it may also return fancy values like :fifo or :special on applicable platforms
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Shinmera: while not properly documented, it is at least listed in the manual in "3.2.4 Operating System Interface Reference", there are other filesystem operators so you may want to skim it for your library
Yeah I found the page, but somehow skimmed over file-kind.
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cool cool
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Bike: if you can think of other fs-interactive bits, let me know
I feel like I've forgotten functions I would have liked in the past.
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hello, does anyone know if there is a way in emacs+slime to show a list of currently defined symbols (functions, special variables, etc.)? sadly, speedbar doesn't seem to work, at least ootb
thanks for the answer, inspect presentations seem quite alright
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i just found out something strange: the following form evaluates to 4 in at least ccl, sbcl and clisp (mapcan #'1+ (list 1 2 3)). why is that so? i realize that using mapcan in this situation does not make much sense, since mapcan is supposed to concatenate the resulting lists via nconc. applying 1+ to each element of this list does not even yield a list in the first place, so why am i getting this behavior and not, say, an error or
at least a warning?
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Looks like a defect to me.
The standard says that (mapcan f list) should behave like (apply #'nconc (mapcar f list)).
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true, that's why it looks strange to me
(apply #'nconc (mapcar #'1+ (list 1 2 3))) sure as hell does not evaluate to 4, i get an error saying "The value 2 is not of the expected type LIST", as i would expect
It's odd that three separate implementations do the same wrong thing though
i fail to see how evaluating to 4 would make sense, and i could not find some kind of exception in the standard saying so
Catie: not so strange if they share code, see MIT loop
but this particular standard function is implementable in literally one line, so it's even weirder
`(nconc 4)` is permitted.
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(nconc 4)
cosmione: That's true, though the SBCL code looks fairly idiosyncratic. I don't have the CCL or CLISP source at the moment, so I couldn't compare
yes, but that's not what it's supposed to do. it's supposed to call (nconc 2 3 4) after the function 1+ was applied to each element in the original list
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again, this particular use of mapcan makes no sense and should never be done regardless, but i'd like a hard error instead of silently returning some value
I'm mistaken, both SBCL and CCL define mapcan in terms of a function map1, which looks suspiciously similar between the two
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And there is no requirement that implementation has to use `(nconc 2 3 4)`, just that whatever it does should be equivalent. It doesn't need to wait the "mapcar" is complete to start the concatenation.
It also looks like in SBCL they accounted for a similar error in mapcon, where (nconc 1 1) would cause an error, but there doesn't appear to be a similar special case for mapcan. CCL doesn't have the special case code at all
yitzi: fair point, but in this particular instance, the behavior definitely doesn't seem to be equivalent
Catie: uh, the rabbit hole is deeper than i thought
cosmione: There's several layers of mystery, each with a discovery more shocking than the last
cosimone: I apologize for spelling your name wrong
ain't that the truth
It is also true that NCONC does not have any exceptional situations listed, so if the arguments are not lists, then the behavior is undefined.
beach: i see, if the behavior is undefined, then getting some mysterious value instead of an error is technically compliant, although not ideal in my opinion
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Hence WSCL.
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i know wscl exists, but i don't know if it says something about this particular use of mapcan
It probably doesn't yet. But it could.
Catie: yikes, you dared spell my name wrong, now i'm outraged
beach: if it doesn't yet, it could be a useful addition
Exactly. It is just a matter of writing an issue on GitHub.
i use mapping functions all the time and i often make mistakes such as passing the wrong function, failing silently is something i definitely do not like
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mapcant - loke mapcan but issueing an error when it can't
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mapcat... attach a telemetry device (apparently called a "telemeter") to a cat and map where it goes
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catmap, like a catnip but accepts a function as an argument
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still-lisp123: Did you PM me or was that someone else
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still-lisp123: As of 4f69721 you can use (for:for ((a = 1 :then 2))). It was previously not possible to do this, as I overlooked the use-case, so you'll need a fresh copy of FOR.
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I guess at least I made improvements to a lot more libraries than I thought I would these holidays.
Shinmera i'm at the start of my way with lisp, for know only learned how to load systems from quicklisp, anyway thank you
should search for the ways how to get systems from github
And do i actually correctly understood that `loop` `iterate` or your `for` is alternative to iterators in another languages, right? So `loop` is limited because you can't add another keywords, but `iterate` and `for` are expandable?
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Note that some implementations *do* allow extending LOOP as well, but as far as I understand nobody does so because it isn't portable.
In my case I wanted something that had a more structured nature than either loop or iterate.
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#+foo (loop on foo implementation) #-foo (loop for other in implementations do (something-normal :with other))
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I'm a big fan of iterate, personally. I'm interested to know what you mean by something that has a more structured nature; sounds intriguing
Well, have a look at FOR linked above. :)
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pjb: trivial-loop? :-)
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Shinmera: That's really neat. I'm an ITERATE lover, but the need for code-walking isn't great. Hard to see code-walking and common lisp as fundamentally consistent.
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Indeed. :)
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