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Hello everyone. Question. What is a good lisp library for generating hash ids? Strings of the form xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx. Tried to search google for something like sha256 library. Don't seem to be searching for the right thing.
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Those look a bit like UUIDs, though UUIDs aren't "hashes" like SHA-256 generates a hash.
Thanks hayley. Tired old brain was looking for the right word:)
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I have this: `(format t "~{~a $~a ~}~%" '(-a -a -b -b -c -c))`. Is there a way to simplify it so I can reuse the list element?
`(format t "~{~a $<SOMETHING>~a ~}~%" '(-a -b -c))`
I thought there was a format control that lets me backup and reuse the last list element.
For crying out loud - I can't find it.
Does some kind soul know what it is off the top of their head?
Or if it doesn't exist and I can stop looking.
drmeister: I need to check in the CLHS but it might be `~1`/`~2`
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Oh, no
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Thanks for responding. I could also use this; `(format t "~:{~a $~a ~}~%" '((-a -a) (-b -b) (-c -c)))` - it's easier to generate a list of two element lists with mapcar.
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I think I see - if the argument is true then it isn't consumed.
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Morning. Is there a limit on the size of the case statement in CL? I have a case where macros generate relatively large statements (hundreds of cases) and SBCL chokes.
TimoT: theorically, none. In practice, the compiler will probably have a hard time if it has to generate a code vector bigger than array-total-size-limit or the available memory.
In this case SBCL runs out of the control stack at 200+ statements, which seems low to me.
I ran into this while converting some Vulkan headers to sb-alien and Vulkan uses enums to get more type safety over define constants. For example, the structure type tag is an enum and there are a few hundred structs in Vulkan at present.
Good Morning COOOOO people :sunglasses:
Digging into the SBCL source it seems that enums are implemented as either a plist or simple vector, but conversion from an enum tag is a large ecase.
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Unless the compiler can actually optimize the ecase expression lookup, it's going to be slow as well. Perhaps for large enums a hash table or some tree lookup would be more appropriate.
Or a binary search over an array if the keys can be ordered in that manner.
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TimoT: Did you check the SBCL documentation to see whether it is possible to increase the stack size when you start the SBCL process?
TimoT: Also, we don't use the term "statement" for that purpose. We usually refer to them as "form"s. There are only a few places in the standard where a form is considered a "statement". One is in a TAGBODY, but I forget the others.
Yes it is possible. It seems weird to me though that the standard stack size would not be able to compile a case of 256.
I am not terribly surprised.
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It seems though that the case lookup is optimized using symbol hashes (code/macros.lisp).
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You know, probably something that should be discussed in #sbcl instead.
Sure. I filed a bug report as well.
There used to be a lot more SBCL chatter on #lisp during freenode times, iirc.
There's still chatter about it here, but you're more likely to stir up useful discussion in the right channel, since maintainers don't read all of this channel.
TimoT: The CASE operator in Common Lisp is restricted so that keys are not evaluated, and so that the comparison can be EQ or EQL. This restrictions allows the compiler to optimize it in various ways.
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beach: Yes. I'm now reading the SBCL implementation, which as mentioned appears to use sxhash to split the keys into buckets, but there are various special cases. It's a bit hairy.
Right. Since all the keys are available at compile time, it is possible to do perfect hashing and things like that.
TimoT: but do you really need a CASE there? code is generated both for the dispatch and the body forms.. but if there are hundreds of clauses, the forms in each clause are probably similar, may not need to be duplicated
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_death: No, a case is not necessary. It's just that a straightforward conversion of C enum -> sb:alien enum hits this problem. I was thinking of hacking the translator to produce some alternative solution (not sb-alien:enum) to avoid being stuck here. It's a hobby project.
I have a very old (10 years give or take) piece of code that used to go from gcc-xml to sb-alien, I just quickly updated it to use cast-xml. I guess nowadays using clang directly would be the way to go for these.
TimoT: as a macro writer you need to think about generated code size.. with CASE there's also the issue of a potentially linear scan.. wouldn't a simple function that performs the dispatch like (funcall (get-associated-function x)) work?
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_death: The macro in question here is actually from SBCL's sb-alien implementation, so how SBCL implements code for C style enums.
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I see.. my comment still applies though :)
Does cffi:defcenum hit the same issue?
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Shinmera: At a quick glance it seems to use hash tables, so no.
Right, I thought so.
cl-opengl definitely has enums that have that many or more keys and that works fine.
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Shinmera: There's also some sort of vulkan binding in cl-vulkan. I don't know how up to date it is though. Doesn't matter that much for this use case as I'm mostly interested in embedding some compute stuff in CL.
|3b| is probably the best person to talk to about this kinda stuff :)
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beach: Yes, I saw your answer, sorry for the ñ
sorry for the late reply*
I was going to answer with more questions about your answer, but I was ln a solved the root problem, so there was no need to answer the question I asked.
ln a× -> I was in a rush
Do you use some kind of OCR?
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rdrg109_: Got it.
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