Have you tested to see what sort of performance you can get with lots of 3d models?
No. As the PR mentions, passing rig data through textures to allow instanced rendering is left for later.
It's already gpu-skinned though, so it should be fast even for high-poly models.
all that's done on the CPU is transform the bones.
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Hello common lisp. What is up with out of bounds behavior being unstandard? It seems like (svref (vector) 1) behaves differently across implementations even if it is just the condition type being different. What's the reasoning for not having a standard out-of-bounds-error condition?
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huh, the spec doesn't say what condition type should be signaled then
char[m]: most likely a deficiency in the standard, "exceptional situations" for clhs glossary entries are often unsatisfying
the cleanup issues related to AREF also show some other deficiencies :P
phoe, I think those are mostly covered by, at least when we pass in unexpected things.
Unsatisfying and unsettling. Is there anything to be done about stuff like this? I would rather not write implementation specific code to handle out of bounds (out of bounds might happen is library code).
char[m]: can't see anything better than (deftype out-of-bounds () #+sbcl .. #+ccl ... #+ecl ...) and then using OUT-OF-BOUNDS as a condition type in handlers
char[m], it essentially says, that you can't rely on an error being signaled instead of it rebooting the universe.
phoe: the problem with that is that many implementations (including sicl!) have chosen to make the out-ouf-bounds-error a some kind of type-error. You're example will end up trying to handle all type errors.
Wouldn't the ... Just be (typep c 'simple-type-error)?
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no, this is too general
SICL likely defines some sort of out-of-bounds condition on its own, at which point you can (deftype out-of-bounds () #+sicl 'sicl-conditions:out-of-bounds-error) or something
where I imagined the package and symbol name
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other implementations probably do a similar thing
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Sbcl does this. Ecl ccl (hard to tell) clisp and sicl just use type error.
CCL does a simple error
Isn't that even worse?
(defun out-of-bounds-p (c) #+ccl (and (typep c 'simple-error) (string= (simple-condition-format-control c) "Array index ~S out of bounds for ~S .") (= 2 (length (simple-condition-format-arguments c)))))
it's a god damn hack, but that's the best you can do
unless you make an issue/PR to the CCL repo
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Given the lack of standard, best is is probably all implementations doing what sbcl does. With your solution, is it possible to (signal 'out-of-bounds ...)?
because out-of-bounds names a type but not an instantiable condition type
That is what I feared.
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Best make sure you aren't out of bounds then ;)
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Josh_2: that would be ideal wouldn't it.
programs should have no errors, so the condition system is obsolete when it comes to errors
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Exactly :sunglasses:
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whats the best way to check if a string is a valid number?
a string is never a valid number because the types STRING and NUMBER are disjoint
if you mean whether it contains a number, then parse-integer or parse-float
or in general (ql:quickload :parse-number)
(numberp (read-from-string <string>)) and add the check whether the whole string was gobbled
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:jackdaniel thanks!
Be careful: parse-integer and read-from-string can signal errors if the input is malformed.
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Also read-from-string can have other unwanted consequences.
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which is why I suggested parse-number
no need to use the full reader this way
(cdr (assoc …)) is always more fun than (let ((foo (assoc …))) (cond ((null foo) nil) ((eql (cdr foo) nil) :null) (t (cdr foo))), just saying
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jackdaniel: It is a great thing that car and cadr return nil on nil input. Btw your input about error free programs helps on on an emotional level.
heh, I'm glad to hear that :)
phoe: even parse-number can signal an invalid-number error.
char[m]: yes, I wish that there were more condition types defined overal
(but I am biased)
You mean like different condition types defined for how the number is invalid?
no, like different condition types when different things go wrong
the fact that most implementations use either simple-errors or simple-type-errors for SVREF failures is such a thing
It would be ideal, but what jack and josh said holds a lot of water.
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I cant think of anything other than invalid-number could go wrong when trying to parse a number.
number's too big and you run out of memory
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(or it's not representable in your float format)
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float underflow et al
i agree that it would have been nice if there was a standard out-of-bounds condition, by the way. there's also no requirement that aref ever actually signal an error, but they could have at least thrown a "might be signaled" in there
to do this conformingly, rather than checking for an error, which might not happen, you have to check array-in-bounds-p yourself
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How do you get coerce to return an adjustable vector?
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Maybe you can do something like this instead: (let* ((l '(1 2 3))) (make-array (length l) :initial-contents l :adjustable t))
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thuna`: there's no type for adjustable. You could define a satisfies type, but coerce couldn't possibly use that.
Huh, I see that adjustability isn't a type
That's a bit odd, I would have expected it to be
fill-pointers either.
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pjb: (and array (not simple-array)) is kinda tempting, but
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(typep (coerce '(1 2 3) '(and vector (not simple-array))) 'simple-array) returns T on SBCL and errors on some other implementations
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