jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/> | News: ELS'22 this Monday (2022-03-21), see https://european-lisp-symposium.org
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<hashfunc106d> dbotton: so i managed to get `boot.js` to load. but now the browser if giving me the error: "WebSocket connection to 'wss://<my-domain>.app/clog' failed: boot.js:99"
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<hashfunc106d> (there seems to be needed slashes after 8080 for `ProxyPass /` and `ProxyPass /` in the apache config file)
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<manykwh> *** - EVAL: undefined function CADDDDR
<manykwh> :(
<manykwh> one of those days
<ogamita> (defun caddddr (x) (caddr (cddr x)))
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<beach> manykwh: You can use first, second, ..., ninth, tenths instead.
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<Shinmera> Why not just use nth
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<AadVersteden[m]> Depending on the way the code is written, (third thingy) can look more natural to read than (nth 3 thingy)
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<aeth> or, if you're parsing elaborate lists to the point where you want to use an elaborate and unreadable mixture of cxr, you can always just use DESTRUCTURING-BIND instead
<aeth> so, there you go, we now have 3 alternatives
<beach> I'll add, then, that a list may not be the best representation if you want the fifth element. An instance of a standard class might be better.
<contrapunctus> aeth: ...or pattern matching, e.g. `trivia:let-match`
<aeth> or an array if you need random access to the nth element a lot (basic data structures 101 stuff)
<aeth> or iirc pjb usually recommends a named accessor that describes what exactly is there at that position in the list/tree
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<pjb> it's a little what destructuring-bind does. But if you need it in several places, you can wrap destructured-bind in a macro to generate the same, or use the functional abstractions.
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<scymtym> jackdaniel: you probably are aware, but just to be sure: the McCLIM already contains an ad-hoc parser for the specification (or TeX to HTML converter to be precise) in Tools/clim-doc-convert.lisp
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<jackdaniel> scymtym: thanks; I was not aware of that - perhaps I will switch to this and make it produce instances to not dump another tool duplicating the work
<jackdaniel> here's how it looks right now btw: http://turtleware.eu/static/paste/32802238-examiner-v2.webm
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<scymtym> jackdaniel: great. good thing i pointed it out then (as a surprise to no one: written by gilberth)
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<jackdaniel> either way I had my fun with parsing tex :)
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<jackdaniel> indeed that solution seems to be focused on html a lot
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<Shinmera> Another Kickstarter update: we've reached the third stretch goal, so the game will be open-sourced. The next goal is to port it to the Nintendo Switch, though we only have 48 hours left to get that in. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/shinmera/kandria/posts/3555021
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<contrapunctus> Shinmera: a response and a question - https://paste.rs/8SQ
<Shinmera> I am not fine with homebrew. The problem with porting to the switch is JIT, which is not a problem for something like Taisei (which seems to be an SDL2/C game?)
<Shinmera> Open sourcing means the same thing as for all my projects: I respond to PRs and issues, and work on it as long as I feel like.
<Shinmera> Also who wrote this? I assume it isn't you
<contrapunctus> Shinmera: somebody I know who's a Switch and game dev enthusiast.
<Shinmera> Ok
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<nij-> Sometimes a bug goes away after I clear ~/.cache/commonlisp. I just use it without thinking as a mean.. but I never understand why it would work. Could someone tell me?
<jackdaniel> consider that the system "foo" depends on "bar"
<jackdaniel> when "bar" changes, then "foo" needs to be recompiled
<jackdaniel> if that dependency is not reflected in the system definition, then changing "bar" won't lead to recompilation of "foo"
<jackdaniel> but if you remove the cache, then foo will need to be recompiled anew anyway (along with all direct and indirect dependencies)
<jackdaniel> so that may be your answer - some dependency is not declared
<nij-> That makes sense :) Thanks. How to declare a dependency then?
<jackdaniel> put it in the system definition (see asdf manual to learn how)
<nij-> Oh, instead of just (ql:quickload :bar)?
<jackdaniel> I don't understand
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<nij-> How is it possible implicitly depend on a system without adding it into the system definition?
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<hexology> as a transitive dependency?
<nij-> I dunno. From jackdaniel's answer, it seems that theres a way to to have an undeclared dependency.
<nij-> I wonder what's an example of that. And I will try to avoid that in the future.
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<White_Flame> the biggest issue I"ve hit with needing to clear fasls is that you have an unexpected dependency on a compile-time side effect
<Bike> you can have S1 depend on S2 but not have this be in S1's definition, but you don't notice because you always happen to load S2 before S1
<Bike> for example because they are both dependencies of an S3 which is what you actually load
<Bike> presto, hidden dependency
<nij-> Bike Yeah that's where I'm confused. How is it possible that S1 depends on S2, but S2 is not declared in the system definition of S1?
<beach> nij-: You use some functionality provided by S2 in S1
<Bike> like, for example, S1 uses a function that S2 defines
<White_Flame> simple example, you use some alexandria functions without declaring an import, but it's already there because some of your libs or other utilities already pulled it in
<White_Flame> erm, without declaring a dependency
<nij-> I see.
<nij-> I see. So a lesson here is that we should always declare dependencies, right?
<White_Flame> yes
<White_Flame> however, it could also be the other thing I mentioned: compile-time side effects
<White_Flame> let's say you (defvar *foo* nil), and then the bodies of your macros set something into *foo*
<White_Flame> if you reload the fasl, you will not receive that side effect and *foo* will still be nil
<White_Flame> whereas if you recompile the code, that compile-time side effect will run and *foo* will have some value
<White_Flame> by clearing the fasl, you force the recompile to happen and thus for that code to leave some effect around that you might be relying on
<nij-> Hmm.. I see. How to prevent this from happening? It seems quite tricky.
<White_Flame> don't perform side effects in a macro
<White_Flame> oh, and don't perform side effects in #. either, it'll hit the same problem of not being represented in fasls
<White_Flame> these things should only generate source code, and the execution of that source code should perform the side effects
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<nij-> got it
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<AadVersteden[m]> Why not? Why boring? Live a bit on the wild side. It's time to unleash the real potential of unpredictable code. We all know phisics go far maximum entropy and our code should too. Embrace the new new. Let's macro-expand-1 and update our database like it's 2022.
<jackdaniel> blue is the new red, let's stick to that
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<AadVersteden[m]> (set-macro-character #\~ (lambda (stream char) (read stream t nil t) (unless (boundp '*r*) (setq *r* '#1=(red blue . #1#))) `(quote ,(pop *r*)))) ~red ~red ~red ~r ~red ~r
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<AadVersteden[m]> That's enough anger for one day. Sorry.
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<hashfuncded> dbotton: are you specifying a document root anywhere in any apache config files? (https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/core.html#documentroot)
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<dbotton> apache is only used as a proxy, so no. My entire config for say the clogpower.com site is the example in webserver.md
<dbotton> As I mentioned, first for foremost make sure your app works just based on IP:8080 or whatever port you use.
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<hashfuncded> dbotton: ok, i got the clogpower.com sample website working and properly serving over my domain name. just gotta figure out what in the world i'm doing wrong/missing with my own custom site
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<hashfuncded> just to document this: it's working in full (or so it seems), but i'm getting "Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'send' on 'WebSocket': Still in CONNECTING state.", "WebSocket connection to 'wss://<my-domain>.app/clog?r=100' failed:", and "WebSocket is already in CLOSING or CLOSED state." errors. but again, the site is still working
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<hashfuncded> dbotton: last question for the time being; i'm not understanding the clog portion of the request for `wss://<my-domain>.app/clog?r=100`. why is this so? I would understand a `wss://<my-domain>.app/index.html` request, but i don't understand the clog portion
<dbotton> the websocket url is /clog
<dbotton> you will never see a ws:// or a wss:// on an html file
<hashfuncded> man i don't understand how that all works. putting together Apache+WebSockets+SBCL+CLOG is incredibly hard for me to wrap my head around. and i have alot of time to spend on these things
<dbotton> I think you are making a mistake to try to at an early stage, is like trying to understand the X protocol when trying to understand had to program gtk
<hashfuncded> yes, i suppose
<hashfuncded> i'll keep trucking along
<dbotton> it is actually very easy to set up and I think you over thank it
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<dbotton> better to not have touched apache at all till ready for it, you can run your side IP:PORT first with no setup at all
<hashfuncded> i think i've got the apache understanding down. just have to tackle the rest of it all
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<dbotton> also feel free to open tickets or discuss in the github I respond very quickly there also
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<hashfuncded> ok, will do. it'll be easier to document/refer to past discussions on there too
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<seok-> Any options for blake3 implementation? Doesn't seem to be available on ironclad
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