looks cool, that first chart has a changing horizontal scale?
A logarithmic scale, yes.
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How to set slynk-stickers:*break-on-stickers* at startup ?? Using (setf slynk-stickers:*break-on-stickers* (list :after)) in ~/.slynk.lisp only hangs sly starting and I can only abort connection.
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I don't use sly, but I'm guessing it doesn't "hang", but that it drops to the debugger, if you look at the inferior-lisp buffer.. if that's the case, it's likely because the package slynk-stickers is not yet defined, so you should find out a hook where it's there, or a way to load the stickers thing first
Ah, thanks. Yes, maybe defining at hook should work ... searching the hook. Thanks.
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note that if you find a hook, you'll still need something like (set (read-from-string "SLYNK-STICKERS:*BREAK-ON-STICKERS*") ...) because the form may be read at a time when the package is not yet defined
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or you can (load "my-stickers-settings") or something
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I'm trying to determine what I've done wrong with some code that i'm writing, ( https://www.toptal.com/developers/hastebin/famovepuyu.lisp ) in fetch-nvd-for-range , I expected record to get returned to the caller, however it does not. i have tried a number of other ideas (collect keyword in loop, assigning the output of a loop to a local variable
and then having that as the last evaluated option, also using 'return-from' but they seem to return NIL.
if this is the wrong place to ask, please let me know where i should be asking.
line 94 is where i expected that to be returned.
so what do you get when you call fetch-nvd-for-range?
Bike: karlosz said 7 hours, 2 minutes ago: why do we need fdefinition instructions? doesn't clasp have FDEFN objects?
Bike: karlosz said 6 hours, 28 minutes ago: i started reviewing the compiler prototype. you only need to make cells right before you call make closure. its still fairly trivial to do that in a 1 pass compiler by just keeping track of whether the value came from a closure or is local
it returns NIL
I do see the record being printed.
dupe paste in the bin, sorry, but the data is there.
that's fetch-from-nvd returning nil, not fetch-nvd-for-range. fetch-from-nvd is written to always return nil.
how do you know that fetch-nvd-for-range is returning nil?
try tracing it?
oh, i see.
this may take a few
Ungamedplayer: Please don't put closing parentheses by themselves on a line, nor preceded by whitespace.
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I can seehow thats annoying, I'll get to that
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i also feel like those 'lets' look .. a bit weird
other than putting them into a deep function call. tree.
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I prefer doing it with LET*. That way things are assigned names.
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Except in very simple cases, of course.
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Ungamedplayer: There may be a JSON library better suited to your needs then cl-json. JSON libraries that encode JSON object keys as keywords may be a security risk. https://sabracrolleton.github.io/json-review.html
Generally hash tables with string keys are a better match for JSON objects, IMHO.
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ah, i see.. if nvd end up adding new keywords. i got so many more issues.
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yitzi: That page says the problem is that keywords aren't GCed, but I don't see why they shouldn't be, provided they don't have a plist.
That seems like a defect in the CL implementation.
they're interned.
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jcowan: you'd have to unintern them before they can be collected!
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Why shouldn't the implementation silently unintern any no-plist, no-value, no-function symbol that is not referenced? The effect would be undetectable.
How do c structure byte order works?
yitzi: I see that being a much bigger issue with random , less structured data.. thanks for the link
I am reading a driver in C to help me with making a driver for Mezzano!
Ungamedplayer: You are correct. If you don't have control over the JSON schema it could be a DOS attack of some sort.
pjb: please explain further
jcowan: (defun pre () :foobar) (defun post () (unless (find-symbol "FOOBAR" "KEYWORD") (erase-all-disks))) (defun main () (pre) #| ensure no erase |# (unintern :foobar) (post) #| bam! |#)
Ungamedplayer: From my own experience with JSON in network protocols using `assoc` or `getf` isn't really any easier then just `(gethash "fu" bar)` and it avoids any issues with mixed case keys or snake case, camel case, etc.
However, using strings on large repetitive JSON objects chews up a lot of space.
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yitzi: cl-json also does some funny things with the names like adds +ID+ instead of "ID", maybe there is some logic to that, it goes away with the gethash option though.
jcowan: I would argue if strings are space issue then you probably should be using CLOS.
wouldn't it be possible to sort of locally intern strings, so you use the same string throughout the structure
Yes, although if we are processing a file containing many JSON objects, that doesn't help.
In construction of JSON that would be easy. Parsing would take a bit of work.
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yitzi: What is the benefit of using CLOS? You are doing your own interning.
jcowan: I just mean representing JSON objects as object instances. Doing so would require that you know the schema associated with the JSON data.
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Oh. I thought you were talking about creating a CLOS hierarchy with top-level class json-value and subclasses json-object, json-array, json-string, etc. etc.
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Oh, gosh no.
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that way you can exploit weak hash tables if you have them
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