in this channel
<Josh_2> Is it better to use a DAO?
<Mrtn[m]> Ahh, of course. I'm in the Matrix, I'll use that as an excuse for not following you.
<Josh_2> I also use Matrix but I have ERC open independently
<Mrtn[m]> DAO?
<Josh_2> Database Access Objects
<Josh_2> There is this comment here https://github.com/ruricolist/cl-yesql/issues/19 but is it really that significant?
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<Mrtn[m]> Ahh ok! I know [[https://dao.as][DAO]] as the national parcel deliverer; but somehow I had the feeling you were thinking of something else.
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<Josh_2> Postgres has a lot of very awesome features that I've been learning about
<Mrtn[m]> It seems to be the leading DB currently.
<Josh_2> I think that s-sql can wrap pretty much all this functionality but I think i want to use cl-yesql because there is a real chance that someone else would be able to maintain the queries
<Josh_2> But this comment about DAO's and extra consing :thinking:
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<Josh_2> Renaming projects is hard :(
<dipper> why?
<dipper> racket vs commonlisp
<beach> dipper: What?
<beach> dipper: Are you new here? I don't recognize your nick.
<dipper> yes
<beach> Great! Welcome.
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<dipper> thanks
<Josh_2> Common Lisp ofc :sunglasses:
<beach> dipper: What brings you to #commonlisp? Are you planning to learn the language?
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<dipper> where do I find cl job?
<beach> I think Ravenpack is still hiring.
<beach> And that Portuguese company. What's the name again?
<dipper> yes you are right
<dipper> @beach
<Josh_2> Still hiring?
<beach> They seem to be hiring all the time. That's what I mean.
<beach> Siscog?
<Josh_2> Oh I see
<Josh_2> I do not have a PhD in whatever crazy requirements CL jobs tend to have
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<beach> But you weren't the one asking.
<Josh_2> I know :sunglasses:
<beach> Both Ravenpack and Siscog are located in great places I wouldn't mind to live in.
<beach> dipper: So does that mean you already know enough Common Lisp to consider applying for a position?
<sonny> has anyone tried clasp yet?
<beach> sonny: You can ask Bike. It is mainly meant for C++ interoperation. Is that what you are looking for?
<dipper> nope, just complete the <Practical Common Lisp>
<sonny> yeah, I've been contemplating that sort of stuff
<dipper> but I will
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<Bike> we have a #clasp channel if you want to get into more detail.
<dipper> and I'm not in US
<beach> dipper: Most of us probably aren't. Why are you telling us this?
<dipper> remote work maybe better choice
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<kakuhen> the only CL job I know of requires you to have lots of experience and knowledge working with compilers
<kakuhen> outside of that, I haven't seen any open positions anywhere; good luck
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<Josh_2> It seems it is not the best idea to use sql custom types :sob:
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<Josh_2> custom types comes wrapped in ( .. ) I may as well just use jsonb
<Josh_2> Yep waste of time :angry:
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<Josh_2> Today has been a slow day with little progress :(
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<Nilby> It may not feel like it, but it's progress when you find out what NOT to do.
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<Josh_2> Yep
<Nilby> at least that's what a tell myself. i must know a lot of what not to do by now
<Josh_2> jackdaniel: can we embed ecl into Postgres?
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<jackdaniel> Josh_2: I think that would be perfectly doable, why?
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<Josh_2> Someone on tg asked
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