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<pjb> ksp: (let ((*print-base* 4)) (format nil "~A" 42)) #| --> "222" |# (format nil "~4R" 42) #| --> "222" |#
<pjb> ksp: but note: (let ((*print-base* 4)) (format nil "~D" 42)) #| --> "42" |#
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<nij-> Hello! Does optimizing compilation-speed to 0 make the object code safer?
<hayley> In theory, no. In practise, probably not.
<White_Flame> it doesn't authorize a high compilation-speed setting to reduce safety
<nij-> It doesn't seem very well-specified what each optimization quality actually means..
<nij-> in CLHS.
<White_Flame> they're basically hints
<nij-> There must be some draw backs to set compilation-speed higher.. what is it?
<White_Flame> generally less time spent trying to find optimizations
<White_Flame> you could get faster execution by sacrificing compilation speed
<White_Flame> s/could/might/ to be extra clear
<nij-> Oh, got it. But it's not so well-specified how each optimization level behaves, right?
<nij-> It's up to the implementations.
<White_Flame> correct, and it shouldn't be well-specified, because safety/speed/debug/etc techniques of compilers will change over time and it'd be dumb to lock those settings in to whatever happens to be known at the time of writing
<nij-> oh! that's why. thanks :)
<beach> Does the standard require a conforming implementation to document what they mean, though?
<beach> clhs
<specbot> Documentation of Implementation-Dependent Features: http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/01_eab.htm
<beach> I guess not.
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<nij-> Oh there's a difference between implementation-defined and implementation-dependent.
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<pve> Hi, (a b c &optional) is a legal ordinary lambda list, right? (i mean with nothing following the &optional keyword)
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<pjb> let's see…
<pjb> pve: yes, it seems it is legal: [&optional {var | (var [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}*]
<pve> pjb: thank you
<pjb> (parse-lambda-list '(a b c &optional) :ordinary) #| --> #<ordinary-lambda-list #x30200267E9ED> |#
<pjb> (a b c &optional &key &aux) also is valid.
<pjb> (but not &rest)
<pve> right
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<jcowan> I have a naming problem. Suppose we have a set s = {1,2,3} where the equality predicate is =. Then there are two operations for adjoining the element 1.0 to s: one returns {1,2,3} and the other returns {1.0,2,3}. The first is set-adjoin, but what should the other be called?
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<pjb> jcowan: it doesn't matter since the elements are = the sets are equal too!
<jcowan> Yes. but it still matters because when you examine the set elements one by one you'll be able to differentiate between 1 and 1.0 using EQL.
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<pjb> (alexandria:set-equal '(1 2 3) '(1.0 2 3) :test '=) #| --> t |#
<pjb> jcowan: then you don't want to work with = sets. You want to work with EQL sets.
<pjb> and perhaps the first operation is (set-replace '(1 2 3) 1 1.0)
<pjb> jcowan: you could just use a prime: (set-adjoin* …) vs. (set-adjoin …)
<pjb> jcowan: but semantically, it's really a replace.
<jcowan> good point
<pjb> jcowan: assume you use (set-adjoin p s :test '= :key 'person-age) vs. (set-replace p s :test '= :key 'person-age)
<jcowan> I don't see any need for an "old" argument, though: (set-replace '(1 2 3) 1.0 #'=) is unambiguous.
<jcowan> btw, why '= instead of #'=?
<pjb> jcowan: just shortcut in the REPL and irc channels. It would be (function =) in source files, of course.
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<jcowan> ah, yes, I always forget that a symbol is a function designator if it has a function definition.
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<jcowan> It's a little funky that (set-replace '(1 2 3) 4) => (1 2 3 4), but there is no other natural meaning.
<pjb> (set-replace old new set) = (union (set-difference set (set old)) (set new))
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<jcowan> yes, but that's not the function I want to implement: I want to implement "adjoin e to s, if e in s already, e prevails."
<jcowan> (as opposed to set-adjoin which returns s iff s in e)
<jcowan> it's the non-standard SQL UPSERT operator.
<pjb> set-upsert then?
<jcowan> set-adjoin/replace might be clearer
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<pve> Predicates often have the suffix "-p", but is there a naming convention for functions that return predicates? For instance:
<pve> (defun make-car-predicate (object) (lambda (cons) (eql (car cons) object)))
<pve> I would like to have a better name than make-car-predicate
<pve> not that there's anything wrong with it, but it seems like something that might have an established convention..
<pjb> nope, make-car-predicate is ok.
<pve> pjb: ok, thanks
<pve> i was thinking of using the suffix "-hop" to indicate that it's a "higher-order" predicate
<pjb> if you want.
<_death> I believe that's a curried version of an operator historically called CARIS.. maybe I'd name it similarly
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<pve> _death: that's cool to know, never heard of "caris"
<_death> I know PG used it.. but can't find a reference for it in Lisp manuals atm
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<pve> i don't suppose there's a convention for naming curried versions of functions in general, is there?
<_death> well, I think PAIP, maybe others, used names like EQUALS-TO
<_death> there's no convention, what sounds good
<pve> ok great, thanks
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<verisimilitude> Why not MAKE-CARP or, to generalize, MAKE-FUNCTIONP?
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<hayley> (test bla :test #'eql :key #'car)
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<gin> (defvar *a* (list :a "apple" :b "ball")) - How can I add a new key value like :c "cat" to this plist *a*?
<gin> (setf (getf *a* :c) "cat") seems to work
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<White_Flame> gin: yes, that's the appropriate p-list api way of doing it
<White_Flame> if there already was a :c in there, it would have replaced the old value
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