jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<crtdaydreams> is hayley on? mind shooting me a pm?
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<beach> I see hayley in #sicl but not here.
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<crtdaydreams> cheers beach
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<Nilby> jcowan: Unfortunately I think everyone just ignores path encoding, because otherwise the way every CL handles it can be considered somewhat wrong. Unless you want a trip to crazy town, like me, where you rewrite/wrap chapters 16 17 19 20 21 of CLHS to handle generic raw byte and/or utf8 strings, pathnames, etc. It's a miracle that most of chap 22, and some of chap 21 can handle my crazy string types. Sadly chap 19 is a pretty losing
<Nilby> anyway.
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<contrapunctus> Nilby: "sadly chap 19 is a pretty losing" did you accidentally part of your sentence?
<mfiano> They are probably using one of a few IRC clients that don't take the variable-length message limit into account correctly
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<jackdaniel> oi, I have a wonderful name for a common lisp implementation on a microcontroller: nucleus ! :) any takers?
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<phoe> jackdaniel: nice
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<dbotton> pjb actually he is referring to my Common Lisp tutorials, they use clog for some examples though
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<nij-> "Unknown CFFI type OR"
<nij-> It seems like a bug, yeah? Or has CFFI updated its API?
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<nij-> Hmm I encounter this line: #+cffi-features:x86-64 (cffi:defctype ssize-t :int64)
<nij-> But I'm on macbook air m2
<nij-> How should I alter ssize-t to?
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<phoe> nij-: which version of CFFI?
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<nij-> hmmm how do I tell?
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<junkrunner> Hi Phoe!
<phoe> junkrunner: helloooo
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<phoe> nij-: (ql:where-is-system :cffi)
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<junkrunner> I came looking for scymtym, but he seems to be afk all the time or maybe I'm just in the wrong timezone to catch him
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<phoe> you can just leave a comment in here, he'll read it when he's able to
<phoe> in the worst case you can leave a memo on minion but it's probably unnecessary, this channel is logged so history can always be read
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<junkrunner> I've sent him a msg though so hopefully he gets that
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<nij-> phoe ok.. but it doesn't seem to mention its version in asd.
<phoe> nij-: what's the pathname?
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<nij-> It's under my local project dir: /Users/nij/.../qlot/local-projects/nyxt/_build/cffi/
<phoe> nij-: you'll need to ask qlot which version of cffi it pulled then
<phoe> oh wait, I can reproduce this error
<phoe> nij-: you need to edit it to (cffi:defctype ssize-t #+cffi-features:x86 :int32 #+cffi-features:x86-64 :int64 #-(or cffi-features:x86 cffi-features:x86-64) (error "Unable to guess ssize-t."))
<phoe> because OR is not a valid CFFI type
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<nij-> ok.. so it's a bug in that lisp system
<nij-> which is pretty old.. so maybe back then it was fine
<phoe> yes, it seems so
<nij-> the problem now, phoe, is that i'm on macbook m2
<nij-> so it's neither x86 32 nor 64
<phoe> you gotta write your own support for that then!
<phoe> most likely it'll be #+(or ...) for you
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<nij-> instead of :int32 :int64
<nij-> what's a good keyword to put there for darwin?
<phoe> no, I think that either of these two keywords is going to stay; you'll want to put a different reader conditional in there I guess
<nij-> :((( OK...
* nij- almost gives up
<nij-> but thanks :D
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<NotThatRPG_away> Anyone know if 5AM test names must be globally unique? It has test suites, but it seems like one can look up a test by name, so maybe test names do have to be unique?
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<nij-> What are FASL files, and how are they produced? They are not mentioned in CLHS.
<phoe> clhs compile-file
<thuna`> nij-: I think they are the equivalent of compiled code for CL
<phoe> "compile-file transforms the contents of the file specified by input-file into implementation-dependent binary data which are placed in the file specified by output-file."
<phoe> FASLs are this implementation-dependent binary data that the CLHS mentions
<thuna`> Does every implementation use FASL?
<phoe> every implementation's FASLs is different
<thuna`> No, I mean the extension
<phoe> and each implementation's version's FASL is allowed to be different too
<phoe> oh, no
<phoe> different implementations can have different extensions
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<nij-> thuna` ah good so depend on different implementations
<nij-> e.g. for sbcl it's assembly?
<nij-> iirc sbcl compiles cl to assembly
<phoe> not really
<thuna`> Well, the contents can be anything, probably.
<phoe> it's still more than assembly because you need tons of metadata to properly use the assembly code for compiled functions
<thuna`> It would probably be conforming for an implementation to just do nothing with compile-file
<phoe> thuna`: actually no, minimal compilation is required
<phoe> but other than that, yeah, nothing else is mandatory
<phoe> clhs
<thuna`> Ah
<thuna`> Sigh. I need to wget the hyperspec again, but it pulls the entire lispworks site
<nij-> phoe - Huh! So I've heard that sbcl compiles CL -> IR1 -> IR2 -> assembly
<nij-> but apparently fasl is in yet another form?
<phoe> nij-: no, fasl is a container format
<phoe> it contains assembly for compiled functions, along with other data
<thuna`> phoe: Thank you, that is a lifesaver
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